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Elimination Diet 2012



  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    I did Dax Moy's Elimination Diet and sadly didn't lose any weight. I did figure out that soy is problematic for me, but even my friend who suggested it and uses the diet with all her clients was stunned, since most lose up to 15lbs in a month on the diet. My husband lost 12 or something like that... it was hard for me to do, because we were on a budget and couldn't afford certain things. Also, she recommended eating only fresh everything which was impossible, so we did have frozen veggies etc. if they had no sugar or additives.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Hadn't heard about that one (Dax Moy). Read through the program. He provides some information that I didn't know. It seems like the one I am following (whole nutrition) eliminates more foods up front, but is more in line with how I eat now. You do have to be very diligent to not inadvertently eat banned foods. Just took a sip of sparkling water with lie essence. Citrus is off limits for now. Aaargh!
  • sriraw
    sriraw Posts: 31 Member
    Hey there Miss Doingitnow, how did day 1 go for you? I didn't feel my digestive system could handle all smoothies, so I went right into the phase 1 food. Speaking of which, I finally made a ton of ED friendly food this weekend and it is so much better. It sounds like flax seed is in phase 1, although it is not included on the information on the website. So, I made raw flax crackers (my own recipe) and the kitcheree recipe from Whole Life website at http://www.nourishingmeals.com/2009/09/summer-vegetable-kitcheree.html. Also, the green apple salad dressing at this link is divine (note that this link includes other phase 1 friendly recipes) http://www.nourishingmeals.com/2009/03/elimination-diet-recipes-and-free-book.html.
    Sorry, I will stop talking about food since you have one more day of smoothies. Good luck!
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Sriraw, please keep talking about food! I've been reading trying to plan groceries and meals for the week. I am having a hard time figuring out what spices are ok and what are not. I don't have a lot of time during the week to spend on food preparation. So I need to do as much today as I can, so, please keep letting me know what you find yummy. I will check out your links.

    I am ashamed to say I only drank one smoothy yesterday. Definitely not adequate. I was really drained and tired, so I ended up sleeping through most of the day. Gonna blame that on some antibiotics. But today should be better.i will make sure I drink more. If I can't get the food organized today, i may have to extend the smoothie one more day. It said that was ok. But not planning on it.

    Keep up the good work.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    sensitivity along with dairy/casein. We will see.


    I also am avoiding goitrogens, which has really helped.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    sensitivity along with dairy/casein. We will see.


    I also am avoiding goitrogens, which has really helped.

    I've never heard f that. Just looked it up...interesting. I don't have issues with thyroid functioning, thank goodness. Wouldn't want to have cut out the foods listed.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    sensitivity along with dairy/casein. We will see.


    I also am avoiding goitrogens, which has really helped.

    I've never heard f that. Just looked it up...interesting. I don't have issues with thyroid functioning, thank goodness. Wouldn't want to have cut out the foods listed.

    No kidding! haha The elimination diet does help identify what you are sensitive to. Allergy testing can be done by your Doc. Fibro is a strange thing indeed.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    The best testing is done by eliminating the foods (IMO). Having eliminated gluten from my diet I can tell you if I had some within an hour. I can completely feel it. My manger did the diet and when gluten come back she said she felt it as well. A lot of people have sensitivities but dont know it.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Woo Hoo, off smoothies. Todays plan is curried lentils with spinach, lots of fruit and sweet potatoes. maybe some quinoa in there. I have never tried it before. (I hope no gluten in seasoning, thought about it afterwards.

    For those who have identified sensitivities, does it just manifest in digestive issues?
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Woo Hoo, off smoothies. Todays plan is curried lentils with spinach, lots of fruit and sweet potatoes. maybe some quinoa in there. I have never tried it before. (I hope no gluten in seasoning, thought about it afterwards.

    For those who have identified sensitivities, does it just manifest in digestive issues?

    For Dairy, the top 5 are: Nausea, Stomach pain/cramping, Bloating Flatulence, Diarrhea. Other common symptoms of a dairy sensitivity are more serious conditions such as eczema, acne and other skin disorders, asthma, chronic fatigue, weakness, irritability, inability to concentrate, headaches, congestion, excessive mucus, and joint pain.

    For me it was Bloating, chronic fatigue, weakness, irritability, congestion, and joint pain.

    For gluten
    •Gastrointestinal symptoms: Abdominal pain and distension, Acid reflux, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas and flatulence, Greasy, foul-smelling, floating stools, Nausea, Vomiting, Weight loss or weight gain

    For me it was Abdominal distention ( I swear you would say I was preganant after consuming it ... not joking, it was embarrassing).

