What's ur Best Marriage Advice



  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    1) Live considerately. A.K.A - Do unto others. The golden rule.

    If you want to know where your spouse is, then shoot them a text letting them know where you are.
    If you need help doing laundry sometimes, then pitch in on the dishes with him/her (or whatever your "jobs" are at home)
    Be compassionate & receive compassion.

    2) Join bank accounts. Separate money can mean big problems. Set a budget & tell your money where to go every month. If I can't trust you with my bank account then I can't marry you.

    Best wishes to you! You'll do great. :smile:
  • sunnykm
    sunnykm Posts: 24
    well said, i agree!!!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Forget never go to bed angry. GO TO BED ANGRY. In the morning, it's likely you will not understand why you were so angry. If you're still angry, there's a problem that needs to be sorted.

    I have never woken up still angry.

    ^^^ This- I was so pissed off the other night, my husband fell asleep early early, I was doing dishes laundry putting the kids down, walking the dogs and cleaning up....I could have killed him. Went to bed so mad, about 2 am he rolled over and pulled me close I woke up and thought "I love him" by morning it was fine, told him it wasn't cool to not help but it wasn't a fight!
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Another thing....
    In the middle of the fight, get naked and demand sex. It will confuse the CRAP out of your husband and he will look like a deer in headlights, but will go along with it anyways....because he's a dude. ;)

    ^ this could save the world.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Open communication. Talk about EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING.

    And flirt.


    Also, don't accept any behavior that you're not willing to deal with long-term. I'm not talking little things, I mean the things that really matter to you. For example, if it's important to you that your husband acknowledge your birthday every year, then you can't start out pretending not to be hurt if he ignores it and then five years later blow up because he never does it. (Not saying yours would do this, just an example based on a friend of mine!) But, really, this still falls under the talk about EVERYTHING clause!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member
    1. Never sleep apart unless it's unavoidable. It's easy to move apart in anger but so hard to come back together again if you do.
    2. Date each other. Make a plan to go out, even if it's to split a large order of fries and talk for an hour. It doesn't have to be expensive but it will force you to look them in the eyes and communicate.
    3. Talk to each other about everything. Even the little things.
    4. Sex is good. Never take it away as a punishment. It'll hurt you both.
    5. Do not listen with your family or friends say negative things about their own relationships.
    6. Don't tell your family and friends everything wrong with your relationship.
    7. Try not to go to bed angry...but if you do still say I love you when you go to bed. It can be said with tears, anger or hurt...but it should still be the last thing you hear/say before you go to sleep.
    8. Divorce is not an option.
    9. Keep no secrets.
    10. Love no matter how much they change or no matter how much they stay the same. There will be changes...and there will be things you wished they'd change. Don't let these things ruin you're love. Love unconditionally.
    11. Keep God in the center of it all.
    12. (this will sound corny) Write a letter listing all the reasons you love and want to marry this person. Write it to the future you. when times are tough and you can't stand it....read the letter. It will make you remember why you married them in the first place.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    I'm sure others have already stated some of this:

    1. Your husband HAS to be your best friend. He comes BEFORE any of your girlfriends. You dont have to live with any of them, but you DO have to live with him.

    2. Be willing to submit to his authority as the man of the household. If you do not like a decision he has made or think he made one without consulting you, do not get angry but rather discuss it with him and give him your ideas and reasons why you would have made a different choice. Men think differently from women and most of the time are better at making practical decisions whereas we often "go with our heart". I did say "most of the time". For those times he did not, it is your duty as his wife to discuss it with him.

    3. Establish boundaries in regards to money. What is an acceptable amount of money that either of you can spend without having to consult the other. My husband and I decided on about $25. Anything over that, that we want to purchase either for ourselves or someone else, has to be discussed with the other first so we can review our finances together and decide if we can afford it and if it is a good deal or not.

    4. Date night - THIS IS A MUST! At least 2 times a month if you can.

    5. Take this time to REALLY get to know each other. Before my husband and I got married we were given a book to go through together. At one point in the book we were to "interview" our intended as if we didn't know the person for the position of "spouse". My husband and I had a BALL with this, it went on for over a week as we contiued to ask each other questions that we would think of well after reading that portion of the book.



    8. Re-read 6 and 7.

    9. Live those vows each and every day of your life together.

    10. Love him today as if you wouldn't live to see tomorrow. Understanding this principle will help you to understand that those little spats that are going to happen, are not worth getting/staying angry over. Never give up hope and NEVER let "divorce" enter your vocabulary.

    I pray God blesses your marriage as mine has been blessed.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    Appreciate the differences.

    Don't get upset about anything that won't matter in 10 years (are you going to remember the socks on the floor, dishes in the sink?)

    Although people say it is 50/50 . . .it is 100/100. Often to get my spouse to change something, I changed myself first. The more love I give, the more I receive.

    If your spouse seems strange, then you must seem strange to your spouse. For everything you "put up with" they probably have two things they "put up with" about you.

    This is amazing advice! I need to be writing all this down!!!! :)
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I am have been married for almost 22 years. We have 6 kids together. I LOVE this man!!! He IS my best friend. I tell him everything and he tells me everything (even when I see a hot man or a hot woman...we can joke around about that) We laugh together and hang out all of the time together.

