heyslc Member


  • thanks for you help! I'll try to set my goal for the 2500 for now - probably wouldn't hurt to shoot for 2,000!
  • Wow, I have been on a water weight gain rollercoaster. So today I adjusted my daily food log to track my sodium intake - So far I've entered my breakfast and lunch, and only have 500+ salt mg left for dinner and snack! Well now I know why I can gain three pounds overnight! I think I'll have to keep my eye on this! Anyone…
  • Just want to say I luv your name! My daughter is a Renee and has always been called Nae Nae by family and friends. And a good rant always makes me feel better! :wink:
  • <scale junkie.
  • Good for you! I felt I had to take a "mental health" break last month, I put back on 3 lbs, but I feel like I've got a good grip on things now and am going strong.... those rotten 3 lbs are gonna be outa here in no time! Congrats to you for not putting any on during that time!…
  • During my last check-up my Dr. asked if I was talking any type of vitamin. I told him no, I eat a pretty healthy balance... he suggested that I take a multi-vitamin - many vitamins are not stored in the body, so not too much of a risk of a vitamin overdose or side effect. He said any type of over the counter is fine, the…
  • My 14 yrold daughter and I have our Monday night ritual when Chuck & Heroes starts. We've been excitedly waiting all of Sept....
  • sounds very yummy! Thanks for sharing! I Love homemade salsa's! Question about why you pour boiling water over the garlic and onion....?
  • Going for another cup of coffee...... I had to read that through a couple of times..... Thanks for the morning laugh!:laugh:
  • What is the workout like? Is it a combo type of workout (cardio/weights)? :smile:
  • :happy: It's a great place to track your progress! The folks here are fantastic, lots of encouragement, advise and knowledge to share! I luv this site!
  • I also have a lot of flat out meals... :o) I find them a little "grainy" on my teeth (does that make sense to anyone?) but they are great with everything! For a special breakfast, I like to have one with peanut butter and banana slices. Just go easy on the peanut butter, too many cal's otherwise.
  • Hello and welcome! Congrats to you on your new family member! LOL, I miss those days (sometimes)! This site is a great tool to use, and the people here really make it the best!
    in Hello Comment by heyslc December 2007
  • Welcome Jenny from another Cheesehead! I hope you and your husband enjoy this site as much as I do! I've been a member since Sept., and really enjoy tracking my progress!
  • Thanks for that motivating post! That's just what I needed to read to get my bottom off the chair and onto the treadmill! If you were willing to take on that type of a workout - without joining the marines- I have no excuses! Off I go.....:happy:
  • Welcome gayla! I've been pretty much a lurker since i joined in Sept. But i luv this place! I've lost 8 lbs. so far, and have 12 more to reach my goal. The weight hasn't come off like water for me - It is a daily meal-by-meal committment for me to keep going. But I log in every day, and read all the helpful, encouraging…