72lori Member


  • She is my Crossfit idol and I LOVE her body.
  • Andrew. What a well written post. You know we love you no matter what. Each and every one of us has our weaknesses and moments that we are not proud of, put them aside, get back at it. I know you'll be back to doing triathlons again in no time. I'm looking forward to catching up with my fellow Champ. PS. You know Marla…
  • Love ya lady and I think you look amazing!
  • Alright, I have to confess about this kid free time thing.... I might get a little bored. There! I said it! I've been here since Sunday afternoon with only my step 2 that are getting ready to leave. They are lumps, couch taters 100%. I have barely seen them this week, other than when they come out looking for food or need…
  • Not to rub it in or anything, but my 2 boys are in Pennsylvania. Tom's 2 kids are getting picked up in an hour to spend some time with their mom (until July 4th). On top of that my hubs will be home tomorrow for the weekend and then gone again, so it's only me and the dog next week until Thursday, then a whole other…
  • Now I have a big old smile on my face! Koda is beautiful! I 'oooohhed and ahhhhed' through all the pictures. I love his color. Goldens are the bomb. My oldest son wanted one because of all the Air Bud movies, I protested, but caved and I love that dog to pieces. I swear he's another person in our house, he has so much…
  • Jeannie- You are so darn sweet! Thank you. I have to admit, I would have a big mental issue going on too if I knew there was something in my heart, but I know you will get past it and move on and eventually it won't be at the forefront of your mind and you'll be exercising up a storm.
  • As in GOLDEN RETRIEVER? :love: :love: In case you can't tell from my 'little' guy on my ticker, I am in love with my Golden.
  • Seriously, if I had a torn ACL there is no way I would be putting on roller blades. You go!
  • Jeannie- take your time, it will come back, give yourself a break and take it slow! It IS hot out there. I just got in from a 45 minute walk, I waited too late, 7:45 to start. Sweat was pouring in my eyes and burning and I am absolutely soaked! But I needed to sweat out some of the water that I was retaining from my…
  • I started my 'time to kick butt' phase again 4 weeks ago today, I haven't had a single cookie, cake, banana bread, monkey bread, ice cream, chocolate, candy treat in one month. Nothing. Not even a bite and I've made a ton of it these past few weeks! Guess what, it's not because I told myself I was avoiding that stuff, it's…
  • Calories were good for the day, even all my macro nutrients were in line, except for SODIUM! Apparently I spent some time at the salt lick, ask my body, it feels like it! Water......
  • Holy crap! I logged my food for the day, ate a cup of cottage cheese today, 860 mg of sodium? NO WONDER I've been thristy. Nobody told me THAT about it. Mabye it's not so worth liking.
  • As soon as I read Daisy Fuentes I thought you were going to say you had to buy them bigger. Huh. Maybe I need me some Daisy! LOL Cool beans though!
  • Marla- Keep running, substitute Insanity where you have time and can. My two cents. If you are going to be ready for your half, you need to log the miles.
  • Wondering if Marla can get outta bed this AM.....:wink: Go Insanity! Tamara- have fun with your trainer Jeannie- I do the old lady skirts, it hides my thighs better. Boy shorts accentuates them, maybe some day.... Tanya- my thoughts exactly on cottage cheese... but I'm trying Was chuckling to myself yesterday, thinking…
  • Tamara- we got your number silly, we will dial it when we need to! :wink: So proud of you. One year at or under goal weight. That is certainly something to shout out! I am proud of myself too. I just ate a whole 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese without gagging. :tongue: Ok, my proud is so insignificant next to Tamaras, but I've…
  • Good one! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Jason, you are gonna fit in around here just fine. My 13 year old son is a computer geek. I wish he had somebody to talk to about the stuff who cared. He listens to podcasts on technology for fun, then proceeds to torture me with all the details he has learned. I try to listen, but honestly I could care less. The problem…
  • Mock your wine gums? I think we don't know what the heck they are! LOL But from Tanyas description, stay away from 'em, they sound like pure sugar. Tanya- the US Lands End site has a size chart with measurements for hips, bust, waist- to tell you which size to order, I have found it to be extremely accurate. I've never had…
  • Tanya- Lands End is www.landsend.com..... check it out. I can't imagine they don't ship internationally, but I really don't know!
  • I was thinking the same thing... huh? It sounded like something Tanya would say (teasing ya girl) and we would have to ask what she's talkin' bout. Funny thing a few posts lower... Tanya posted she loves 'em. :tongue: What ARE they?
  • Marla- didn't try to scare you with the Insanity, do what you can women! For the record, I only had two kids and I don't do jumping all that well either. Certain things are easier than others in the jump category. Jumping jacks... if I got to piddle at all.... forget it... if my bladder is totally emtpy... I'm good. Sooooo…
  • Well, taken out of context it sounds bad! LOL Just don't go looking at any old naked lady picture, like the ones in popular magazines, that will be depressing!
  • I know people who advance to Insanity after P90X. It is supposed to be intense. One of the young fit 20 year olds at my gym told me she thought she was going to die when she tried it. Good luck girl! :bigsmile:
  • Sorry the suit wasn't what you were hoping for, personally, I am tankini all the way, the top hangs down over the floof as you like to call it, it hides it unlike a one piece. I'm telling you... Lands End even sells long torso if you want it extra long... check out the overstocks. I have a free shipping code if ya want it.…
  • Me again... no rambling... just the cool part...... I have a book that stores all my old school stuff and report cards. The last weight I entered was in 10th grade, I was 16. How flipping cool is that?
  • .....and they call Marla the blabber... here's my two cents on the above...... Ok, gang, there you have it, my summary of a chapter that makes perfect sense to me. Honestly, every time I read it I think of my mother, who truly eats very little, has been yo-yo dieting her whole life and probably as a result has the slowest…
  • Alright, I’ve been promising to share this info with you guys for a while. I have searched for a good article online and can’t find one, so here goes, I will summarize and I’m warning you now- it’s gonna be long and I won't be offended if you skip it! You all know I like the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle book I bought. I…
  • Tanya- I think mixing up your workout is wonderful! Our bodies adapt very quickly to what we are doing. Keep throwing new challenges at it!