    •Nongastrointestinal symptoms: Fatigue and weakness (due to iron-deficiency anemia), Vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies, Headaches (including migraines), Joint/bone pain, Depression, irritability, listlessness, and mood disorders, “Fuzzy brain” or an inability to concentrate, Infertility, Abnormal menstrual cycles, Dental enamel deficiencies and irregularities, Seizures, Clumsiness (ataxia), Nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy), Respiratory problems, Canker sores (apthus ulcers), Lactose intolerance, Eczema/psoriasis , Rosacea (a skin disorder), Acne, Hashimoto’s disease, Sjögren’s syndrome, lupus erythematosus, and other autoimmune disorders, Early onset osteoporosis, Hair loss (alopecia), Bruising easily, Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), Muscle cramping, Nosebleeds, Swelling and inflammation, Night blindness

    For me it was Vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies, Headaches (including migraines), Joint/bone pain, listlessness, “Fuzzy brain” or an inability to concentrate,Seizures, Clumsiness (ataxia), Respiratory problems, Lactose intolerance, other autoimmune disorders, Hair loss (alopecia), Bruising easily, Muscle cramping,Night blindness

    That being said, with Fibromyalgia is so very hard to say where on symptom drops off and one picks up and why. I have been dairy free long enough to confirm the sensitivity. The gluten is new and I have had the absolute hardest time eliminating it. I think I have a renewed energy to get my but in gear and give it the full 3mo go it deserves!
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    You know I never really paid attention to specific foods and how it affected me digestively (But I am now). I just accepted it as normal.

    Had my curried lentils. Almost immediately stomach was gurgling and gassy. OK, it's beans... But now I am nauseous and just feel icky, and of course bloated. Problem is, just started 7 day regime of antibiotics for which nausea is a symptom (also lack of appetite which explains not drinking enough smoothies). Also expecting TOM anytime now. What a horrible to time to start this! I planned on eating lentils for dinner and maybe some tomorrow. But now wondering if I should go back to smoothies and try eating them again and see if there is a reaction again. (oh, must see if curry powder can have gluten or other stuff.)

    I just wanna go home and lay down. Now my lid is jumping. I swear, am i going to just start imagining symptoms. I would love to be able to get as specific as you did with your allergies SeaSiren.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Still sick to my stomach. Burbling and all. Chose to just eat some grapes instead of dinner, but only felt good when I was eating it, afterwards more indigestion. Boo. Wish I didn't have those other variables, so I could be sure what's going on.
  • sriraw
    sriraw Posts: 31 Member
    Hey there DoingItNow, sorry I have been so absent. Work has been insane and I haven't posted food or anything. Still sticking to the diet. I am going to stay in phase 1 until this Sunday, when I try lemon juice. Yoo hoo! I sent you a message with my email. I haven't heard from you, so I think you haven't seen it. With work being so crazy, it might be easier to stay in touch through email. I am dying of boredom! I am trying to stay motivated with the limited foods. Last night I pigged out on cooked lentils, my home made flax crackers, sauerkraut, avocado and rice. It was a weird combination, but I was stressed and really wanted a vegan cookie. I am so sorry you are not feeling well after the lentils. My sis has a thing about lentils and her tummy. Okay, got to get back to work. See if you got my message. I am rooting for you chickie and I feel your pain and boredom. Hang in there. I keep telling myself, if I cheat, I have to start all over - so that is keeping me good.
  • sriraw
    sriraw Posts: 31 Member
    One more thing DoingItNow. One of my favorite things has become rice with chopped avocado and salt - all mixed up. It is weird, but very tasty and feels like comfort food. I warm up some rice each night and add a bunch of chopped avocado to it with lots of salt. Somehow it helps. You could add a bunch more herbs too like basil - but I am lazy. Hang in there chickie!!!!!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    First I'd have to find an elimination diet that worked for me. Green smoothies won't work, because raw greens and tropical fruits are both problems for me. A rice based diet would not work because all grains are a problem. I believe it is "The Food Allergy Cookbook" that tells you how to set up your own elimination diet, starting with one food you believe to be safe.

    Good luck all!

  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    pdworkman, did you try one? How did you find out allergies.

    Sriraw, I don't have a message. But email probably wouldn'tt work. All that stuff is blocked at my job. I am surprised myfitnesspal is not. So we may just have to keep going like this without real time communication. I don't want to use my job email, as they monitor everything. I work in a prison.

    Love avocado and I love rice, so I am sure I would enjoy it. Today I had a whole avocado with just a little bit of salt. Yummo.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    pdworkman, did you try one? How did you find out allergies.

    No short answer to that one.

    - Meat and dairy - I was getting sick every couple of weeks, I would end up throwing up for three days at a time. Figured out that each time I was throwing up the same foods; meat and dairy.

