30 Day Shred!!!

Hi all!!
I just did the first day of the first level of the JM 30DS. WOW is all I can say!! Something tells me the next 29 days aren't gonna be pretty :P
Just a few Q's regarding it...
1) is there any particular time I should do it - i.e. morning?

2) Also, I am of course using MFP. I'm trying to get from 121lbs to 113lbs (healthy for my height at 5'5" and age of 18) - therefore my weight loss goal is 0.5lbs a week, and my calorie goal per day (being sedentary) is 1410 cals. Is this amount of calories sufficient considering the intensity of the 30DS?

3) Last question - Do any other fellow Shredders do other workouts? e.g. any extra cardio alongside the Shred?

I'm all about HEALTHY weight loss, so I don't want to go overboard!
Thank you in advance!!
Stay motivated :)


  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    I started the 30 Day Shred last month and am on Level 2. I do it every day in addition to other workouts. On M,W,F I do a weight training workout in the morning so I've been only using 2 pound weights on the Shred workouts, to avoid injury. It's still killer. The other days of the week, I do cardio. Because the Shred workouts are shorter, I like to do them in the afternoons because it's easier for me to fit it in. My longer workouts are first thing in the morning. Good luck to you!
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    my first piece of advice for you is take your measurements now at the beginning. I'm fixin to move to level 2 and have'nt really lost any weight, but I've lost an inch off almost all my measurements. I measured everything when I started neck, bicep, bust, waist, hip and thighs cause most people I saw talk about it didn't loose much weight, but lost plenty of inches.
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    I do it in the morning, just to get the day started of right. I usually eat back about have of my excercise cals back. You want to net 1410 cals if that is your goal. I also do the couch 2 5k 3 days a week in the evening. It works for my schedule. Just do what works for you.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    I finished 30DS--I also did extra cardio and more wt lifting--as I progressed and got stronger--she is tough at first and as you get better you can increase your weights and go deeper in your squats/lunges. Good Luck!!!
  • texasladysv
    texasladysv Posts: 103 Member
  • gothicprophet
    1) is there any particular time I should do it - i.e. morning?

    I do my 30DS in the morning, this way I haven't been dragged around all day and left with no energy to do it and give it my all.
    2) Also, I am of course using MFP. I'm trying to get from 121lbs to 113lbs (healthy for my height at 5'5" and age of 18) - therefore my weight loss goal is 0.5lbs a week, and my calorie goal per day (being sedentary) is 1410 cals. Is this amount of calories sufficient considering the intensity of the 30DS?

    Depends on how you log 30DS, I put it in as "Circuit training, general" for 20 minutes and I just use MFP's calorie calculation since I don't have an HRM.
    3) Last question - Do any other fellow Shredders do other workouts? e.g. any extra cardio alongside the Shred?

    I'm doing a couple of other workouts while doing the 30DS. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I'm working on C25K, and Monday, Wednesday and Fridays I'm working on the 100 Push Up Challenge. I also toss some additional abdominal work on pretty much a daily basis.

    My 30DS adventure started yesterday and I can tell you, Day 2 isn't really any better and from comments I've seen around these forums it doesn't really start to get better until day 4-5. Just dig deep and get yourself through it!

    Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like!
  • Tayla08
    Tayla08 Posts: 94
    I get up at 5am before work and do the 30DS, and then I do Couch to 5k every other day in the evenings after work when it cools down outside. I don't think it matters what time of day that you do it, just that you do it. Whatever fits best into your schedule. I have two kids under 3, so my time is limited, which is why I get up before they are and do it. My Calorie goal per day is 1220, every one is different. I did the 30DS before I had my last baby and it does work pretty well, I walked/ran besides that, but lost a total of 40 pounds before getting pregnant again. Keep it up!
  • lmxoxo
    lmxoxo Posts: 14
    Hi fellow Shredders! Wow, thank you for all the responses! You're all extremely helpful and kind :)
    I think doing the Shred in the morning is a nice idea, in a "start as you mean to go on" kind of way!
    As I have read, there are more inches lost usually than weight (though some weight may shift around the 10 day mark), which is fine by me! I think that any healthy adaptations I can make to my body will be great for my confidence - a mind frame I hope to stick to if I weigh myself soon and see no weight loss!

    And I shall definitely get onto taking my current measurements, so I can track my progress :)

    Thank you all so much for your advice, PLEASE stay motivated, keep going, and we will all achieve the results we wish for!!!