

  • I hated depo. I did not spot but I had a room mate that spotted a lot on it. The worst was I gained like 10 lbs. I did, however, lose it all when I went off of it.
  • I find it happens less if I first, allow myself to give in to a craving (in control, of course). Second, if I do have a binge, I don't feel guilty. I just move on. The binges get further and further apart and will slowly disappear from your routine. Guilt is just as bad for you as any other bad destructive habit. It does…
  • You look like a totally new person and really amazing. Keep up the good work!
  • Could you ask your boss to give you a letter of recommendation instead of hope that when she is called she'll be nice? That way she would write the letter and you would be able to see it and deliver it to your future job prospects. Just a thought.
  • You should eat back your exercise calories. In that case, you should be eating 1800 calories/day if mfp gives you 1400 and you burn 400 in exercise.
  • Your question may be a matter of semantics. I agree with the above's post of a binge as being an out of control event. A binge is very different than occasionally overeating. I also think of a binge as something you do alone, maybe when you are bored. You don't come away feeling satisfied at all, just ashamed and defeated.…
  • So informative. Thanks. I plan to follow this and re-read for motivation.
  • I say count your blessings. I wish I could relate. Even at my very lowest weight (110) I had huge boobs. I finally had to get a breast reduction because I was in a healthy low weight and still had deep painful grooves on my shoulders from bra straps. I was never overweight before I turned 40 and had enormous boobs from my…
  • So true. It really does take work to always do the right thing, but I guess this is like the prodigal son. The son who had always been there and been faithful "seemed" overlooked while the son who had squandered his inheritance was celebrated when he lost everything and was humbled and dragged his sorry butt home. But…
  • 115 is a totally reasonable goal. I'm 5' 3" and want to be 125, maybe 120. But I have always been curvy with large breasts and wider hips, even at 115. I think 115 would be hard for me to maintain so I'm shooting for 120ish.
  • I exercise first thing in the morning. I have been doing this M-F for just over 2 years now. It is just what I life. I guess it has become a habit. But I started in the morning so I would not have the whole day to put it off and make excuses. It is also great because sometimes I'll workout twice a day when I have…
  • Agreed! Sounds like you are making progress. Go and have your comprehensive body fat tested and if your body fat is in a fit and normal range then keep up the good work. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT make your food diary public. I don't understand why anybody would want perfect strangers monitoring their every move. YOU know…
  • My husband is my best friend and I truly admire so many things about him but he does occasionally get on my nerves. When this happens, I think back on all the reasons I fell in love with him and my frustration starts going away. In other words, focus on the positive. If you have to criticize decide first if the criticism…
  • I have just started jogging. I just go for as long as I can and then walk until I get my breath and then begin jogging again. Each time I go out I am able to lengthen my actual jogging periods. I started out only being able to jog for 5 minutes at a time. I can now jog for almost 15 minutes before stopping. I usually…
  • I'm 5'3" and my goal weight is between 120-125 (currently 131). I have always been curvy and have no fears this will change as I lose weight because it is just a part of my bone structure. At my lowest adult weight of 113, I was still quite curvy. My measurements are currently 36 26 36 1/2. My goal measurements are 35 25…
  • Hi. As a young adult I struggled with an eating disorder too. I'm glad you shared with us. That is the first step. Do you have insurance? It would be incredibly helpful to talk to a counselor and possibly a dietitian. Please also talk to someone in your family. I'm sure they have had their suspicions and would probably…
  • I'd love to be that fit but unfortunately I don't have the time to workout that hard. That probably takes a couple of hours of intense exercise a day. I've chosen a different life with my kids and work and community involvement. I'll get as close as I can with my hour a day moderate exercise. I have added cross-fit 2 times…
  • The best time to exercise is when you have the time to do it consistently. I exercise in the morning or I don't exercise at all. Unfortunately my afternoons and evenings are booked solid. I'm busy from the moment the kids get home from school until I climb into bed.
  • You are an inspiration! WTG!
  • I never publish my food diary. I don't want anyone making suggestions for me. My diary is so that I can see how I am eating. I don't need random unqualified people telling me how to eat. I'm a big girl and know when I've filled up on junk and when I've had a good day. I enjoy looking at the forums and learn a thing or two…
  • Bump. I think I'll give this a try.
  • Eating disorders/image distortion disorders really do a number on you and affect you for years. I struggled with this from my teenage years into my young adult years. Even when my eating became more normal, I continued to see myself as fat. Counseling and working with a dietitian can help you get a better grip on what is…
  • I'm a size 6 and no offense taken. I am also 5'3" so a size 6 for me is different than for someone who is 5'10". I know what she was trying to say and I agree. "Real" bodies rock no matter the size!
  • Hang in there. It does not always happen fast. Make sure you are eating healthy whole foods. Stop eating when you are full and avoid becoming so hungry that you eat the closest, maybe not so healthy, food around. It will happen hang in there. Also, are you doing any strength training? My metabolism has sped up because of…
  • Whoa! Major difference! Keep it up!
  • Since you don't eat pizza very often, I think that if you are going to choose to eat it, just enjoy it and savor the taste. Life is too short to worry about something so small. If I don't enjoy what I am eating then I just eat more of something else later. I would miss the broth and the brussel sprouts.