Weighing in Daily

NolynAndrea Posts: 13
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I know they tell you to only weigh yourself weekly and stay away from the scale- BUT I CAN'T! I've been weighing myself daily- and here's thething I am gradually losing weight. It's exciting even to see the 0.2 lbs shed a day or even half of that!

Is that wrong? Does anyone daily weigh themselves? Those that do it weekly are you happy with it?

I think tracking it daily helps me to keep motivated and eat good and not over eat. I know that after a while I'm going to plateau and have a few days that might increase or not change for a while and then I might go to the weekly weigh-ins but until then I'm motivated . . .

Any feedback?


  • I know they tell you to only weigh yourself weekly and stay away from the scale- BUT I CAN'T! I've been weighing myself daily- and here's thething I am gradually losing weight. It's exciting even to see the 0.2 lbs shed a day or even half of that!

    Is that wrong? Does anyone daily weigh themselves? Those that do it weekly are you happy with it?

    I think tracking it daily helps me to keep motivated and eat good and not over eat. I know that after a while I'm going to plateau and have a few days that might increase or not change for a while and then I might go to the weekly weigh-ins but until then I'm motivated . . .

    Any feedback?
  • innocent75
    innocent75 Posts: 57 Member
    I step on the scale daily, but weigh myself weekly. As funny as it sounds I guess I technically weight myself every day, but I only record it every Monday after work.

    I choose to "weigh in" on Monday because, for me, it curbs my weekend binges because I know on Monday I am writing it down.

    My opinion do what works for you. I do not get discouraged with daily variances with weight. If it discourgaes you go to the once a week idea.

    This is just MY $.02
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    I step on the scale daily, but weigh myself weekly. As funny as it sounds I guess I technically weight myself every day, but I only record it every Monday after work.

    I choose to "weigh in" on Monday because, for me, it curbs my weekend binges because I know on Monday I am writing it down.

    My opinion do what works for you. I do not get discouraged with daily variances with weight. If it discourgaes you go to the once a week idea.

    This is just MY $.02

    I do the same thing ... I get on the scale first thing in the morning after the bathroom every morning, but the only weight that "counts" is the one I record here on Monday. I usually go down some, then back up some ... as long as the overall trend is downward (and not even every week, since I'm planning a slow weight loss) then I'm on track. The every day thing is more out of curiosity than anything, I guess, plus I've read somewhere that people who weigh themselves daily tend to control their weight better. You just have to learn to not let it mess with your head. Not sure I'm totally there yet ....
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I know they tell you to only weigh yourself weekly and stay away from the scale- BUT I CAN'T! I've been weighing myself daily- and here's thething I am gradually losing weight. It's exciting even to see the 0.2 lbs shed a day or even half of that!

    Is that wrong? Does anyone daily weigh themselves? Those that do it weekly are you happy with it?

    I think tracking it daily helps me to keep motivated and eat good and not over eat. I know that after a while I'm going to plateau and have a few days that might increase or not change for a while and then I might go to the weekly weigh-ins but until then I'm motivated . . .

    Any feedback?

    At first, it's going to be sheer delight to weigh yourself every day - because you'll lose a lot of weight the first two weeks. Enjoy it while you can, because eventually, it will slow down. The closer you get to your goal weight, the slower it will go, and sometime between now and then, you will plateau. There are ways of dealing with a plateau, and as you read posts (particularly Banks1830), you will be educated on the fine art of BREAKING those plateaus.

