emmieb10 Member


  • I've found that peanut butter (all natural) and Greek yogurt keep me full for a while. Also eggs - really anything that has lots of protein in it - these tend to be things that have good amounts of good-for-you calories. I always eat breakfast and that helps with making sure my calorie count is at or slightly above where I…
  • Welcome, welcome! Good luck to you! This site rocks, lots of friendly people and lots of good tips, recipes and exercise suggestions. :smile:
  • Well, let me speak on behalf of everyone.... NO FAIR!!! I wish I had your problem!! :smile: I would say this - are you eating lots of fiber? That might be causing the full problem. I would try to sneak in some more protein and carbs - eat some chicken, fruit, veggies, whole grain rice/pasta and try to just eating small…
  • Interesting. Never heard of these. I am going to have to look these up. Are you looking for a replacement for pasta? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE pasta. And anyone that says whole wheat pasta "tastes just like regular pasta" is disturbed. :smile: With that being said, I actually really do like whole wheat pasta and I eat it often.…
  • Welcome and congrats! I love this site. This site provides so many motivational tools, so you're in the right place. I recommend "friending" lots of people so that you can get food and exercise ideas from their diaries. I don't have too many friends on here right now, but I'm working on it! Good luck and keep up the…
  • I think about this one, too. I say log them. What I do is log them and just know that if I am REALLY having a tough day and need that piece of chocolate, it's OK because I still have those extra calories. I like being "under my calorie goal", though and on days when I do REALLY well and only go over my 1200 by a little…
  • Welcome back! Good luck to you - I know it's tough getting into a routine that you can stick with; I'm struggling with the very same thing. I really like being on here - my sister is on here, too - so we motivate each other daily through friendly verbal abuse. :smile: I really like looking at what other people are doing…