

  • High School Musical 1! Woooo I have 6lbs to lose in total! Xoxo
  • I'm 5'5" but I'm of a naturally small frame... My starting W was 121lbs, at which I didn't look or feel comfortable in my clothes :( my GW is between 113 and 115lbs, which would put my bmi at 18.8, therefore still healthy!! I haven't got any pictures, but I'm currently doing the 30 day shred (and sticking to my calorie…
  • 5ft5", going from 121lbs to 113lbs!! I'm all about healthy methods, I think it'll feel good to know I've earned the progress and the results I get!!! Feel free to add me!! I LOVE keeping people motivated and positive.... We are all capable of anything :) xXx
  • Thank you!! I think I made myself sound like a bit of a hermit in my original post... I will be engaging in some proper holiday fun as well as watching TV LOL :) :) Have a good day, keep motivated!!
  • Hi fellow Shredders! Wow, thank you for all the responses! You're all extremely helpful and kind :) I think doing the Shred in the morning is a nice idea, in a "start as you mean to go on" kind of way! As I have read, there are more inches lost usually than weight (though some weight may shift around the 10 day mark),…
  • Thank you!! How genius is this app!? So I do the exercise I want, input it, and it will change my goal calories (increase), because it already includes the deficit I need to lose weight without exercise. I think that is correct? If so, YAHOOOO! :)
  • THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP! I have used the tools provided to calculate my BMR, which has come out as 1327. I have also reset my profile's weight loss goals to 0.5lbs per week, giving me a net calorie goal of 1540. With the little knowledge I have, I'm assuming this is more realistic!! If I was to eat my 1540 calories,…
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