

  • I finally did wean off of pristiq officially in July/Aug and I have started losing as of last month without working out. I have lost about 11lbs now. However I am struggling badly with anxiety now and trying to figure out what to do with it. Im going to try herbal and vitamin supplements first and see what works. I do not…
  • Great job!! Thank you for the inspiration. I also work out about 5 days a week for an avg of 40 min. and have not lost 1 lb! I have been wanting to give up but this makes me want to give that dvd a try again. I've owned it forever but only worked out with it a few times, never followed the schedule. Keep it up! Can't wait…
  • Nature's Own Whole Wheat. It's 50 calories per slice and no High Fructose
  • Not only this^^ but how many of you also look back at old photos where you used to think you were so fat and think, "why did I think I was fat then?? Look at me now! I'm 20lbs heavier now!" I've done that. Weight is the devil! and I think it's best friend is the camera!! lol
  • Good for you for quitting smoking!!! A lot of people won't because of the potential weight gain, but you are proof that you can make that go away! Keep it up, I can see a difference already!
  • You look amazing! :-)
  • You look great!!!! PS. is that an olive branch tattoo on your ankle? I love it.
  • That is an unbelievable transformation!!! Way to go!!!! I'm so jealous! My legs are similar to your before and I cannot figure out the best way to slim my legs and abs. (I don't have a gym membership-but I do have Turbofire and P90X). How many calories are you eating per day?
  • Great job! you both look amazing and so much younger!
  • You ARE a success story! Your story is inspiring. Please keep up the great work, you should be VERY proud of yourself! You look great now, much better than you did at 114lbs. It's always more of a success to be healthy! Great job girl!:flowerforyou:
  • Just wondering if you finished the dvd?? (KB&T) I just started L2 yesterday and wow, I am SORE today! My legs and butt are my biggest problem area. I've tried finding more success stories on here but haven't seen a lot. Just wondering if you finished it and what your results were..
  • Wow, amazing! You look great!!!! I have turbo fire but only did it a few days and got a stomach bug. Was going to go back but picked up Jillian's Killer Buns and Thighs instead. You just inspired me to keep Turbo Fire on a definite to do list when I'm done with Jillian! :flowerforyou:
  • Huge difference! Plus it looks like your overall body shape is changing! Great job-keep it up! :smile:
  • I think it's a big change! WTG! You should be really proud of yourself. That's a lot in just a couple months. :flowerforyou:
  • You are a very pretty girl and should be proud of yourself! I can see a huge difference. (and I agree, you do kinda look like Amy Adams!) I love the color of your hair.
  • Wow! great job!!! You look great.:smile:
  • have you tried to do some strength training with resistance bands? Just a thought. I know you workout a lot but sometimes I've heard your body adjusts really quickly and I know people who've had luck with resistance bands. (putting them in the door frame and around their ankle to work thighs, etc.)
  • This^^ and you look more defined and toned overall. I don't think you need to lose any more weight, personally, but you do look more toned in the recent pic. Maybe up your calories a little more? You work out A LOT! :wink:
  • To the person who stated something about how ridiculous you will look when you are old and wrinkly with a tattoo...Well, I hate to break it to you but when you are old and wrinkly, NOTHING may look as good as it did, with or without a tattoo! Who the hell cares! I would like to think that if I'm that old person in the…
  • Good for you for making the change. It does sneak up on you but many people never make the first step. It's awesome that your husband and son got involved too. Thanks for sharing your story, I enjoyed reading it. (loved the part of you telling him to step out of the way, your soap was on. lol)
  • Wow! And that's 60 days? Incredible!
  • Embrace the NOW. I've gained some weight (had to go on meds for anxiety, started school, stress, etc.) and I look back at pics now from a year or two ago and think, Why did I think I was fat then?? Now I wish I looked like I did then, only then, I wished I looked like something else! So, I'm hoping to change my thinking…
  • You have AMAZING results!!! Congrats to you! Keep it up girl! :happy:
  • I took mine yesterday. It's awful. The reality of what you actually look like smacks you in the face. But like someone else said, you know the next set of pics will only be better. Plus, it gave me even more motivation to stick with the program. I've started and stopped 100 times. I'm not doing that this time until I have…
    in yuck! Comment by aallen8599 May 2012
  • I just ordered it today! I can't wait. I'm putting 100% into it when it gets here too. I'm so sick of being unhappy! :-) (also kinda nervous though!)
  • Thanks for sharing your story and pics. You are an inspiration. You look great!
  • how long did you suffer from the brain zaps?
  • I've been on Pristiq for about 2 yrs. I went from 138lbs to 163! I work out a lot and eat healthy yet never lose weight, only gain. :-( Right now (as of today) I am going to try to wean myself off completely. I am starting with 1/2 a pill, then smaller and smaller until I can be completely off. I've tried it before and had…
  • You look great! I am about the same size as you although I would love to get down to 135 but I have the hardest time losing. Congrats on your success.