Burn 1000 calories a day and my weight is not moving :-(



  • dustwitch
    dustwitch Posts: 12 Member
    I've been doing the 30 day shred too, and I enter it as 20 minutes circuit training and that equates to 256 calories according to MFP - I think your calculations might be a bit out.
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    According to your food diary you are not eating enough. When you only have such a small amount to lose it is very important you feed your body enough, otherwise it will not let ago of the body fat you have. You need to REACH the calorie goal, not be UNDER it, and you are always way under it!!!!!


    Thanks for the link =)
  • Just because you are under your caloric intake doesnt mean what you are taking in is quality. You also need to look at fat and sugars. Those are things that will hault weight loss..... I dont think that your output is as high as its saying it is... you might want to look into that!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My exercise is limited, all I can do is walk or do a video. I don't have a gym membership.

    Then Where are you getting this 1000 calorie burn from?

    Seems way too high for someone of your weight. You would have to be doing hours worth of heavy weight training or sprinting to get anywhere near that.

    I do the 30 day shred everyday which equals 300-400 calories. Then I do walking/jogging intervals for 50 minutes which equals to 600. That's about 1000 calories a day

    are these numbers by HRM of just from MFP. The MFP calorie burns are way off.

    I would be really surprised if you are burning 1000 calories per day. And if you are, maybe you are overstressing your body and need to back off a little. I found that I actually burn about 50-60% of what MFP calculates and then I eat back about half of those. And give yourself some time off, to recover. Also...2 weeks? Not a plateau. Now, I've not lost anything since Feb, THAT'S a plateau.
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    I just read an article about a girl with a similar problem. Here is the link....http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/success-stories/

    I'll include the story here:

    Getting the Scale to Move
    The Game Plan
    For eight weeks my support team would help me do what I hadn't managed to in six months: jump-start my motivation and shed those last stubborn pounds.
    The Goal
    I'd come a long way since my 25th birthday, when I weighed 230 pounds and had the chronic aches of someone three times older. I gave up being vegetarian, trading bread and pasta galore for chicken and fish, and began jogging one New York City block at a time. Within a year and a half, I worked up to running 13 miles and dropped down to 152 pounds. That's where the scale stalled for months. And months. Then I wrote to FITNESS.
    My New To-Do List
    1.Think Small
    Until I consulted with weight-loss expert Madelyn, I couldn't understand why my 1,200-calories-a-day diet wasn't working. She said my body would resume losing weight when it sensed it wasn't in starvation mode. Madelyn had me eat snacks throughout the day, like sliced turkey rolls and fruit, to stoke my metabolism. Oddly, when I ate 1,700 calories daily, the pounds started to come off.

    2.Be an Easy Strider
    I had signed up for a marathon to inspire myself to run farther, but I bonked out at 13 miles. My trainer, Monica, taught me energy-saving tricks to help me push past my roadblock: I stopped shrugging my shoulders as I ran, and I interspersed walk breaks -- run five, walk one, for example -- so that long runs weren't so psychologically taxing. Soon I did a 16-mile run, which was a huge mental boost.

    3.Eat to Win
    My dietitian, Mary Jane, quickly figured out that I wasn't consuming nearly enough carbs to last through my increasing mileage. I was so focused on weight loss that I skimped on calories, especially those from carbs; I'd learned at a medical checkup last year that I had an intolerance to gluten, a component of many grains. Mary Jane had me add gluten-free carbs -- beans, potatoes, dried fruit, and rice -- to my meals, and it made all the difference.

    The Results
    Not only did I lose 11 pounds and finally cross the 150-pound mark, but I also crossed the finish line at my first marathon. The best part of all was ditching the deprivation diet, which was only holding me back. I know that the closer I get to my ultimate, 135-pound goal, the tougher it will be. But now I have the healthy tools to make it.

    WOW...thank you for taking the time to share this helpful advice!!
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    My exercise is limited, all I can do is walk or do a video. I don't have a gym membership.

    Then Where are you getting this 1000 calorie burn from?

    Seems way too high for someone of your weight. You would have to be doing hours worth of heavy weight training or sprinting to get anywhere near that.

    I do the 30 day shred everyday which equals 300-400 calories. Then I do walking/jogging intervals for 50 minutes which equals to 600. That's about 1000 calories a day

    are these numbers by HRM of just from MFP. The MFP calorie burns are way off.

