Looking for friends to motivate me!!!! Pleeaaassssseeeee

Hi All,

I have been using the iPod/ android apps for a while.... and never realised the actual web site existed.... duh! :embarassed:

I've used MFP in the past, but slipped... and put on 2.5 stone :sad: - which I am now on a mission to loose!!!! I tend to only calorie count on my own (have never joined a slimming class) but some online friends to motivate me would be a big help.... so feel free to give me a shout :wink:

I've lost 8lb so far - I started my "mission" on the 8th August so am happy with my progress in just over two weeks.

I have also booked an induction for my local gym (something I have never done before) as my aerobic and cadiovascular capacitiy (or lack of) is shocking! Hoping that will help me reach my goal... that and the fact I just have far too many clothes (esp dresses and jeans) which are going to waste!!! :sad:


  • emmieb10
    emmieb10 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome back! Good luck to you - I know it's tough getting into a routine that you can stick with; I'm struggling with the very same thing. I really like being on here - my sister is on here, too - so we motivate each other daily through friendly verbal abuse. :smile:

    I really like looking at what other people are doing for exercise and what they're eating and I'm more than willing to share my food and exercise diaries - so add me as a friend!

    Good luck and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!
  • mleb2005
    mleb2005 Posts: 45
    Count me in!
  • Bubdog1
    Bubdog1 Posts: 72
    Feel free to add me!
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    Feel free to add me, and so glad you are back into the swing of things. You can do this!!!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Hooray for you for joining a gym. I am 63 and it is amazing --even at my age-- how rapidly my body responds to exercise! Two years ago I was in a wheel chair and unable to walk. Now I can do two miles on the treadmill. I just set a tiny little goal of 5 minutes, and then 7 minutes, and then 10 minutes. You can do it and it will make a wonderful difference in how you feel --and how your jeans fit. I have greatly improved my fitness level, my endurance and my overall strength with little goals that kept me moving forward. Good luck!
  • fish119
    fish119 Posts: 67
    In the past it seems as though I would lose 10 and gain 15. I understand the struggle! I'm not brave enough to hit the gym yet, I applaud you for that! I find the blogs inspiring as well as the MFP members words of encouragement, feel free to add me! You're doing great!
  • kaimi2011
    kaimi2011 Posts: 141 Member
    welcome, feel free to add me. :)
  • sligman
    sligman Posts: 2
    Hi yeah I just joined and Im looking for friends on here to motivate me also so we can motivate each other atleast ur doing better then me lol
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member

    Wasting clothes? That's no good.
    Nice motivation though.

    I'm working on the fitness part too - without the gym. Gym equipment scares me.

    Congrats on the 8 pounds! :flowerforyou:
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Welcome, Feel free to add me, i'm always looking for more motivation and new friends :smile:
  • welcome back i only joined a month ago an looking for new friends also. Feel free to add me ! :)
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    You will back in those clothes in no time!
  • Hi ya,
    I'm quite new to the site, this is my second week and I'm loving it. I've made lots of new friends.
    Feel free to add me

  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    You will back in those clothes in no time!

    @Amy, What a loss!! I believe that's the most I've seen on here. Congratulations to you !! Well done!!
  • missiG11
    missiG11 Posts: 18
    Happy to be your slimming buddy hun, feel free to add me :)
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    I also started MFP and stopped and now I am back and trying my best to keep tracking. I don't very many friends here either, so feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • soguesswhat
    soguesswhat Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats on your new attempt! You can add me if you like. I can always use some more support, too. It may be a long journey, but it's easier with friends. :) Good luck!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    You might feel more confident in a women's only gym? I use one because the equipment is smaller and I am 5'1. I did belong to a mixed gym several years ago and found the guys to be just as helpful and encouraging. The good news is that no one really knows that you only spent 5 minutes on the treadmill that first day or that you only lifted 5 pounds. You will get stronger, fitter and burn some awesome calories. Good luck!!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    You can add me to your list too. 8 pounds may not seem like much when you are looking at 75 pounds but it is an awesome beginning. I like to think of it as more than 10% of the journey. Good luck !
  • You can add me. This is easier when you have people you can go to for support. Goodness knows I need it most days! You can do this!