Creepy guy at the Gym



  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    I am a long distance runner and normally run on the roads..but because its raining and it can get hot at times I been running in treadmill at the gym. The Gym is small and I am always conscious about myself as everyone is watching everyone else .So I am a on with my earphone listening to music ..After my one hour run I was stretching ..this random dude walks to me and tries to talk to me..everyone at the gym turns there head. He ask some question about running basically he was trying to introduce himself
    I was answering without being friendly nor being rude. After that I was trying to avoid any kind of eye contact with him and stay away from him. After that day he has been checking me out and staring all the time when I stretch and always taking the treadmill me next to me even if the rest of the treadmills are empty . This is really disappointing me and I cant concentrate on my run
    Did anyone has same experience ??

    Have you told him that while you're flattered, you aren't interested? You know, just own and control the situation?

    well said
  • jmayerovitch
    jmayerovitch Posts: 71 Member
    Act like you have a really nasty cold and wipe your nose with the back of your hand. I bet he'll leave you alone. :)
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    Creepy was the day that I found a handwritten note on my car at the gym that read "I have been watching you..." At least you know who is watching and you have the opportunity to advise him that you are not interested! I would try subtle hints as others advised such as moving to another machine or mentioning that you don't prefer to converse when working out. If he persists then be direct and say thanks but that you are simply not interested. If he still continues to pursue you it is harassment and management should get involved.

    This seems like a reason to call the cops.
  • Honestly doesn't sound like he's crossed the "creepy" threshold just yet. Next time he takes the treadmill next to you move. He might get the hint just from that.

    Yeah, this.

    You may want to consider that in fact he is just being friendly.

    Not every man expects he will have sex with every single woman he talks to during his day. I know, its hard to believe but true.

    Telling management would be a spineless, douche-bag move.

    Part of me sympathizes with you, and the male part of me is slightly annoyed that members of the opposite sex paying attention to you is a "problem" at the gym. Must be nice....

    Yes, this I think. My attitude is "check me out baby!!". Women can be a bit weird about this kind of thing. Don't give them any attention and they are not happy............give them attention and they are not happy. Personally, I lap that sh1t up ;)
  • Doone33
    Doone33 Posts: 171 Member
    I only read the original post!

    I Hate when I talk to a guy and he assumes all of sudden that means I am opening a door for the love doctor to get to work.... I am married... and I can be friendly to the opposite sex with out wanting to date them... I have had guy friends my entire life without dating them.... Be cautious because I know as a girl who has guy friends... Just because a guy talks to you, or thinks your personality is cute or fun... does not mean he is interested in you as a date!

    If you don't like him... move away.. and bring a "boyfriend" to the gym once or twice so that he will see it.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    I have to say that I think the guy is just taking a chance. Unless you have a ring on, there is no way we would know that you are not interested unless we try. I think we have to be careful assuming that just because a guy is talking to you and being nice, he must want something else. I can assure you that is not always the case.

    Now with that being said, if the guy gives you a creepy vibe, just mention a boyfriend or husband.
  • mike_usmc
    mike_usmc Posts: 105 Member
    I think a lot of "I'm being watched" is in peoples heads. A lot of people who go to the gym might watch what you are doing but it might be and usually is I would say so that they can learn something. I'm not one for going up to a random chic at the gym, but conversation between work outs isnt a bad thing. It has been said before, but not ever guy that talks to a chic is trying to get something else out of it. Sex might be on my mind 24/5, but just because I strike up a conversation don't mean I'm trying for it right then and there.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    not even a tiny problem. Just get a HILLARY 2016 shirt and ERA shirts. you won't have to say or do anything. he'll leave you alone -
    or at least I'm pretty sure that's the reason they leave me strictly alone
    Feminazi. they hate that (doesn't have to be true, just put it out there and let them draw their own conclusions)
  • A few years ago I had a creepy gym friend. I was pretty skeeved out for awhile but I made it clear that I wasn't interested and he ended up being a pretty fun person to hang out with at the gym.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I love the judgyness of people who have never had a close call, never been grabbed or attacked or intimidated. it must be lovely to come from a perspective of never having been in sexual danger and tell those who have that they're silly ###'s for following their gut instinct when somebody makes them uncomfortable.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Next time just let a big fart rip on the treadmill and then wave your hands around your butt towards his direction, that will do it.
  • I love the judgyness of people who have never had a close call, never been grabbed or attacked or intimidated. it must be lovely to come from a perspective of never having been in sexual danger and tell those who have that they're silly ###'s for following their gut instinct when somebody makes them uncomfortable.

