AndreaLee Member


  • Thanks, printed it out for reference. Pretty good on most things, although I was unsure on how long to keep things once opened....sometimes the expiry date doesn't apply if it is good to know!
  • Oh and for going out...which was the original question.....duh! I take a snack with me, apple and almonds or piece of low-fat cheese with 15 brown rice crackers, and always take my water!
  • I fight temptation by having low cal options of my favorite foods tucked away. (Otherwise hubby eats them) Then when I get a craving for chocolate, I can go grab that 40 cal. fudgsicle at the bottom of the freezer, or go beside my bed and grab my 90 cal. snack pack bag. It feels naughty, grin, but doesn't break the bank in…
  • Congratulations on all the hard work and success! Wishing you continued success in your endeavours and research on a healthy food plan. Go get 'em! :)
  • Processed foods that may not be as healthy as fresh foods include: •canned foods with lots of sodium •white breads and pastas made with refined white flour, which are not as healthy as those made with whole grains •packaged high-calorie snack foods, like chips and cheese snacks •high-fat convenience foods, like cans of…
  • Hi! 2 lbs comes off fairly quickly especially if you drink your 8 cups of water. I gain back around my period on the start of my period not just because of swelling, but because I have strong cravings...and same thing, eat more especially the carbs and cheese - last time I had pizza, 4 beer and a snack plate of garlic…
  • I don't know if I'd worry about it, as long as you are making general progress, hey don't worry, be happy! You're getting out and exercising so what does it matter? I find that if I eat some form of protein with breakfast lunch and dinner, and then say I have a chicken breast at lunch, if I half it and save half for a…
  • It depends on whether you have problems with low-blood sugar in the morning. You could try a small snack of 5 to 10 almonds and 1/2 a glass of orange juice and see if it helps with getting through it easier.
  • One note about Tonic water. It is 1 gram less in sugar than Cola and has 124 calories per 12 oz. Soda water is a better option if you don't mind the taste.
  • I'm 47, work with my husband at home with our business. Easy to eat anytime I want. 3rd time round on My Fitness Pal, each time it has worked, then I go back to not watching and whoops! Worked nights on fire security last year over the summer for some extra cash - didn't help as the cook fed us very well, sat in a vehicle…
  • Sorry, also the UPS is a rumour only. If you type in the line Free UPS shipping to Haiti on your search engine, you will see several news agencies have stated that UPS is not shipping to Haiti right now, but has suspended operations.
  • Hey! Glad you are here Faith! I hear you! The main thing is be consistent with entering your food and exercise every day! I'm back for the third time because each time it works, but then I stop logging on and whoops the pounds come back because I love my food! So making sure you track, even if you just get on here once a…
  • For those of us with low blood sugar problems, I like the idea of allowing yourself raw veggies or a small piece of fruit at night. Sometimes I don't fall asleep until after 2:00 a.m. because I'm going through menopause. I heard that with eating a small apple, that you actually burn the calories off from it by just…
  • The best of luck. Just keep tracking what you eat on this site and I know you'll do well!
  • Ouch! Sorry about your fall. If you've injured yourself, it might be a good idea to give your body time to heal. So you'll have to keep away from anything that will put stress on your legs. Mild stretching up top, and see how your back reacts to it. If you fell, you might have caused problems elsewhere, so I'd take it…
  • Hi. I'll let others tell you about exercises for indoors. But just to say, welcome back and "hey" you made a positive step by getting back on here. Don't beat yourself up, just try try again. Hope things start to look better for you soon, it sounds like you have a case of the blues. Good luck!:smile:
  • I like both, the blonde makes you look fun, the darker hair goes well with your skin tone (and I just noticed somebody else also said that, so we both think so lol) and gives you a more exotic look.
  • Hello, and good for you that you are giving it another go. I'm doing the same. A little setback that's all, and with all that's been going on... who can blame you. Hop back up on the bandwagon. Hugs sent your way!:smile:
  • Thanks for making me laugh! Very cute! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Under the Tuscan Sun Elektra anything with Sean Connery (although he's getting to be a very old guy - still love him!)
  • The very best of luck!!!
  • Lost 25 lbs. using this site in 2007 for my trip to Africa. Since February of this year though, I've managed to pack it back on again and wasn't logging on here. Ah well, live and learn.