Miracle Noodles.... thoughts?

I just ordered some.... i am very intrigued. Was this a good way to spend $47 dollars? Also, any tips on preperation?


  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    I have heard mixed reviews about them.... I hope you like them. Curious to find out because I thought about buying them but that's a lot of money!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    drain rinse dry cover with warm sauce.
    tell us how they are!

    ps amazon.com has packs of 6 for 12$ so depending on how many you got for 47 im not sure if you got a good deal.
  • I bought some from Whole Foods last night. They smell horrible. Rinse and drain well. Then I cooked them for a minute in the microwave and covered with spaghetti sauce. They were a bit tough, so I'm not sure what I did wrong. Maybe they needed nuked for a bit longer?

    BTW, they have no taste once you rinse them, so I approve!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    I bought some from Whole Foods last night. They smell horrible. Rinse and drain well. Then I cooked them for a minute in the microwave and covered with spaghetti sauce. They were a bit tough, so I'm not sure what I did wrong. Maybe they needed nuked for a bit longer?

    BTW, they have no taste once you rinse them, so I approve!

    you didnt do anything wrong per say but the noodles are made out of plant fiber. putting them in the microwave and "nukeing them" drys them out, they arnt ment to be cooked, just warmed by something like hot water. or at the most in a pan for a couple of minutes and constant stirring
    heres some recipies that i found!
  • You might want to try a package first before purchasing it in bulk. The texture is not like your traditional pasta or noodle. It's similar to jelly fish (yes, weird description, but us Asians tend to eat weird things lol). When I do use them, I rinse them under hot water, then I put them in a hot pan to dry up the liquids. After a few minutes I'll add my sauces (soy sauce, teriyaki, ponzu, sesame oil, etc.), then add sauteed veggies and protein. It's a good way to fill you up, but the texture isn't for everyone. I find that the tofu kind is more similar to noodles, the regular clear konjac noodles are more rubbery.
  • emmieb10
    emmieb10 Posts: 7 Member
    Interesting. Never heard of these. I am going to have to look these up. Are you looking for a replacement for pasta? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE pasta. And anyone that says whole wheat pasta "tastes just like regular pasta" is disturbed. :smile: With that being said, I actually really do like whole wheat pasta and I eat it often. But what I think I like even better is spaghetti squash! It's yum yum yum. I just bake it in the oven with a very small of olive oil rubbed on it, cut it in half and wait until it's cool enough to handle and then scrape out the insides with a fork. It looks like spaghetti! Then I just take some homemade marinara and it's very tasty. You can even make turkey marinara or even put a chicken breast on top, like chicken parmesan.

    Thanks for posting this - I learn something new on this site every day!!
  • emilyc92
    emilyc92 Posts: 182 Member
    They have a sort of strange texture, but there are things you can do to improve them. I've heard that boiling and draining them twice before cooking them for a bit in sauce can work pretty well, but I haven't had much luck with this yet. I'll keep trying though! For zero calories, I'll try anything!
  • thank you for the replies..... i'll be sure to report when they come in. (I bought in bulk to share with friends). i am excited to try something different!
  • LOL. me too. i love this site. its fun and i have actually lost 2 lbs since i joined just 8 days ago. its a great motivater!