Dumped because I am fat...what do you think?



  • iwish123
    iwish123 Posts: 56 Member
    I say dump him... and then get super hot and rub it in his face.

    Or at least, thats what I would do :)
    First thing I thought too :)
  • TT64
    TT64 Posts: 115 Member
    First I'll start by saying you are a beautiful woman. Your profile pic shows that. Believe it.

    Your boyfriend sounds both immature and insecure himself, if he needs you to look a certain way to the public, so he won't be embarrassed. He loves you? I don't believe that. He does not know what real love is then.

    Here's my story, so I know what I am talking about. I have been married for almost 24 yrs. When I met my husband, I weighed 135lbs, and at 5'6", that was a size 8. I worked out 5 days a week and felt great. My husband was very very attracted to me, and never failed to tell me every day. Well, after we married, our schedules changed and I love to cook, and began cooking great meals every night, and ate right along with him. I worked out less, because we moved out of state, and I never found a gym in our new area that I loved, so I didn't go very much. The weight started creeping on. Then I got pregnant....gained 65 lbs. And it's been a steady gain over the last 20 yrs since. I can't believe how much weight I've gained. I'm more than twice the weight I was when I met my husband, and you know what? He has never said a word to me about it. He knows I know, he knows I want to lose weight. He knows I beat myself up enough about it. He has never once told me I was fat, looked bad, or was embarrassed by me. He still acts as attracted to me as the day we met. He still wants to be intimate with me all of the time. It is me who refuses, as I'm so embarassed with my body now. He still reaches for my hand when we get out of the car to go inside where we are going. He still looks almost the same as when we met, except he's gone mostly grey now. He's never been overweight, but he too has always had a little belly.

    Now, to me, that is real love. That is love that does not or will not tear you down. He supports me whenever I decide to take better care of myself, but he never is the one to push me, or make me feel bad about it. Your boyfriend needs to grow up....and be more confident in who he is. Because if he loves you when you are not out in public, but gets embarrassed when you are, he has his own insecurities. Some men think that if they say something harsh, it might be what you need to get you motivated to lose weight, they really do think they are helping in some way. Clearly, they need to learn that it is not the way to motivate someone.

    Tell him you love him, and you want to be the best you can be, but you can't be with him if he feels that way about you now. You need to only surrond yourself with the most supportive people, ones who have faith in you, ones who will pick you up when you fall and ones who really see the real you and accept you. Tell him he needs to go be with "one of those skinny chicks", and you hope he finds that ego boost he's looking for. Now it's time for YOU. You are beautiful, and you deserve a fresh start. Don't stay with a man who ever hurts your core. There will be another man in your future.....and when the time is right for you, you will find him! You can do this! Please feel free to add me as a friend, I'm here if you need support!
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Here's what struck me the most about your post: " I feel like if I fix my weight FOR him, he and his family might just find something else that they don't like either. I am wondering if I should move on or feel grateful that he told me?"

    You hit the nail on the head with that first sentance. The issue isn't about your weight; he knew what he had when his family came to visit, and from the sound of it, he's very influenced by them. You are likely correct that, even if you do lose weight there will be something else, perhaps something you can't control.

    Personally, I think you should move on AND be grateful he told you, but you have to do what you think is best.
  • I would let him go, if he doesnt love everything about you hes not worth it.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    LOVE is not condtional. lose weight is one thing- breast reduction? he doesn't want YOU - he wants some television ideal who loves him like you do.
    what about HIM!? WHAT DOES HE HAVE TO CHANGE? why does HE get to make the condtions?

