Need clarification!

hello all!

Just wanted to clarify the "healthiness" of my routine.
I am aiming to lose 0.5lbs a week (which is what MFP is set at) to get from 121lbs to 113lbs. This provides me with a calorie goal of 1410 calories per day. I always aim to eat 1200+, usually ending up around the 1380 mark. I find it very hard to eat up to my goal, but I NEVER leave myself hungry/starving! The only exercise I'm doing is the 30 Day Shred which I began yesterday, and general walking around the house - no other cardio or strength training!
I have gone from 121lbs to 120.2lbs.

Any suggestions as to the healthiness of my routine? Should I continue this, or should I add any other fitness/exercise/calories!?
I need to highlight that I literally watch TV or sit around all day... I'm on school holidays!!!

Thank you all, stay positive!!! X


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    It sounds like you are on a good track. My only suggestion is since you are on summer break, to find another hobby so you don't stay so sedenary.
  • lmxoxo
    lmxoxo Posts: 14
    Thank you!! I think I made myself sound like a bit of a hermit in my original post... I will be engaging in some proper holiday fun as well as watching TV LOL :):)
    Have a good day, keep motivated!!