stansmrs Member


  • UK but based in Germany as hubby is serving in the british army :happy: find MFP has loads of german branded foods too so happy me xx
    in US v UK Comment by stansmrs August 2012
  • mines open too :O) feel free to add me :happy:
  • i use just dance 1 and 2, just bought 3 which is fab xx
  • yes that def could be it, i did the same the other month and took a packet back to back, i waited until id finished that packet and had a period before i weighed myself x
  • did u ever buy these and try them, i heard mixed reviews x
  • im a 40 e and get all my bras inc sports bras from elomi they are amazing, holding your boobs in place, and pretty for once, the sports bra is the best ive used. they ahve a website or available at, littlewoods ect x
  • i have 3, a celtic design butterfly on my lower back, stars henna style on my foot and a yellow rememberance ribbon with a hallo on my wrist, this is the most important one for me, i had to it remember my dear friend sgt mike lockett mc who died in action in afgan sept 2009, since he passed a few of the men from my…
  • i have a 1 yr old old dog called, doug and hes a pug, love my boy x
    in Pets Comment by stansmrs July 2011
  • i have tried every cream going and didnt get very far, my best results came from drinking loads of water and using palmers coco butter to keep my skin moisturised. Ive had 2 kids and 30 so have saggy skin , ive gone down 2 dress sizes through now a 18/20 and a 42 e i have noticed a huge difference using a power…
  • thank u, its a dvd i do at home as im an army wife in germany its called moky fit. A friend told me about it its fab thanks everyone x
    in zumba Comment by stansmrs July 2011