Pristiq weight gain here to stay?

Just wondering if anyone else has discontinued a SSRI that has made them gain weight, and actually lost weight after discontinuing it? I have been on pristiq for about a year and a half. It has made me gain about 25lbs in that time. Regardless of any exercise, calorie counting, etc., I cannot lose weight! I eat healthier than anyone in my family (with my occasional cheat days) and work out hard with a HRM to make sure I know exactly how much I burn. Yet nothing. I am currently weaning myself off and right now I only take a very tiny sliver of the medication to help with the brain zaps. At first I lost 3lbs in 2 weeks and now I've suddenly gained it all back. I am at the end of my rope here and just want to give up. What's the point? I feel like all of my work is for nothing! Even my son said "Mom you work out all the time and never lose any weight". He's right! Just wondering if anyone else has been on a SSRI and gained weight, and had the same problems I have.


  • I have been on Pristiq since May and suddenly started packing on the pounds. I'm now up 20 pounds in less than 4 months. I work out three to four times a week and have made diet changes, still my weight is climbing. Most of the weight is around my abdomen area. It's terrible. I'm miserable and more depressed than ever. I've made a call to my doctor today to see about switching to another medication. I need my mental health, but I cannot live with so much extra weight. I'm embarrassed to go anywhere or do anything. Praying there's another medication out there for me without weight gain!
  • Z3NN4
    Z3NN4 Posts: 58 Member
    I am questioning Pristiq for my lack of loss, currently, as well. I am going to extremes to get results and in the last 4 months I have fluctuated inside the same 10 lbs.. Did you guys ever wean? Any results? I am finding a lot of people on mental health, general health and rx websites sharing similar stories. I am *so* glad it is not just me. I talked to my therapist about it today and she had said she hadn't heard anything about pristiq causing weight gain. Guess what? I have now. Pages upon pages of it. I am seeing a new psychiatrist on the 16th and I'll be requesting a change pretty directly. Unfortunately this is the only adverse effect I've had. I hope whatever I replace Pristiq with is worth the switch.
  • I finally did wean off of pristiq officially in July/Aug and I have started losing as of last month without working out. I have lost about 11lbs now. However I am struggling badly with anxiety now and trying to figure out what to do with it. Im going to try herbal and vitamin supplements first and see what works. I do not want another SSRI! My doctor tried to put me on cymbalta a few weeks ago and it made me horribly nauseous! I dont know whats worse, the weight gain and horrible withdraw or the recurring anxiety. :-( any luck with you guys?
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I finally did wean off of pristiq officially in July/Aug and I have started losing as of last month without working out. I have lost about 11lbs now. However I am struggling badly with anxiety now and trying to figure out what to do with it. Im going to try herbal and vitamin supplements first and see what works. I do not want another SSRI! My doctor tried to put me on cymbalta a few weeks ago and it made me horribly nauseous! I dont know whats worse, the weight gain and horrible withdraw or the recurring anxiety. :-( any luck with you guys?

    I have anxiety and have done some research on it, also work in lifestyle healthcare. If you feel you need/ want to take prescribed medication ask your doctor about a low dose beta blocker - these are given to students with exam nerves, have few side effects at the low dose ranges, can be dipped in and out of or can be taken regularly.

    Secondly review your diet and exercise regime to ensure you are not contributing to the anxiety there. Your diary is locked so I can't see what you are eating but ensure you are getting plenty of long chain omega-3s from oily fish (daily if possible), plenty of magnesium rich foods (pumpkin seeds, cocoa powder, dark green vegetables, bran), it's really common for people not to consume enough of these two especially when dieting. You also might consider your intake of B vitamins and zinc. Avoid sugar, white/ refined carbs, high glycaemic index carbs, limit caffeine and alcohol as all put the body into a state of stress and interfere with sleep quality.

    Don't overexercise because that stresses the body out, no more than one hour per session, consider intense workouts every other day only with active recovery (walking 10,000 steps) in between. Even professional athletes cycles harder and easier days, harder and easier weeks. If you perspire heavily you may need more minerals as many can be lost in sweat. And get enough sleep!