jeenak Member


  • Hi! Just completed (sort of) my first Stage A workout. Except, the prone jacknife is my new enemy. HOW ON EARTH DOES ANYONE DO THIS? I have a giant belly and short legs. I have weakish arms. I don't even know how to keep trying to see if I'll get better. I just roll off or face plant. I'd like to keep at it. (Happily, the…
    in Stage 1 Comment by jeenak July 2015
  • I don't think you're a freak of nature at all--I think not uncommon to get hiccups if you eat really fast, or is it drink fast? I don't have that happen myself, but certain foods certainly hit my GI all wrong.
  • I'd never heard of BBC Good Food--and that recipe looks AMAZING. Can't wait to try it!!
  • I have a pot of Rancho Gordo ( beans waiting for me--I eat mine with some rice, salsa, and melted, gooey, low fat mozzarella! It's bizarrely delicious for such simple food!! Oh, and peaches for dessert!
  • You are welcome to add me, too! I have had an account for a long time, but I stopped logging awhile ago, and have been back for about five weeks now!
  • That looks really good--especially the two cups part! I'm going to have to try this soon! Thanks for posting it!
  • rlchobat: Smores sound really good, too! xXxHBICxXx: I hear ya man! It's hard to not just maw the whole thing, but at the end of the day a few bites does me okay!
  • Hi you! That sounds so tough--I know how discouraging it can be, but I just want to cheer you on and wish you good luck! And doing it on a tight budget makes it so hard! Maybe check out (or post to) the recipe forum, and see what people can suggest? I've seen some really great ideas out there! Good luck!!
  • Thank you for asking this, because I'm having the same issue at 135. Gloves have helped, but not much. I'm going to try the Farmer's walk, too. Here's hoping!
  • SO many awesome recipes here to try! My favorite way is to mix it with garlic cloves that I've pulverized with some sea salt, then I add in some fresh dill and a bit of cayenne pepper! So delicious as a dip for veggies!
  • I'm new here, too! Been at it for about a month! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! I'm new, too, and have just written a very long and babbly intro post. But I'd love to add you! (And some of the other folks here who have said it's okay to add them, too!) I'm just learning how to use the news feed and forums, so bear with me!
  • Hi Marissa! I just posted an introduction myself. I'm not sure how the friends thing works on here yet, but I'd love to have you add me! I'm very serious about weight loss right now and love working out as a way to keep myself motivated!
  • I feel lucky to have it! And I will definitely post on the check in threads! Thanks!!
  • Thank you guys SO much for the feedback and encouragement!! After being totally inspired by your posts here, I went to the gym, met with a trainer to talk about my objectives with SL (he's totally on board!), and will be starting with him on Monday. The awesome thing about my gym is that it has the squat cage and all the…