105295 Member


  • 2 weeks ago, I made a promise to myself to be able to sing at least part of the song mix that's played at my gym while kick boxing. Finally was able to do it! Even better, the guy at the bag next to me picked up the singing too! Feels good to rev up the endurance and better breathing control lol^^b
  • @Allic : Never really did weight training before - for toning muscle lighter weights and more reps or heavier weights? I've read mixed reviews about both. @Angel: How much increase? Or do I need to reconfigure my caloric intake? Am currently doing the 45%carbs-25%protein-30%fat ratio. Thanks again!
  • Hello everyone! :) What do you train in? Krav Maga (& a wee bit of sparring) When did you start? 6 months ago (sparring last month) Who inspires you? List is too long to post lol Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Surviving my first sparring class lol - was quite proud that my first time getting punched in the…
  • Hello ;) Just did a general search for Krav to see if there were any one who knew about it/interested in it on MFP and came across this thread, thought I would share my experience with it. Not sure if you have taken the P1 to P2 test since you've started the thread but if you haven't just fyi it's intense lol. I started…
    in Krav Maga Comment by 105295 April 2012
  • Noted, thanks for the suggestions!
  • Noted, thanks for the suggestions!
  • Noted, thanks a bunch for the feedback everyone! ;) Will definitely look into some of the stuff mentioned, last week was a rough week so kinda overdosed with the chocolate comfort food lol. Will definitely get back on track tomorrow! d^^b:happy: -L