    I just love the the judgyness of people who believe that if you have been in sexual danger, you must be weary of men. I have had my close calls. Very close calls. But that doesn't mean I need to be extra careful. If its going to happen, it will happen. I enjoy male attention, flirting and just getting on with my own sh1t. I won't be wasting time trying to spot dangers that may never arise.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I just love the the judgyness of people who believe that if you have been in sexual danger, you must be weary of men.
    nobody has even implied that, but if you would rather they had please feel free to just invent stuff.
    I can tell you have a lot to prove so I suggest you assume I provided all the fuel you need.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    I love the judgyness of people who have never had a close call, never been grabbed or attacked or intimidated. it must be lovely to come from a perspective of never having been in sexual danger and tell those who have that they're silly ###'s for following their gut instinct when somebody makes them uncomfortable.

    Yes, because a lack of paranoia means they have never been grabbed. attacked, or intimidated. And I highly doubt that treadmills at a gym are a place where sexual danger happens on a regular basis. Maybe if you weren't afraid of your own shadow, you would realize that just because a guy says hi and is being friendly doesn't mean he is going to assault you.

    Is he being creepy? Maybe. We only have the OP's side of the story. Perhaps she is making this more dramatic/exaggerating details. There are two sides to every story. Without this guy's side of the story, we can't know. If OP is made uncomfortable, she should say something, but that doesn't necessarily mean this guy is a creep, any more than her being uncomfortable makes her a witch.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Yes, because a lack of paranoia means they have never been grabbed. attacked, or intimidated. And I highly doubt that treadmills at a gym are a place where sexual danger happens on a regular basis. Maybe if you weren't afraid of your own shadow, you would realize that just because a guy says hi and is being friendly doesn't mean he is going to assault you.
    lemons are yellow and lemons are fruit, therefore all fruit must be yellow.

    true story.
  • I love the judgyness of people who have never had a close call, never been grabbed or attacked or intimidated. it must be lovely to come from a perspective of never having been in sexual danger and tell those who have that they're silly ###'s for following their gut instinct when somebody makes them uncomfortable.

    Can you tell me what it is you are saying then? That women who have been in sexual danger in the past don't see men as any more dangerous as those who haven't? Whats this then - "it must be lovely to come from a perspective of never having been in sexual danger". Why? You don't think it has any effect on the way you view men? Do you?
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I love the judgyness of people who have never had a close call, never been grabbed or attacked or intimidated. it must be lovely to come from a perspective of never having been in sexual danger and tell those who have that they're silly ###'s for following their gut instinct when somebody makes them uncomfortable.

    Can you tell me what it is you are saying then? That women who have been in sexual danger in the past don't see men as any more dangerous as those who haven't? Whats this then - "it must be lovely to come from a perspective of never having been in sexual danger". Why? You don't think it has any effect on the way you view men? Do you?
    all fruit is yellow and every post you disagree with is clearly directed at you or whatever group you represent.

    I would like to explain to you what i'm saying but I lack the patience it would require, so i'm going to the cinema instead.
  • I love the judgyness of people who have never had a close call, never been grabbed or attacked or intimidated. it must be lovely to come from a perspective of never having been in sexual danger and tell those who have that they're silly ###'s for following their gut instinct when somebody makes them uncomfortable.

    Can you tell me what it is you are saying then? That women who have been in sexual danger in the past don't see men as any more dangerous as those who haven't? Whats this then - "it must be lovely to come from a perspective of never having been in sexual danger". Why? You don't think it has any effect on the way you view men? Do you?
    all fruit is yellow and every post you disagree with is clearly directed at you or whatever group you represent.

    I would like to explain to you what i'm saying but I lack the patience it would require, so i'm going to the cinema instead.

  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Yes, because a lack of paranoia means they have never been grabbed. attacked, or intimidated. And I highly doubt that treadmills at a gym are a place where sexual danger happens on a regular basis. Maybe if you weren't afraid of your own shadow, you would realize that just because a guy says hi and is being friendly doesn't mean he is going to assault you.
    lemons are yellow and lemons are fruit, therefore all fruit must be yellow.

    true story.

    This made literally no sense.
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    My definition of creepy is crossing boundaries, either explicitly stated ones, such as if you ask him to leave you alone and he doesn't, or generally understood social boundaries, such as approaching a stranger and making a sexual comment. If all he did was introduce himself, I don't think that's creepy. If him using the machine next to you makes you uncomfortable, move to a different one. If he then follows you, then he's starting to cross the line into creepy.

    (Edit was to fix a typo)

    You are my heroine.
    Too often guys are considered "creeps" not because they are doing anything wrong, but because they aren't the kind of guy someone is interested in meeting. How is he to know unless you tell him?