Megkynaf Member


  • caffeine usually decreases headaches but it is a natural diuretic and if you are not drinking enough water like at least 72 ounces a day. more if you have a high sodium day you could be dehydrating which causes migraines. you could also be eating too little 1200 is really low, your running on a calorie deficiency and your…
    in headaches Comment by Megkynaf June 2014
  • I share mine and it has actually been helping me out a lot. In making mine public I 1 made my self have some accountability because I feel like im cheating myself if I don't log it and I am also aware that other people will see it so I don't go to one of the like 18 burger joints I pass on the way home from work lol. it…
  • yeah been there.. I went to the doctor in January this year to get a general physical a vitamin blood work, and get some meds to stabilize my mood. it turned out that though I did not eat unhealthy I did not eat enough I only ate like 1 or 2 times a day and had given myself anemia. I had a deficiency in B12 and iron. the…
  • it takes a little time but if you like to cook its fun and relatively easy to do took me about 30 minutes to make and I didn't have to wait for a dough to rise and I knew exactly what I was putting into my body.
  • welcome back darlin!! do you have the phone app? if so turn you notifications on. its a great reminder and motivation for me. good luck!!!!!!!
  • I have always been at that wall lol . I get up in the morning about 30 minutes before I have to and jump on the treadmill I do a fast walk 3.5mph for about 20 to 30 minutes or as long as I have time for. this makes me not only have energy but then I eat well cause I feel like I would have wasted my time walking this…
  • read this and do some calculations its helpful.
  • you should probably be eating more like 1800 to 2200 calories depending on your bmi and activity level. 1200 is too little your gonna kill your metabolism.
  • I used to run the starbucks in Kroger off five forks in Lilburn but that was years ago I'm at one in larenceville now. keep up the great work girl thanks for the encouraging words:)
  • Lol manage not own, I wish I owned it I run a starbucks.
  • you are awesome! Thank you no one has actually said "you can do it" to me in my life. glad to meet you.