April challenge...anyone in???



  • Sounds good -- I'm in too. <: I've been in it a few days now, starting at my highest weight (ever). 195 and 5'7". Hmmm. I want to get down to 183, which would be 12 pounds this month. I want to lose some weight especially because my son is getting married the end of May. I'd like to be better prepared to enjoy the special time coming up! Yup, I'm in! Anyone else's special events help motivate them?
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    ok. back up to 180- love to be 175 or less by May 1 (sigh) Daughter getting married memorial day weekend.
  • wicketcricket, We have the weddings in common ... same weekend for my son and your daughter. Yeah!
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    Me too! Me too! I actually started trying to lose weight 3/18/13. I was 230lbs. then, and am 5'10". Joined MFP 3/26 and I'm down to 212 as of this morning and would LOVE to be at 198 by May 1! I am on Day 3 of 30 Day Shred, and terrified that I won't lose quickly with it (as I've read other posts that state that). It's killing me right now, so I hope it's worth it!!
  • i weigh 266 and would like to weigh 260 by the end of this month (atleast)
  • I'm in.

    180cm, 203lb. Would like to be around 196lb (14st) at the end of the month
  • 98ish this morning. and i guess i wanna be 93 by the end of april idk lol.
  • moopachoo
    moopachoo Posts: 69 Member
    From 167 down to 165.5 this morning :)
  • Down two pounds. I hope I can make 8 more!
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Id like to jump in on this challenge!! I def need a push. I am 5'3. My current weight is 181.6. I'd like to weigh 169 by the end of April. Losing 12 pounds would be so AWESOME!!

    Lost more weight!!! I am 177.6 now. Only 8.6 pounds till I reach my goal for this month!!
  • winchestervol63
    winchestervol63 Posts: 47 Member
    I got into this challenge at 265 and my goal is 250 by May 1. I seem to be in a good position to see a '5' on the scale this Friday for my normal weigh-in day.

    Keep working toward your goals, everybody! We can do this.

    Right now, I'm having a lot of success and it's just going very, very well. Just gotta keep things going in the same direction.

    I wasn't sure I could do it, but an early, imagined goal was to hit 220 by my birthday in August. If I make this May 1 goal, I'll have 3+ months to lose the final 30 pounds. Seems very achievable to me at this point.

    Good luck to you all!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    No change. 192 this week. Only 2 more pounds to see my April goal.

    I'm pretty happy that I didn't gain so no complaints here.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    another 1.4 pounds off. Only 2.8 pounds to reach my April goal.
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    I shall partake! My weigh ins are on friday and as of yesterday I was 184. So here's to weighing 177 on April 26! So hopefully 7 pounds in 4 weeks.

    We can do this!

    (Now I just have to remember to check back here...)

    Whoops! Blew right past my goal already.

    New goal = weigh 170 on April 26!
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    Down 3 lbs. in the past 7 days! Maybe I can get rid of the 200s by the end of the month?!?!?! 30 day shred is kicking my *kitten*! And, I kinda like it! :)
  • gfrobe22
    gfrobe22 Posts: 1
    I'm in. I'm at 308 would like to be 303 by month end. Just starting out.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    another pound off since Friday. 1.8 pounds to go to meet the challenge
  • winchestervol63
    winchestervol63 Posts: 47 Member
    I got into this challenge at 265 and my goal is 250 by May 1. I seem to be in a good position to see a '5' on the scale this Friday for my normal weigh-in day.

    Keep working toward your goals, everybody! We can do this.

    Right now, I'm having a lot of success and it's just going very, very well. Just gotta keep things going in the same direction.

    I wasn't sure I could do it, but an early, imagined goal was to hit 220 by my birthday in August. If I make this May 1 goal, I'll have 3+ months to lose the final 30 pounds. Seems very achievable to me at this point.

    Good luck to you all!

    Steady progress, here - was 259 this morning. Hoping for 255-6 on my normal weigh-in day Friday. Going to be really close for me and my goal on May 1. Whether I make it or not, I'm happy with my progress and with what I'm getting done. But make no mistake, I mean to see 250 on May 1!

    Everybody, keep working.
  • Hi,
    Yes, im in. I'm 35 years old, 206 lbs, 5' 7" with a cooking husband from the south and snack eating kids lol! Help! I need friends for tips and encouragement. Please add me. I also need to now how in the world to add in snacks and stay under 1200 calories! Trying to eat to live and not live to eat :-) Oh, my favorite thing is ice cream i need a good creamy sweet solution if it's out there please.