

  • I am doing the Slim, Calm, Sexy Diet. You can find it in the book with the same title. It also has calming exercises and meditation. I don't have anxiety but I do have lot of stress and it has helped alot.
  • Yep, I said the very same thing but with PCOS its like your body doesn't belong to you. You can't quit though, the weight will only drag you down more. Try the chaste fruit berry supplements for hormone balance it helped me just be careful, its also for fertility. Add me if you like. Remember you don't truly fail at…
  • YOU look Amazing! Congrats and keep up the good work. Being around and healthy for your little man is the best motivation.
  • Defiately go and get professionally fitted.
  • When I went to California I found alot of vegetarian options in restaurants and great salads even in a deli! If anything I would go to the grocery store and pick up some things after you land but al the menus have nutritional info on them. Just take MFP on your app and you should be good. Have fun!
  • I don't have a great recipe but I have a great cheese substitution. Daiya cheese is dairy, soy, and gluten free comes in cheddar and mozzarella flavors and tastes really good. The only challenge is getting it to browm or melt, not impossible just turn on the broiler for 2 or 3 min. It really good on pizza, too. 90 calories…
  • I am from Texas. And just this week I had to curb my enthusiasm for chips and queso, Zapp's BBQ chips, and with crawfish season at the end of the month I am going to have to never eat out again. The crawfish isn't that bad, its the beer that you have to have with it. The food is really good here, I have had friends visit…
  • I am not sure how much weight you can loose in 6 months butit is really important to be healthy and not starve yourself so that you can keep the weight off and continue even after your wedding. I'm sure no matter what your bride will think your handsome.Good Luck.
  • The first time my boyfriend-now husband told me he loved me we were fooling around in my apartment and he said,"I think I'm falling in love with you." We had been dating for almost 3 months and had only been sleeping together a couple of weeks. To be truthful I was shocked. He was so tall and handsome, I kept waiting for…
  • My 8 yr old daughter has autism, trust me I know where you are. Between what you have to do for them and just everyday life you fall way down on the list. The weight for me is an everyday reminder of how much the work and stress keep me out of control inside. I am trying to put myself back on the list. I have way more than…
  • I am a 38 yr old married mom of 1 daughter. I have never been skinny but it never stopped me from dating,having fun or feeling pretty. But I definately want to be healthier and feel good to be around for my family. I am 280 right now but I would love to be 160. That's what I weighed in high school. My husband thinks I am…
  • Feel free to add me. I have been up and down on my weight all my life and I am new to MFP. My family are all skinny including my loving husband and 8 yr old daughter. So its hard for them to understand what and why I am eating differently. I also understand how hard it can be to take care of yourself with the pressures of…
  • I am one of your neighbors in the Houston area. I also just started I have 100lbs to loose but I am going to start with the goal of being under 200lbs. I am a busy mom and its so easy to eat unhealthy stuff when you qre always running around. Welcome and I look forward to hearing from someone who knows how good a…
  • I am new too. I got the app for fitness pal in July and stoppedmostly because I got busy and lazy. My daughter has high functioning autism and we have her on a gluten free-dairy-free diet. You would think I would be skinny but I am not. I know ridiculous amounts about food, nutrition and exercise but I stress eat. I owm my…
  • I think the fact that you reached out to others and are seeking advice shows wonderful coping skills. Its easy to look for selfdestructive behavior when you are grieving and feel out of control with loss and sadness. But this too shall pass and you will be left with the love and memories you shared with your beloved. I am…
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