    I wouldn't have stayed for the whole conversation. He is, by far, not worthy. I wouldn't waste one more day or thought on him- but that's just me.
    You deserve someone who loves you UNCONDITIONALLY. trust me when I tell you I am no longer young and IF he doesn't love you whole-heartedly, you will wind up broken hearted eventually. My past tells me that no matter WHAT you do- he's gonna dump you for the first cute girl that winks at him - OR he might not dump you - keep you on the string to feed his ego and cheat behind your back, then accuse YOU of cheating. Either way, he's making you miserable. I see more misery in your future if you stay with this pig. I'd run, not walk.
    You won't find the right guy if you're stuck with THIS WRONG GUY. get out there, honey. set yourself free to be the TOTAL PERSON and find true and complete love WITH NO CONDITIONS.
  • lfergurson1
    lfergurson1 Posts: 137 Member
    when you lose the weight you wont want him back. Sorry that this hurts so much thats really mean but people are not nice if you have been overweight for any period of time I am pretty sure you know that ... I would get healthy for myself and not even ever bother with thoughts of him I wouldnt even give him the benefit of ever seeing me again! That would be a privaledge he doesnt deserve for wasting 2 years of your time.
  • shamah84
    shamah84 Posts: 110 Member
    I would let him go. You want someone that is going to love you at your best AND your worst. What if you get pregnant and gain some weight like most women do. Will he leave you then? It's too stressful. You should be doing this for you or it won't work. Another thing is why does he care what his family thinks? I mean, it's one thing that he worries about you healthwise but if that's the case then he should be supportive and do it with you not give you an ultimatum for marriage. Sounds more like an excuse to eventually break up with you. Like someone already said. I'd get smoking hot for myself and then rub it on his face and say 'look what you missed out on' :) Just saying. :D
  • Joleen106
    Joleen106 Posts: 9 Member
    He is not the man you want to be with. Fast forward to the future, what if you married him then regained the weight? what if the next thing is he wants your hair color different or clothing style different? This is not love. My husband is 400 lbs. He was heavy when we met. I only wish for him to lose weight for his health and for his children. Other than that he is my man and my best friend and I love him and who he is and would never make him feel less than the great man he is because of his weight.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I would think it really depends on your true feelings. Don't get me wrong, I think you need to lose weight for yourself and only yourself. But he was honest and straight with you, which does count for something in my book. If you feel the love is real, then use it for motivation, but still you need to do it for yourself. No more excuses, just do it. IF the love is realy, then he will be on the journey with you...he will be doing it with you and together you will get closer and healthier. Only you can be the judge of where your relationship really is.

    but I can tell you that you will need to make a lifestyle change...not just diet. That is why I say it will need to be something you do together.

    good luck.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    ....This is who I am. You know I am tryng and I hope to one day be where "I" want to be. If you cannot support me and love me for who I am big or small... there is the door don't let it hit you in the @$$ on your way through....

    It may hurt for a while but you have to ask him why now after 2.5 years is this brought to your attention.

    what ever you decide. Good luck and do it for YOU! No one else. :glasses:
  • licensing_princess
    licensing_princess Posts: 5 Member
    I say loose the weight, then loose another what 175 - 200 lbs instantly when you dump him. Anyone who would set conditions to a relationship is someone who I would not want to spend the rest of my life with. You can and will do better. Good luck down your path to healthy living.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    Hi everyone! :smile: I have been dating this guy for 2 1/2 years. He met me when I was overweight and didn't have a big problem with it. We were attracted to each other and had a pretty happy relationship. His family recently visited for the first time, and ever since then he has been treating me differently. When we talked about marriage, he said that he won't propose unless I lose a lot of weight. He said his family made him realize how heavy I am and he doesn't want to be with me if I am that overweight. I am 5'4" and 250 pounds. He said he doesn't want to be walking in the mall with me and have people wonder why he is with me. He wants to check me out the way he does thin chicks. He wants someone that wears bikinis and short shorts. He said he has only been holding onto me because he loves me and hopes I will change. He said he would pay for me to reduce my boobs now just so I would look less heavy.

    Obviously this hurt me a lot since I have been struggling with my weight since my sophomore year of college. He knows I try hard to lose and fall back into unhealthy emotional patterns. I have gone through surgery lately and faced setbacks. It hurts me that he loves me for me until he saw what his family said about my weight. Especially since they aren't thin people either. (Even he isn't super active and has a bit of a belly)

    So - here is where your opinion comes in. How would you react to this? What do you think about it? Would you try to lose the weight and be a better person for him or would you see him as superficial and shallow? Obviously, I am trying to lose weight anyway. I guess I am wondering if you would take this as him trying to help you look better and be nice about it, or if you would be offended and move on. He says I am perfect for him except for my weight. I feel like if I fix my weight FOR him, he and his family might just find something else that they don't like either. I am wondering if I should move on or feel grateful that he told me?

