sriraw Member


  • I heard that your body stops producing the enyme to break down dairy sugars after a while of not eating dairy. If true, this could be why.
  • Oh my goodness - what pressure! Good luck with whatever you choose to do and let us know how it goes.
  • It bums me out that you are experiencing an us (vegan) against them (carnivores) mentality. Whenever folks ask me why I am vegan - I tell them for environmental reasons. You really can't argue against facts like this:
  • Wow, how wonderful to have so many of us on this website! I am 47 - no kids - and no plans to have them. I am a Big Sister though and I love that and enjoy spending time with my Little Sister.
  • I will give the PPK recipe a try - thanks! And I will make sure and simmer, simmer, simmer - not boil.
  • I think what you eat is a very personal decision. That said; I am a vegan. I was first a vegetarian for 10 years and now vegan for the last 12 years. Going vegetarian was easier than going vegan. Mostly because I have a huge sweet tooth and hate that I can't eat all the non-vegan treats in bakeries, candy shops, etc. I…
  • Rice and beans and frozen veggies. Healty, filling, and fairly cheap if you cook all your own.
    in cheap foods Comment by sriraw July 2012
  • Ugh, this is my problem too. I will try going for a walk. I am not really hungry so I want to figure out a way to distract myself from my craving.
  • Welcome and good luck! Another good cookbook is the Everything Vegan cookbook. Check out your local library for vegan cook books so you can look at a few and get some ideas before you purchase. Another great site and she has loads of books is Post Punk Kitchen Isa Chandra is a vegan goddess!
  • So how many calories do most of you eat to lose? I am still trying to figure out the most that I can eat and still lose. i realize this will change as I lose, but I am still trying to allow as many calories as possible since I am ALWAYS hungry.:sad:
  • Once you follow the diet for a while you will actually find it easier than eating meat! When I get together with friends at restaurants, I get what I can that is vegan and eat when I get home if I am still hungry. My advise would be to take it slow and do what you can. It is better for the environment, your health, and all…
    in Vegan Diet Comment by sriraw July 2012
  • A big reason for many folks in becoming vegan/vegetarian is due to environmental reasons. Here is a link to a great article that spells out the impact on the environment of the meat agriculture. I was first vegetarian for…
  • Oh my, I am about to start the Elimination Diet in April and this peas and rice dish sounds delicious! With a few modifications, I can even eat it during the restrictive Phase 1. Thank you for sharing.
  • I am a vegan for more than 10 years. It has been so long that I have to chuckle when folks ask me if it is hard. it actually seems easier to me since there are so many unhealthy foods you just don't eat.
  • Quick ideas: 1. Hummus, shredded carrots, lettuce, and tomato 2. Bean dip, salsa, shredded lettuce 3. Tofu "egg" salad of mashed tofu, chopped onions, chopped celery, mustard, capers, etc. 4. Avocado sushi - easy to make and stays fresh for a long time 5. Tomato, lettuce, and avocado with salt, pepper, etc. 6. left over…
  • Hey missy! Finally a free moment to let you know what I have been eating. Note that I used to do the raw food diet a long time ago, so I do a lot of raw stuff by day. Also, I added beans with no incident, so now I have jumped around in what to add back and tried tortilla chips today. Don’t seem to bother me. Yeah – since…
  • Hi buddy (DoingItNow), sorry I have been so absent. Work has just been insane! I think there is a way to send messages through myfitnesspal. If you look at the top, there is this place to send messages to a person. That is where I sent you a message a while back. Maybe your work blocks that - but take a look. Okay, my…
  • One more thing. I think I am going to make this cabbage soup over the weekend. Sounds like the perfect winter soup and it is phase 1 compliant.
  • Oh man, sorry you aren't feeling well DoingItNow! Hope these feelings lift for you. I might have missed it - but you are taking a new medication? Hopefully, the side effects die down a bit for you soon. Otherwise, I would give your doc a call and discuss what is going on. No worries about not being able to keep in touch…
  • One more thing DoingItNow. One of my favorite things has become rice with chopped avocado and salt - all mixed up. It is weird, but very tasty and feels like comfort food. I warm up some rice each night and add a bunch of chopped avocado to it with lots of salt. Somehow it helps. You could add a bunch more herbs too like…
  • Hey there DoingItNow, sorry I have been so absent. Work has been insane and I haven't posted food or anything. Still sticking to the diet. I am going to stay in phase 1 until this Sunday, when I try lemon juice. Yoo hoo! I sent you a message with my email. I haven't heard from you, so I think you haven't seen it. With work…
  • Hey there Miss Doingitnow, how did day 1 go for you? I didn't feel my digestive system could handle all smoothies, so I went right into the phase 1 food. Speaking of which, I finally made a ton of ED friendly food this weekend and it is so much better. It sounds like flax seed is in phase 1, although it is not included on…
  • Yeah! more people to discuss the diet with! I am now on my fourth day and I am just going crazy! I didn't do a good job of making snacks for myself, so I have to do that this weekend when I get some time. I saw a few recipes for nori rolls that sound good. I am already a vegan, so i wasn't a huge deal to give up meat and…
  • DoingItNow201 - I had read a few blogs on the web and found this one to be the best about how to tackle everything. One thing a few people have mentioned is that the cookbook only has a few page on the elimination diet and that most of the recipes are NOT phase 1…
  • Hi, I am starting it today. However, due to digestive issues, I am going to swap the 2-day green smoothie fast for a fast of just quinoa and salt all day long. I figure this will detox my body in a kinder and gentler manner. We can keep each other updated on our progress. I have found a few great posts around the web of…