Just Dance



  • lalaloserpants
    lalaloserpants Posts: 32 Member
    My sister and I LOVE it it's really fun. AND you get a good sweat out of it plus we're usually laughing at one another and the lame moves so that makes it even more fun xD
  • me!!! i have JUST DANCE 3 on my Xbox 360 =) I love that game =)

  • I've just joined this from my Dad's recommendation & will be doing the 20 minute beginners Zumba for the Wii. I also have Just dance too & Get up & dance (as you can probably tell.....I like dancing!!!! lol), so going to start tomorrow properly & see what difference it makes :0)
  • Yes, I love doing that! It's a great workout but fun! I recently bought Zumba too...that's a great one!
  • LadyZNW
    LadyZNW Posts: 48 Member
    I do all of the just Dances I also do the Zumba's for the Wii. I LOVE those games!!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,170 Member
    i love just dance!! the only part of it that i've ever been on is just sweat mode
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    GOOD QUESTION by the way i was thinking about geting one of the just dance's but was not sure as i bought the wii zumba and it's pooh! lol :grumble:
  • LadyZNW
    LadyZNW Posts: 48 Member
    GOOD QUESTION by the way i was thinking about geting one of the just dance's but was not sure as i bought the wii zumba and it's pooh! lol :grumble:

    Try Zumba 2 The first Zumba game i dont think was made for people who dont typically go to the classes it's a little harder to get in to. My 12 year old daughter wont even play it. I bought Zumba 2 when it came out its eaiser to understand and must be a better game my daughter loves it. I don't like Zumba the first one as much as i like Zumba 2
  • stansmrs
    stansmrs Posts: 13 Member
    i use just dance 1 and 2, just bought 3 which is fab xx
  • I LOVE Just Dance 3! During the Winter months when I can't walk outside it is a great, fun workout. I go at least an hour and look like I have just stepped out of a sauna. What a great sweat workout! I log it under "dance, twist, modern" and MFP gives me 390 calories burnt, which seems pretty low to me since I sweat more then walking on the treadmill for an hour and get alot more calories burnt. What does everyone else log their Just Dance workout under??
    Whatever the total calories burnt is.....It is a great sweat workout!
  • SinCity2003
    SinCity2003 Posts: 163 Member
    We have JD1, 2 and 3 and last night I bought The Black Eyed Peas Experience (it's on sale at Toys R Us and Amazon right now for $24.99, which is an awesome price). I also ordered Zumba and it should be here Tuesday.
    My 7 year old loves when I do JD because he gets to participate and also, it's gotten my 15 year old stepson more active than he's ever been.
    I'm also curious how they get logged, especially the BEP Experience.
  • I LOVE Just Dance 3! During the Winter months when I can't walk outside it is a great, fun workout. I go at least an hour and look like I have just stepped out of a sauna. What a great sweat workout! I log it under "dance, twist, modern" and MFP gives me 390 calories burnt, which seems pretty low to me since I sweat more then walking on the treadmill for an hour and get alot more calories burnt. What does everyone else log their Just Dance workout under??
    Whatever the total calories burnt is.....It is a great sweat workout!

    If you work out in the sweat points mode it is easier to figure out the calories. It is 1 calorie per 10 sweat points. So if you burn 4000 sweat points, that is 400 calories =) hope this helps
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    We got a Wii this last Christmas. My Daughter loves Dance Dance revolution and so we got it for our family. It inspired me to get off my butt. When I first started I couldnt go more then 15 minutes, but I am up to 45 minutes in workout mode and now I am following in by Zumba Fitness. I love knowing that I am getting a workout all while I am having a blast with my children!

    I LOVE DDR! I have all the DDR games for PS2 but do they have it for Wii? And completely agree it's the best getting a workout and spending quality fun time with the kiddos <3
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    Yes! We are a 'Wii' family! lol We all enjoy it so much, that our library has grown from JD2, to JD3, JD Summer, and ABBA experience. I still want to get the Black Eyed Peas one too! lol

    It really is a great way to exercise....it's so fun! It's convenient too cause we're indoors from the snow n' cold, plus it's family time.

    It's too bad we can't share video on here...we could show off our moves, challenge each other etc (for fun of course :wink: :happy: )

    To quote Lmfao....."Everday I'm Shufflin"



    LOL love it! I use it the most and hold the high scores on almost all the songs, I'm an extremely competative person and so wish would link up scores and stuff on here it would be fun to play with others and compete, of course for fun :p, it motivates me :)
  • I love Just Dance!! We have 2, 3, and ABBA. They're all a good time.
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    I LOVE Just Dance 3 as a workout. I've been doing it every morning since Jan 1st. for about an hour every morning and I lose about 1050-1300 calories just dancing. And in 3 weeks i've lost 10 lbs. So im pretty excited about that! My 8yr old son was the one who wonted it for Christmas and now I use it more than him! LOL....

    Yeah I use JD2 for my morning sweat, to get my heart rate up before I do my abs, it's been fun! We got it for my daughters for xmas and I too use it most lol
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    Anyone incorporating Just Dance into thier daily workouts? I have a Wii and have been doing the "Just Sweat" to get my heartrate up before I do my morning Abs. Any fellow dancers out there? :happy:
    I enjoy dance a few times a week for an hour at a time.
    In my mind I look like Justine Timberlake - I'd hate to ever see a video of me dancing though.

    The one things nobody can say is that I am not getting a great workout!

    And for me that's enough.

    LOL Agreed! I feel like I got them moves like jagger...and don't care to be proven wrong
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    I have a life-long aversion to exercise. Life long. We got the kids Just Dance 3 for Christmas, and I have to say, it is the most fun I've ever had exercising. Just Dance 3 has a workout thingy, which you can set up for a week at a time, and choose between the equivalent of walking, running, or swimming for 30 minutes a day. SO. MUCH. FUN. I love it, and walk away dripping sweat and jelly legs, and can't wait to do it again. I'm glad I'm not the only one that uses it for exercise.

    Wish we could all link up to challenge one another
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    I've just joined this from my Dad's recommendation & will be doing the 20 minute beginners Zumba for the Wii. I also have Just dance too & Get up & dance (as you can probably tell.....I like dancing!!!! lol), so going to start tomorrow properly & see what difference it makes :0)

    YAY I think you'll love it, let us know :D
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    I LOVE Just Dance 3! During the Winter months when I can't walk outside it is a great, fun workout. I go at least an hour and look like I have just stepped out of a sauna. What a great sweat workout! I log it under "dance, twist, modern" and MFP gives me 390 calories burnt, which seems pretty low to me since I sweat more then walking on the treadmill for an hour and get alot more calories burnt. What does everyone else log their Just Dance workout under??
    Whatever the total calories burnt is.....It is a great sweat workout!

    Yeah that's where I log mine too, but I agree, I sweat as much as when I'm fast walking uphill on the treadmill :-|