better to log your exercise calories or not?

xkarlax Posts: 36 Member
ok so everytime i log my exercise calories i eat them all?? so am i better off not logging them at all and just eating my normall 1200cals?? i really do think because ive exercised i can eat more and im sure i nearly always go over.. help??


  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Or be a bit sneaky and log half? :-)
  • I still add them, even though I almost always eat them all, because I need that fuel to get through my workouts. If I worked out with such intensity, and didn't consume them back, I'd crash and/or go into starvation mode.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We lie to ourselves the best :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    You are looking for a net 1200 daily right?
  • livingston97
    livingston97 Posts: 15 Member
    I was putting in my exercise calories and eating up to 1,700 to 1,800 adn that was way too much and I wasn't losing a pound! I took out ALL exercise (yet I'm still keeping track under my notes what I do); so now my calorie intake is 1,290 and it's been an adjustment but I've dropped 3.2 pounds in over 1 1/2 weeks! So, take out your exercise - put in what you want to lose per week - I did 1 pound a week - and you will get better results - promise!:smile:
  • tje3875
    tje3875 Posts: 4
    i just use the exercise cals as a log of when i worked out.. i kindof ignore them as far as my daily goal... shooting for the 1200 regardless on most days.. but if i did a really long run or tough workout i'll just listen to my body and if i need more food...
  • KEShikes
    KEShikes Posts: 99 Member
    Don't forget that exercise is just as important as your healthy diet! If you are an exercise intensely, 1200 calories won't be enough to keep you going...

    I would log the exercise, but just be careful not to overstate calorie burn (many machines say you've burned way more than you actually do).
  • emmieb10
    emmieb10 Posts: 7 Member
    I think about this one, too. I say log them. What I do is log them and just know that if I am REALLY having a tough day and need that piece of chocolate, it's OK because I still have those extra calories. I like being "under my calorie goal", though and on days when I do REALLY well and only go over my 1200 by a little bit, it's a nice feeling of accomplishment. :smile:

    but I definitely see what you mean - it's really easy to workout really hard in the morning and then cram a half a pizza in my mouth at the end of the day. It's a love-hate relationship, I guess!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I log mine because I don't see the point in using a tool such as MFP if you're not going to use it correctly. And because most prevailing medical evidence shows it's healthier to eat your exercise calories. I like to be thin, but it's more important to me to be healthy and strong.
  • hardish
    hardish Posts: 1
    just try that might work or enter the exercise part after final brushing of teeth then you may not want to eat anyway.i usually just stick to the 1200
  • arhzon
    arhzon Posts: 150
    Don't forget that exercise is just as important as your healthy diet! If you are an exercise intensely, 1200 calories won't be enough to keep you going...

    I would log the exercise, but just be careful not to overstate calorie burn (many machines say you've burned way more than you actually do).

    (echo echo echo)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    log them, then eat what you can of them, until you are full (not exploding, just satisfied). Do not just eat to eat and do not starve yourself ~ happy medium. Dun dun dun...
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Log them and eat them. If you can not eat them all, then reduce the amount you are burning. Whatever you decide, make sure your net calories are not below 1200 on a regular basis.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Don't forget that exercise is just as important as your healthy diet! If you are an exercise intensely, 1200 calories won't be enough to keep you going...

    ^^^^^^^^ THIS.....

    If you exercise a lot (burn 300 - 400 calories daily), then you should definitely be eating back some or all of your exercise calories.
    The amount you eat back, is dependent on how you calculated the amount you burned... if you wear a good HRM, then eat them all back.

    Exercising is about increasing your metabolism, and eating is about fuelling it.... So, if you don't fuel it - then you're pretty much undoing all the good work from your exercise.
  • xkarlax
    xkarlax Posts: 36 Member
    average week i do 2 classes of spin and 1 hr class of body combat.. i find after the spin i need to eat more..
    yes 1200cal is what i aim for. But im just so bad if i see i can eat an extra 600cals i will literaly eat them all and more. might work best if i dont log them, a kinda out of sight out of mind thing. x
  • I say log them ... it help keep track of the exercise you have done for the week... we just have to be mindful of what we are eating and keep the deficit in order to lose.... good luck we all know its extremely hard... if you fall one day just get back up the next day..
  • I'm with rseitz and rose... log them and wear socks. :) Maybe you can make it your personal goal to stay under by half of the EARNED calories on the exercise day and see if that helps. This is as much about mental strength as it is anything else, so take the challenge and beat it. :)