wickedcricket Member


  • wow. some ppl lead sheltered lives yes I've called 911 I've been arrested and jailed I kissed girls I've done drugs, sex, rock & roll life is for LIVING - it's not a spectator sport
  • Don't get it much anymore, I assume people know why BUT if anyone is rude enough to ASK why am I single my response is 'why aren't you?' I would never live any other way I want NO interference or disruptions in my life I don't need the BS, drama and fkn in-laws that's why - infinity
  • not even a tiny problem. Just get a HILLARY 2016 shirt and ERA shirts. you won't have to say or do anything. he'll leave you alone - or at least I'm pretty sure that's the reason they leave me strictly alone Feminazi. they hate that (doesn't have to be true, just put it out there and let them draw their own conclusions)
  • have you considered the possibility that you suffer from clinical depression? that could be why the world doesn't appear 'in color' to you. Depression disconnects you from your emotions. this includes the ability to feel GOOD or be happy. If your nutrition and training are working out well but you still feel 'blah' or even…
  • ok. will try. recovering from a shoulder injury to make things worse. my arms need SERIOUS help.
  • don't 'interpret' texts unless you work for the FBI or police dept. NEVER, EVER pursue men- ESPECIALLY men with mental problems and/or marines I'm gonna say this one final time - WHEN A MAN WANTS YOU, YOU WILL KNOW IT - you don't need to ask strangers or wonder. When a man does NOT want you - ACCEPT IT! move on sweetie,…
  • take some pepper spray and face your fear. facing your fear makes you stronger have fun!
  • The Firm Kettlebell workout - about $20 or less http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyObAiTxS1Y but I like it because she's pretty diligent about form thru the whole workout- it's not about sweating or hurting yourself- it's about FORM of course, I'm just a doodler, not a fitness buff. This is a good starter program IMO
  • Do or do not. There is no try. on my profile - my life motto
  • can add me if u like. I also 'dropped out' for a while. I feel bad leaving my dogs alone so much & use that as an excuse not to get off the couch... not today
  • introvert. much prefer my own company, a book or movie. I find most ppl are not at all understanding, compassionate or polite about it however so I am a RUDE INTROVERT. If I don't want to talk on the phone, I say so If I don't feel like company, I say so If I'm at your house, party - whatever and I feel like going home, I…
  • I don't like fast food & would prefer to prepare my own or eat at a 'real' restaurant that doesn't fry everything. McDonald's is AWFUL- I never go there. We have a local restaurant (Frisch's) that Cincinnatians are weaned on, we know the menu by heart and everybody 'craves' big boys- I'm getting over that too and can take…
  • around here if a cop sees you running with a gun in your hand, you're as good as dead. I never worry about this- fat ppl are hard to kidnap
  • Tracy Thurman: a cry for help. a horrible movie and the actor that plays her husband/abuser - I still don't like him. can't watch him. it's a true story. awful
  • read the message boards for inspiration and encouragement. take all advice with a grain of salt. Eat as cleanly as possible, avoid processed foods. MOVE. get moving, find something you like to do and DO IT. Don't expect over night change- but DO expect change, gradually. Rely on your MFP pals for support and encouragement…
  • why do you have to announce you're not a feminist? and why don't you support your own gender? what do you think 'feminist' means? why aren't you one? try to use one-syllable words and small sentences because I AM A FEMINIST and raised my daughters to be complete American women too.
  • LOVE is not condtional. lose weight is one thing- breast reduction? he doesn't want YOU - he wants some television ideal who loves him like you do. what about HIM!? WHAT DOES HE HAVE TO CHANGE? why does HE get to make the condtions? I wouldn't have stayed for the whole conversation. He is, by far, not worthy. I wouldn't…
  • try not to focus on 'size' and 'appearance' and remember you're getting HEALTHY and IMPROVING YOUR LIFE and lifestyle. Those other things will fall into place. I feel discouraged often because I am not pretty and never have been. So even if I weigh 100lbs, I still won't be YOUNG and certainly not pretty - but I WILL be…
  • I have 4 children. my profile pic is me with some of THEIR children
  • those are excuses. not reasons. have you seen the pics & message boards here - the success stories? Do you think those people didn't have road-blocks and frustration along the way? Stuff happens in EVERYBODY'S life - we can fight back or let it defeat us. Quitters NEVER WIN Winners NEVER QUIT
  • your husband needs to address his OWN insecurity and quit projecting them on to you. IMO only an idiot would even suggest that only slim ppl cheat/leave their marriage. But (being a big girl) I'd also be insulted at the implication that the only reason I'm staying in my marriage is BECAUSE I'M TOO FAT TO DO OTHERWISE.…
  • he's cute, name him Clooney
  • gaining over 20lbs isn't from birth control- that's a lack of SELF CONTROL. I don't think IUD causes weight gain - but pregnancy will
  • perhaps if you think of the people in this world, so many young children and mothers, who don't have access to clean drinking water it might help you to appreciate it more? and if you can't drink it, donate to those who are without
  • make sure you are eating enough calories. commonly the reason ppl aren't losing when doing the shred is because they aren't eating enough, not too much. eating as clean as possible helps, Jillian will tell ya that. the great thing about it is - it's customizable. you can do it as little or as much as you can stand. the…
  • ok. back up to 180- love to be 175 or less by May 1 (sigh) Daughter getting married memorial day weekend.
  • disappointed. I thought this would be a 'pot' thread. Jeez. all this drama over cigarettes!? Glad we're not neighbors
  • I weigh daily or every other day. keeps me focused & on track. I KNOW when I party too much & stuff what to expect but the scale keeps me from going into DENIAL. If I learned nothing else on this website it's that weight loss is extremely personal for each individual. there is NO ONE 'trick'. The scale works for me. it is…
  • head butt her and she will stop. Do it with an audience and you'll only have to do it once.
  • dunno but I read a blog that said it's virtually impossible to burn 1000 cals a day. ppl think they burn a lot more than they do. consult a nutritionist? I think I'd take a break lol just sayin