    WELCOME to MFP, and enjoy the ride!! :flowerforyou:
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    ok . heres the confession............so have i ..

    the weight loss has been constant,, i can also predict when i am not going to see a loss and i know the reasons when i dont or even gain .. i get very happy even if i see a .2 loss,, the first thing my bf asks me in the morning is how much ? witch makes me feel like he cares and he says good job i do and encouragement when i dont ... its great !!! it gives me a reason to wake up in the morning .. and definitly keeps me on track... i know if i have a bad day the scale will result in not bugging and i'll so everything so that it does..

    i love that system.. i totaly understand the physique of the way my body works ..and i know its normal for it to fluctuate...

    so there :)
    may !!!!!!!
  • I too have to weigh every morning. If I see a 2 # weigh gain even at the beginning of the week I know I have to really watch my food intake. I can control my weight much better that way!!
    Good Luck to All!!
    Alice :love:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ditto-- I step on the scale daily, post it weekly, but on Friday's so I can have all week to worry about any weekend treats I may have.
  • monne
    monne Posts: 24
    I do it weekly. Sometimes i even go to 2 weeks. The scale is not my friend. I rather go but the way my clothes fit. But i do weigh in every wednesday at a dietician (not sure who to spell it). Sometimes i don't even ask her how much. When i see a smile on her face i know it's good and that's all i care about.
  • I'm on the scale every morning. For me I think it keeps me on track more. I update my ticker if I'm down and maintain it for 3 days and every Wednesday. So if on Wed I'm 183 then on Fri, Sat, Sun I weight 181.5, I'll updat it again on the third day and hope it is either the same or less on Wednesday. If it's more or less I change it accordingly on Wednesday. Sounds complicated I know...but just how I do it!....lol.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom and again last thing at night before I go to bed. I do that to keep myself on track because I know me, and I wouldn't stay on track very well if I didn't.
  • heyslc
    heyslc Posts: 17 Member
    scale junkie.
  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom and again last thing at night before I go to bed. I do that to keep myself on track because I know me, and I wouldn't stay on track very well if I didn't.

    Same here...But I only post the Friday morning weigh in...That's the "official" one.
  • i step on daily
    but only count it every friday
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    I step on it every couple of days but record it only when there's a loss, which happens to be regular, so it's all good! A year and half ago, I was 25 lbs less and weighed EVERY MORNING & EVERY NIGHT. Maybe that's how I got so thin. Well....obviously I've stopped doing that, otherwise I wouldn't be on this site! :tongue:

    I love this whole website anyway....it's great for motivation! Good luck everyone!:drinker:
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    I also weigh everyday. I treat the scale as my friend, not an enemy. It helps me to keep on track. I know if I gained a little bit of weight, then I need to re-evaluate my previous day... what I ate, how much I worked out, etc. It helps motivate me to see where I go up and go down, because I know if I need to work a bit harder or change something from my previous day.

    Since Im' just starting back out I've not really gotten an offical weigh in day...though, my first one here was on Tuesday. When I was going to Curves a year ago, my offical date was one a month...

  • I am a total scale junky as well..... I am an every morning weigher, however I do it after I shower. It sounds dumb, but I weigh less after I shower. I will usually weigh myself at night too. I find if I dont weigh in every day that I can fall off track. If I am up in the mornings it helps keep me focused through out the day.

    Happy Weighing!!

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I do it weekly. Sometimes i even go to 2 weeks. The scale is not my friend. I rather go but the way my clothes fit. But i do weigh in every wednesday at a dietician (not sure who to spell it). Sometimes i don't even ask her how much. When i see a smile on her face i know it's good and that's all i care about.

    I too only weight myself once weekly, once in a great while if I can really tell something huge has changed...such as my clothes getting lose, my body just feeling different, I may check the weight then for inspiration...but for me that's always a gamble cause if I'm up when I've been doing so well...it's not much inspiration!:sad: :laugh: :noway:

    But really for me I much prefer doing it only weekly and I could definitely even go monthly...I don't want to get caught up in the numbers game...then it gets obsessive for me. I prefer seeing changes with the loss of inches, how I feel, being able to workout harder and that sort of thing.

    Sounds like many of you weigh daily...I used to but I found I was obsessing and freaking out each time it went up or down, and then I found I would weigh again before I left the gym, and of course after a hardwork or doing weights...the weigh goes up temporarily. Before I realized that it would totally throw my whole day off.:mad:

    So learning from all that....1 time a week for the BL challenge is plenty for me:drinker:

    That is why I don't keep a scale at home, I prefer to use the same one I began with a year ago when I did my eval. at the gym I go too.:wink:
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