To share or not to share

Hello, I'm pretty new to MFP and I'm starting to make new friends and I am wondering... How many people share their food diaries with their friends or publicly?

I started out sharing my diary with friends, but as I added friends I started feeling self conscious about them seeing my food choices so I made my diary private because I was seriously contemplating not being authentic with myself and tracking everything... the good, the bad and the really really yummy... I mean unhealthy.

Do you worry about judgement over your food or do you feel that if you are embarrassed to share it, then maybe you should be eating it?


  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    When someone hides their diary it is usually because they don't want people to see them sabotaging themselves. Be accountable for what you put in your mouth. If you aren't accountable, don't complain about your results later.

    FYI....we will look at your previous posts. Just sayin.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I made mine public and sometimes I do find myself making better choices because I know people will see it. I've also had to force myself not to "forget" to record when I overindulge in something (I have a bad habit of being spot on until evening then eating all the brownies). People have been nothing but supportive so far and I appreciate the accountability.
  • I have mine available to my friends. I decided to do that because I'm not going to hide anything. It's way too easy to make unwise food choices when you know no one is going to see it. There have been times when I thought twice about a choice because I knew it wouldn't look good on my food log. I'm not making good choices for them, I make them for me, but knowing they'll see it does make me think twice sometimes.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    Mine is public, and I couldn't care less whether people approve of my food choices or not.
  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    I think I might just be shameless, because mine is open to the public, and I eat all sorts of crap. I plan on having chick-fil-a tonight, which I've logged ahead of time :P
  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    (I have a bad habit of being spot on until evening then eating all the brownies).

    Twinsies! I can go all day eating healthy stuff, but once the sun goes down I want to eat everything in the apartment (mostly brownies and ice cream, though).
  • eaglelakebill
    eaglelakebill Posts: 120 Member
    My diary is public and I am brutally honest with myself and log everything!
    I read somewhere in these forums that you can fool yourself and
    others by NOT logging everything but your BODY knows everything
    you put in it!
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    My diary is public because I feel it keeps me more accountable no matter how bad the days are, because if you can't be honest with people about what you're eating, you won't be honest necessarily with just yourself.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Mine is open to friends, but if I were to ask a question on the forums about weight loss or calorie intake, I would open it so people could give advice. I don't look at people's diaries unless they ask or say "feel free to look at my diary for ideas/examples" because I really don't care enough to creep a stranger's diary. Some people probably think I'm trying to hide something by not making it completely public, but idgaf. They can send me a FR if they are that concerned about what I'm eating.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I have mine open to my friends. They're people I've connected with on the site, whom I stay on good contact with, and trust their input. I wouldn't want strangers having access to it, personally.
  • Megkynaf
    Megkynaf Posts: 18 Member
    I share mine and it has actually been helping me out a lot. In making mine public I 1 made my self have some accountability because I feel like im cheating myself if I don't log it and I am also aware that other people will see it so I don't go to one of the like 18 burger joints I pass on the way home from work lol. it also help because I get feedback from some super knowledgeable people who have been where I am now and can tell me if im going the right way toward my goal. you are getting healthy for you not for anyone else so if someone sees you had a cheat day and went and got a big mac or went out and had some drinks with friends who cares its not like they never ever have those days. :) just sayin lol