lakenleona Member


  • Check In for this past week because I was out of town on Friday: SW (8/1): 211 1st week (8/5): 207.4 CW (8/14): 202.2 GW (8/31): 200 I'm almost there!! My personal challenge for this week is going to be tracking my water like I used to since I've slacked on it and doing 40 min of exercise 3x a week and at least 20 min 3…
  • I always drink a sip of water after every bite and if I'm out at a restaurant I divide my meal on my plate and put half of it aside or on my boyfriend's plate before I start eating.....but now he complains he's eating too much so guess I'll just have to start getting a to-go box at the beginning of the meal! I also measure…
  • Yay for you! I just want to say congratulations on your weight loss so far and that I'm proud of you for being determined and dedicated! You definitely CAN do this. I have about 80 lbs to lose, but I am just taking it 1 lb at a time and happy for any weight or inches that come off my body! Don't give up and when you get…
  • I've started doing the 30 Day Shred workout and I'm loving it! I also measured yesterday and I've lost 3.5 inches from my waist in the past month!!! :) Anyone else that is doing/has done 30 Day Shred, how did you guys start out? I'm on Day 2, but I'm thinking I should start out slow and do it every other day for the first…
  • Thanks so much everyone for your support. I guess I just needed to get it all out and tell someone how I was feeling. Friday went much better. I lost 4.6 pounds this week and even better, I realized that I have lost 3.5 inches from my waist in a month! I'm really trying hard not to let things discourage me, but instead…
  • First Report: SW: 211 1st week, as of 8/5: 207.4 YAY!! I feel great this week and I've exercised 6 days out of the week, which is more than my personal challenge! I'm so happy to get August off to a good start!
  • Find exercise routines you can do at home. I haven't been using the gym during the summer and I try to work out at least 3 to 4 times a week. If you have some light free weights (maybe 3 or 5 lbs) you can use those to tone your arms. That's really the only thing that will help with loose work out and build…
  • So far, I've exercised every day! (I'm counting since Friday because that is my "weigh in" day) I'm anxious to weigh Friday and update you guys on my progress and see everyone else's progress! Stay motivated guys! A little determination goes a long way! Hope everyone has a wonderful week! :)
  • That's a good idea and I feel kinda dumb for not thinking about timing my laps. Haha. Thanks!
  • Yay! I need a challenge! :) Starting weight: 211 Aug Goal weight: 200 Personal challenge: exercise 4 days a week
  • Stop. Take deep breaths. Don't panic! Sometimes weight fluctuates depending on a variety of things. Don't get discouraged, just keep eating right and excercising. Don't weigh again for a few days and then if the scale still says you have gained 2.5 lbs, just reevaluate your eating and exercise. Sometimes I weigh between…
  • You can do it and you WILL! :) Just remember to take it day by day and don't beat up on yourself if you make mistakes! Learn from them and move forward. Just keep going. Good luck!
  • My dad is an alcoholic and was abusive toward my mother and brother. My mom also has depression and bi-polar disorder and living with my dad just made it worse. He refused to let her take her medication and wouldn't let her see a therapist or any doctor at all. They got divorced when I was six, but I still remember a lot…
  • I've seen a preview video for it and I've heard great things about it. I think I might buy it this weekend and start on Monday!
  • Wow! Thanks so much. I might just have to come back to this thread and read it whenever my will power dwindles. Haha! I appreciate all the support and advice from everyone! College is intimidating enough, so I'm hoping being prepared will be to my advantage in this area! My college has an awesome gym with lots of classes…
  • The moment I decided I was serious about losing weight and knew something had to change was when I walked in to work at a new job and had to go up a flight of stairs and I was out of breath by the first set of stairs and still had another to go! I took the elevator for the first few weeks, but now I pass it right up and…
  • I start college in the fall and I've been worried about the food choices in the cafeteria too. I get bored very easily eating the same things every day, so I'm definitely going to have to find a way to add variety to my meals. I'm not really sure about the answer to your question though, just wanted you to know someone…
  • I've been taking phentermine for 2 weeks and have lost 10 lbs so far. I have anxiety already so my doctor told me to cut back to half a pill if I get jittery or feel anxious, but so far it hasn't pushed my anxiety over the norm. The past week, my mouth started getting dry a lot which is another side effect, so I just drank…