    - Gluten - we knew that my son had intolerances that were causing him digestive and possibly behavioural issues, but avoided changing his diet because it was already limited. But it got so that he couldn't eat without laying down doubled up on the couch afterwards. I figured gluten and dairy were the most likely culprits and we cut them out of his diet. Because of his limited impulse control, that meant there couldn't be any gluten or dairy in the house or he would be into it. So my husband and I were also both off of gluten except for the rare occasion when we ate out somewhere else. I quickly noticed that when I ate gluten, I had problems. Turns out that I have celiac disease.

    - Other grains - I had very bad dry eyes and mouth, no matter what I did. It was extremely painful. Those are symptoms of Srogen's, another autoimmune disorder. In searching for possible dietary triggers for this autoimmune reaction, I found that others had their symptoms go into remission when removing all grains from the diet. So I went off of rice and corn and sorghum and all the rest, which has largely solved the problem. Autoimmune diseases like celiacs and Srogrens tend to run together and may just be different symptoms of a more complicated disease than we understand at this point.

    - heartburn/ulcer triggers - a number of foods (carrots, tomato sauce, chocolate, lemons, etc.), if eaten in too large an amount, will trigger my ulcer. As long as I eat them in small amounts, I am okay. But once my ulcer flares, I have to take acid reducers and completely avoid the triggers, or the problems can drag out for weeks or months. This is probably related to small intestine bacterial overgrowth caused by celiac disease.

    - allergic reactions - I have several foods (some nuts, dates, raw pineapple, raw green beans) which, taken in small amounts, cause sores in my mouth. If I ignore this warning sign, they will eventually get worse and trigger an anaphylactic reaction. Unfortunately, this is a similar symptom to my oral allergy syndrome. If I am already reacting to something, then any tropical fruit or strawberries will cause tingling/mouth sores. The multiple allergies are likely caused by celiac disease. Medications are really hard on me too. I can have anaphylaxis or bothersome side effects like all of the skin peeling off my hands.

    - fructose intolerance - I have mild fructose intolerance. In people with the more serious fructose intolerance disorders, they cannot eat any fruit or many vegetables. With me, I am okay if I have moderate amounts of fructose, but if I have unusually large amounts, it causes my blood sugar to crash, causing dizziness, nausea, fainting, etc. I found this out when trying an anti-inflammatory diet, which emphasized lots of apples and other high-fructose fruits. I couldn't go anywhere without something to eat, because my blood sugar would take a sudden dive. And often the foods that I ate to try to boost my blood sugar were the high-fructose fruits that were actually causing it in the first place. Oddly, my dad and I both figured out the same week that we were having problems being caused by high-fructose fruits. I dialled way back on the apples and other fruits, and took glucose tablets as necessary, and managed to get my blood sugar stabilized again. No idea if this reaction is related to celiac disease or not. My dad has both this problem and celiac disease as well.

    - raw greens - I tried Joel Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" diet, which emphasizes bean and greens. Lots of green salads, green smoothies, etc. While this sort of diet, high in fibre, normally cures any constipation problems. For me, it compounded the problems that I already had from a genetic disorder and celiac disease, making things *very* uncomfortable. Only by backing off of the greens and adding back in potatoes and rice (I was still on rice at this time) was I able to regulate my bowels again. Apparently this is a known effect of raw greens on some people.

    At this point, I think I know all of the foods that cause me problems. There are still issues with cross-contamination, and with celiac disease, I will probably continue to get new allergies, but that's it at the moment!

  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    WoW so sorry. I am learning so much!

    Felt better yesterday, still icky, but not as bad Nothing but fruits, wasn't the plan really. but after running and nearly passing out and the intense nausea, didn't feel like eating. Decided it's the side effect of Meds, plus not enough calories. So will hold off on judgement.

    Good luck all.
  • sriraw
    sriraw Posts: 31 Member
    Oh man, sorry you aren't feeling well DoingItNow! Hope these feelings lift for you. I might have missed it - but you are taking a new medication? Hopefully, the side effects die down a bit for you soon. Otherwise, I would give your doc a call and discuss what is going on.
    No worries about not being able to keep in touch through email. Interesting that you work in a prison. I haven't made any new recipes to talk about. I am getting pretty bored, but I am really excited to add in lemon on Sunday. I am really hoping that it goes well, since I have a lot of recipes that I want to make that use lemon. The rice/avocado thing is a saver for me. So, comforting and nourishing.....
  • sriraw
    sriraw Posts: 31 Member
    One more thing. I think I am going to make this cabbage soup over the weekend. Sounds like the perfect winter soup and it is phase 1 compliant. http://www.nourishingmeals.com/2009/09/healing-quinoa-cabbage-soup.html