I just started P90X (again) this Monday - on day 3! It's been a while and I have muscles aching that I forgot I had... Beauty of P90X is that you can push yourself and pace yourself as needed - either way - you are bound to get a great work out! I LOVE it - but I hate it!
Would love to hear how others are handling Insanity??? I am on my 2nd week... and feel like I am leaving about 5-10 seconds of every other excercise....
Thanks - I needed to hear that too... I thought I was eating too much... The scale hasn't budged since I started - I am in week 2 - but I can feel my body getting more toned... I thought to cut back my calories too - thinking I am eating too much - around 1500 calories a day... I am just thinking that I will keep getting…
Thanks for the recommendation - I will check it out... I definitely don't want something that is going to get in the way.... I am only in the 2nd week and struggling to keep up - don't need any other distractions :laugh:
Does anyone have a recommendation for heart rate monitors? I never know how many calories I am burning - I just keep going as fast and hard as I can... My heart rate goes anywhere from 140-180 (based on my pulse count). I would like to get something a bit more reliable that calculates calories burned too.
That is awesome! Thanks for posting... I am just finishing week 1 of Insanity - so this is inspiring.
I "guess-timated" about the same... I am in my first week too. Hope to really start hanging in there with the workouts!
I fell off the wagon and now I am chasing it!!! At least working to close the lead... Did great after my 2nd baby - lost all the weight and then some... Now I have gained all of it back... I am ready to make a life style change and get in shape and stay there :tongue: