
I cut calories about a week ago, headaches started in the last few days. I've started getting headaches a lot more frequently, and OTC medicine isn't helping. My diary is open. Am I not eating enough? Not getting enough of the "right" foods? Or will this go away once my body adjusts? I tried googling but couldn't find a good answer.


  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    I am not sure but I use a mixture of DoTerra's lavender, peppermint, and frankincense oils and it works in less than a minute. OTC don't work for me either.
  • Have you drastically reduced your caffeine intake?
    When I quit my 2L of diet coke a day cold turkey I had the worst headache ever. Felt like I'd got the flu.
    If it's this, I can assure you you will come out of it the other end. :) just hang in there.
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    I've actually increased my caffeine, could that be it?
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Lack of hydration could also cause them. And caffeine, when consumed outside of liquid sources like coffee, can act as a mild diuretic.
  • WatchJenShrink
    WatchJenShrink Posts: 18 Member
    You could be dehydrated. Try drinking more water.
  • Megkynaf
    Megkynaf Posts: 18 Member
    caffeine usually decreases headaches but it is a natural diuretic and if you are not drinking enough water like at least 72 ounces a day. more if you have a high sodium day you could be dehydrating which causes migraines. you could also be eating too little 1200 is really low, your running on a calorie deficiency and your working out burning more calories on top of that. you should probably be at 1500-1800. listen to your body it can tell you a lot if you get headaches drink more water and try some protein, if you ever have leg tingling like a restless feeling your iron is low, bad cramps while walking = low potassium. take care of you. and good luck I hope you feel better :)
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    I drink roughly 128 ounces of water a day, so I don't think that's it. I'll have another glass anyway. :drinker:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I cut calories about a week ago, headaches started in the last few days. I've started getting headaches a lot more frequently, and OTC medicine isn't helping. My diary is open. Am I not eating enough? Not getting enough of the "right" foods? Or will this go away once my body adjusts? I tried googling but couldn't find a good answer.
    Have you added any new foods into your dietary plan since starting your weight loss journey? Have you looked into food intolerance?

    I ask because it look like on average you are eating enough.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I've actually increased my caffeine, could that be it?
    Yes it could.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    caffeine usually decreases headaches
    Not always. i experience headaches AND water retention with too much caffeine. :smile:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    The only dietary headaches I get are when I try to cold-turkey caffeine. Tapering solves that issue.

    For a while in my 30s, I'd get headaches before my period. Disappeared as mysteriously as they arrived.

    Feel better!