    This nearly made me cry. You SHOULD DEFINITELY MOVE ON. What him and his family are saying are horrible things if the guy really loves you he will love u no matter what!!!! He wouldn't care about ur weight or listen to what anyone said to him about you or the weight. you are a beautiful girl and you seem to be a generally nice person, you deserve to be to treated and respected a lot better then that. I am married for almost 8 months now and we dated for 3 years before that, when me and my husband first started dating I was 120lbs then I gained a lot of weight over the years (I got all the way up to 258lbs) and over the years and months I constantly ask him if I look fat or if I look beautiful and he tells me all these amazing things every time and tells me he loves me the way I am and still would love me even if I were 500lbs, now that is love. I am not trying to make you feel bad or anything but if ur boyfriend really didn't care or really loves you as much as he says he does or loves u for u he would NOT care about ur weight!!! He is being extremely rude and offensive. And if he openly admits he is looking at other girls then he is also being a douche. You deserve better!!! I say kick him to the curb!!!!

    I hope this helped you.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I feel like if I fix my weight FOR him, he and his family might just find something else that they don't like either.

    You should worry about this. Also, do you really want to spend your life with a man willing to throw away a two and a half year relationship because he wants arm candy to parade around the mall?

    How shallow is that?
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Marry him, take everything he has and leave him and take whatever he has left.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I'll never understand why so many young women would jump through hoops to win the approval of some *kitten* who clearly isn't worth the time and effort. My niece is forever posting on Facebook about how she'll never be "good enough" or will "always be second best" for the jerk she is dating who has made no secret of cheating on her. Ladies, dump the douche bags, and get on with life. I guarantee if you love and care for yourself, someone will come along that will love and care for you as well and in a way that you deserve. Don't settle for someone who makes you feel like you are not good enough when somewhere, out there are several who would feel lucky to have you.
  • Oh hell no! Get rid of that trash, girl!! True love isn't conditional... he'd love you no matter what if it was real. Keep your head up and leave that *kitten*! You deserve better. When you lose weight, it should be for YOU ...not something you have to do to gain or keep "love".
  • tinlee
    tinlee Posts: 60 Member
    I'm sorry you're going through this. But the fact that he allows his family to determine how he's feeling about you is a big red flag. If you stay with him it's a matter of time before they meddle in your relationship again. Even if you do lose enough weight to satisfy them, be prepared to have them bully you on various other issues that you haven't even thought of yet while your man sides against you. Does that sound like a good situation to you?
  • istutzman
    istutzman Posts: 64
    Know that you are a strong and beautiful woman, know your worth. After dating for that length of time, he should know you, your fears, your pains, your strengths, etc. Not only is he shallow, he's only thinking of himself. If he was concerned for you, he would have approached your weight in a completely different way. He is obviously easily steered by his family and that will only cause problems in the long run. Get healthy for YOU and only you. If he loves you he will realize what a jerk he's being and apologize.
  • Firstly, I feel so sorry for you. my initial reaction would be good riddance but of course that is a long time together to throw away, The way he approached the issue was dead dead wrong and clearly he wants to check out skinny girls and parade you around in a bikini, this is shallow of him because you seem to be a lovely person with a kind heart and he wont find that in another person if all he wants is looks. you deserve better. When i broke up with my bf of 2 years he said "well you've got fat anyway" .. I had. Since then I have found the love of my life and I started my big weightloss journey a year ago, he has stuck with me and supported me entirely, and loved me even when i was bigger. There is a better man out there for you, time to move on with your head held high, knowing you would never have been so shallow like him. If you want to, lose weight, it is your body. next time he sees you he will eat his words.
    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    He is a shallow moron. You are lucky to be rid of him. Good luck!