I'm back! Again.

ToTheLove Posts: 357
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Well, here I am. Back again. With everything that I worked so hard to accomplish completely destroyed.

At my lowest weight I was down 20 lbs and SO proud of myself. Then the you know what hit the fan.

I moved and started school at the same time (not a fun time), the proceeded to go through and extremely tough financial time and consequently a very tough time in my relationship. I did was I always do: Turned to food. (and cigarettes).

So here I am. Weighing more than I started out weighing when I joined this site. At its lowest, my belt was on the 2nd to the last loop... now, the first loop is tight.

I feel disappointed, disgusted with myself and, frankly, lazy. I'm not sleeping well, I'm not waking up well, I'm always tired, I've been sick for 2 months now and I am 100 % positive that its because of not eating right and not working out.

I cancelled my membership to my gym because I couldn't afford it anyway, and that situation hasn't gotten a whole lot better yet so I'm not able to re-join a gym at this point. Any advice on ways to workout without a gym? It's getting cold here in MN and there will be snow and ice on the ground very soon so while I'm willing to try outdoor activities, they are limited and will be very tough.

Anyway, I just wanted to re-introduce myself kinda and see if anyone has advice on the working out thing.



  • ToTheLove
    ToTheLove Posts: 357
    Well, here I am. Back again. With everything that I worked so hard to accomplish completely destroyed.

    At my lowest weight I was down 20 lbs and SO proud of myself. Then the you know what hit the fan.

    I moved and started school at the same time (not a fun time), the proceeded to go through and extremely tough financial time and consequently a very tough time in my relationship. I did was I always do: Turned to food. (and cigarettes).

    So here I am. Weighing more than I started out weighing when I joined this site. At its lowest, my belt was on the 2nd to the last loop... now, the first loop is tight.

    I feel disappointed, disgusted with myself and, frankly, lazy. I'm not sleeping well, I'm not waking up well, I'm always tired, I've been sick for 2 months now and I am 100 % positive that its because of not eating right and not working out.

    I cancelled my membership to my gym because I couldn't afford it anyway, and that situation hasn't gotten a whole lot better yet so I'm not able to re-join a gym at this point. Any advice on ways to workout without a gym? It's getting cold here in MN and there will be snow and ice on the ground very soon so while I'm willing to try outdoor activities, they are limited and will be very tough.

    Anyway, I just wanted to re-introduce myself kinda and see if anyone has advice on the working out thing.

  • AndreaLee
    AndreaLee Posts: 23 Member
    Hi. I'll let others tell you about exercises for indoors. But just to say, welcome back and "hey" you made a positive step by getting back on here. Don't beat yourself up, just try try again. Hope things start to look better for you soon, it sounds like you have a case of the blues. Good luck!:smile:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Welcome back from the Dark Side, sweetie :flowerforyou:

    You'll drop all of that very quickly, since most of it is probably just water weight. I'm so sorry for all the stress you've been through:ohwell: but today is a new day and dangit, yesterday doesn't matter anymore! You can do it and bravo for making it back!:drinker:

    As for the workouts, There is a thread directly below yours on the main page about exactly that!

    You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • ToTheLove
    ToTheLove Posts: 357
    Hi. I'll let others tell you about exercises for indoors. But just to say, welcome back and "hey" you made a positive step by getting back on here. Don't beat yourself up, just try try again. Hope things start to look better for you soon, it sounds like you have a case of the blues. Good luck!:smile:

    Yeah, I guess I do sort of have a case of the blues... About this anyway. I'm glad I came back and I really should be thinking, "Hey! If I can get that far once, I can totally do it again!"

    Thanks for the support!!!
  • ToTheLove
    ToTheLove Posts: 357
    Welcome back from the Dark Side, sweetie :flowerforyou:

    You'll drop all of that very quickly, since most of it is probably just water weight. I'm so sorry for all the stress you've been through:ohwell: but today is a new day and dangit, yesterday doesn't matter anymore! You can do it and bravo for making it back!:drinker:

    As for the workouts, There is a thread directly below yours on the main page about exactly that!

    You can do it!:flowerforyou:

    Things are really looking up for the rest of my life (doing well in school, money is getting better, relationship is much better, better than ever, actually) So the last step is to just get back on the wagon and fix my poor, sick, tired body.

    I'll check that thread out... (should have looked before I posted :wink: )

    Thank you!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Welcome back from the Dark Side, sweetie :flowerforyou:

    You'll drop all of that very quickly, since most of it is probably just water weight. I'm so sorry for all the stress you've been through:ohwell: but today is a new day and dangit, yesterday doesn't matter anymore! You can do it and bravo for making it back!:drinker:

    As for the workouts, There is a thread directly below yours on the main page about exactly that!

    You can do it!:flowerforyou:

    Things are really looking up for the rest of my life (doing well in school, money is getting better, relationship is much better, better than ever, actually) So the last step is to just get back on the wagon and fix my poor, sick, tired body.

    I'll check that thread out... (should have looked before I posted :wink: )

    Thank you!

    It's funny how hard times can actually IMPROVE a relationship, huh? :heart:

    And no worries, I think they posted it right before you posted. :flowerforyou: happens a lot around here:wink:
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