    I use a HRM wrist watch from New Balance. It was $79.00 so I know it has to be closer to accurate than MFP....right?
  • Chris Powell said something like (not quoting, just giving you the basic jist of what he said) you have to change your workout after the 6th time of doing it... In other words, if you do the treadmill 6 times in a row, you need to do something different every 7th workout... i'm not explaining it well, but you can probably google it if Im not being clear enough.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    dunno but I read a blog that said it's virtually impossible to burn 1000 cals a day. ppl think they burn a lot more than they do.
    consult a nutritionist?
    I think I'd take a break
    lol just sayin
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    Wait!!! If I set my HRM to the weight I was when I first bought it, and I lost weight since then, do I have to re-program it to my new weight? Maybe that's why I'm getting the wrong numbers??

    OMG I feel so dumb.
  • ClammyCupcake
    ClammyCupcake Posts: 49 Member
    I'm not sure your run burns are accurate unless you're sprinting the whole time. May want to lower that. Even if you are burning more, atleast you're not artificially eating more calories to make up for it
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My exercise is limited, all I can do is walk or do a video. I don't have a gym membership.

    Then Where are you getting this 1000 calorie burn from?

    Seems way too high for someone of your weight. You would have to be doing hours worth of heavy weight training or sprinting to get anywhere near that.

    I do the 30 day shred everyday which equals 300-400 calories. Then I do walking/jogging intervals for 50 minutes which equals to 600. That's about 1000 calories a day

    are these numbers by HRM of just from MFP. The MFP calorie burns are way off.

    I use a HRM wrist watch from New Balance. It was $79.00 so I know it has to be closer to accurate than MFP....right?

    If it's just a watch with no chest strap, then no it's not anymore accurate then MFP.

    You need a chest strap for accuracy when it comes to HRM's.
  • brayla1
    brayla1 Posts: 142 Member
  • susanfrancis40
    susanfrancis40 Posts: 55 Member
    Wait!!! If I set my HRM to the weight I was when I first bought it, and I lost weight since then, do I have to re-program it to my new weight? Maybe that's why I'm getting the wrong numbers??

    OMG I feel so dumb.

    Yes :) ... looks like you have answered your own question
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    My exercise is limited, all I can do is walk or do a video. I don't have a gym membership.
    Are you sure the 1000 calorie burns are accurate?

    EDIT - just saw your HRM comment...see if that helps. I used to hit 1000+ burns all the time, then after losing a lot, it got harder and harder to hit that number!
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    Also - use a library if you have one. They loan workout videos for 21 days at a time. This will help you switch things up with exercise.
  • The longer you lose weight, and the skinnier you get, the slower you lose weight
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    My exercise is limited, all I can do is walk or do a video. I don't have a gym membership.

    Then Where are you getting this 1000 calorie burn from?

    Seems way too high for someone of your weight. You would have to be doing hours worth of heavy weight training or sprinting to get anywhere near that.

    I do the 30 day shred everyday which equals 300-400 calories. Then I do walking/jogging intervals for 50 minutes which equals to 600. That's about 1000 calories a day

    are these numbers by HRM of just from MFP. The MFP calorie burns are way off.

    I use a HRM wrist watch from New Balance. It was $79.00 so I know it has to be closer to accurate than MFP....right?

    If it's just a watch with no chest strap, then no it's not anymore accurate then MFP.

    You need a chest strap for accuracy when it comes to HRM's.

    Ok I will look into one of those. In the meantime (till I have the funds to buy one) I guess I will just use MFP to calculate my exercise.

    I think there may be a few other issues but I'll work it out.

    Maybe a low carb diet, maybe.
  • caroluherek
    caroluherek Posts: 63 Member
    Just took a quick look at your diary, I agree with reducing the snacks but more importantly why are you taking all that metamucil? sometimes even twice a day?? this is not good for your body. Why don't you try substituting raspberries, they're very high in fibre and low in calories and good for you. Starving your body of food will likely have the opposite result your looking for.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    You need to get a real HRM w/ a chest strap, and yes, you need to change your settings if you lose weight. When I was doing 30-Day Shred I burned about 250 cals.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Frankly, I am 6'1" and 433 pounds and 1k a day is in the range for me regarding burns for exercise. I don't do the shred or running, so I can't really say what it would be with that, but when I cycle and take aquatics, I burn around that, and it sounds to me like you're not nearly my size. Of course, every body is different... I do, however, support eating more, and don't cut carbs too much if you're going to continue daily exercise, you need those.