    I treat him how I would want to be treated. SO< I do not want him to treat me like a child or like I am stupid. I do not talk down to him like he is stupid or like he is a child. I do not say hurtful things to him...especially in front of others!!!

    AND, if you mess up...SEX is always a good way to fix things!! haha! ;)

    OH...and this may sound weird coming from a lady with 6 kids...but wait on the kids. We waited 4 years (after marriage) and we got to have tons of fun just being two young people playing. Now that we are busy with the kids...those first 4 yeas are really cherished memories and they were great bonding times as a couple.

    Good luck sweetie!!!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Don't ever make divorce an option!!! I knew the day I married Andrew that it was going to be "till' death do us part" and that I was going to stick with him in SICKNESS & IN HEALTHY, for RICHER or for POORER, for BETTER or for WORSE!!!

    RESPECT HIS LEADERSHIP!!!!!!!!!! Men want respect; women want to be cherished...if you give him respect he'll love & cherish you! :heart:

    Don't expect your spouse to be the one to make you happy. He is not responsible for your happiness; YOU ARE!!! Sure, he can do things that may effect your mood, but don't put the pressure on him to make you happy because men (and women) can't read minds and he's going to fail eventually and then you're both in a bad place...

    Make sure to Keep Dating!!!!!!!! Take time to go out to dinner, play a round of mini-golf, head to the movie theatre, walk through a museum, play a round of golf go to the zoo, etc! Anything that you would have done before marriage is STILL super fun after marriage :happy:

    ...also, trust each other and be someone that can be trusted. You can't always control what your husband might do, but you can control your own actions and words. Don't name call or say things that you're going to wish you could take back, because apologizing is one thing, but it was still said...

    and put him first whenever you can!!!

    and finally, of course, have lots of fun in your bedroom (or the kitchen, living room, car, etc) :laugh:
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    1. good communication
    2. good problem solving skills
    3. make your priority his happiness, not yours (if he loves you, he will do the same for you and this takes all the "work" out of marriage.
    4. Get your prenuptial agreement from the same firm I did. It's from Smith & Wesson and reads "if I'm not mad enough to kill him I'm not mad enough yet." in other words, divorce is not an option.
    5. Mutually respect each other (I tell everyone my husband is perfect, and he says I'm always right.)
    6. Sit down together once a week and write in a journal what you love about each other. (read this whenever you can't remember why you married him)
    7. Never miss an opportunity to say, "I love you" & have an unspoken way to say "I love you" ( like tugging your ear) so you can say it when speaking isn't possible or practical.
    8. Once you have forgiven him for something, never bring it up again. And don't let him.
    9. Don't argue about style. If he does things differently than you do, but the job still gets done, what's the big deal?
    10. Shared core values - We both love our Lord Jesus Christ and this gives our marriage a third strand of strength to get us through the hard times.

    My hubby and I have been happily and contentedly married over 10 years, and we both follow this advice. We don't think of marriage as hard work. If you do what is right for each other every day and don't let stuff pile up it only gets easier and better.
    Since we married my husband has lost both his parents and I have had cancer, among other things, so our marriage has been tested and this works.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Married for 39 years this November...

    Remember that marriage is a "WE" not a 'ME" thing, if you are always thinking about what will please your hubby and if he is thinking what will please my wife, it takes the selfishness out of any negative situation. Usually disagreements happen because of something I want for ME and then when HE doesn't respond in kind then the troubles begin...so always think in terms of "WE" and what is best for "US" and then talk about everything:wink:

    Take the work and or option of Divorce out of your marriage from day one. Your marriage will take work and you will have high's and low's but determine that you two will work through any problem.

    Keep laughing, my hubby still makes me laugh:laugh:

    Congrats and Best Wishes:flowerforyou:
  • lyddsmom
    lyddsmom Posts: 96
    My husband is my best friend and I truly admire so many things about him but he does occasionally get on my nerves. When this happens, I think back on all the reasons I fell in love with him and my frustration starts going away. In other words, focus on the positive. If you have to criticize decide first if the criticism will be edifying to the relationship. If it is something that has to change for the relationship to be happy and healthy then by all means say it. If it is not helpful to the person or your relationship, just keep your mouth shut. If it will be more hurtful than helpful it is not worth mentioning. Like the quote from the movie Bambi, "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all."
  • vbonina
    vbonina Posts: 19 Member
    Married 36 yrs, I think the biggest thing is acceptance of each other. Accept each others faults and don't be afraid to day I'm sorry even when you know you're right. But.... it's a two way street.
    Good Luck
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Talk about your views on money BEFORE you tie the knot. If you don't agree on finances, this will cause conflict sooner than later.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Been married since 1978 (34yrs.). For the last 10 years, Separate houses. We get along great, now. :laugh:

    that's what my fiance figures we'll do ones the child grows up and moves out...he can have the house, I'll have the condo downtown, and we can still date each other. I'm not looking for a divorce, just my own bathroom :wink:
  • claramay66
    claramay66 Posts: 37 Member
    Be open with each other, NO Secrets. They will surface one day and cause problems. Talk with each other- very important. After 26 years we have been through a lot. He is still my Best Friend first, then my Husband and then my Lover.

    One more important thing in a marriage is Never Work With FAMILY. Of the 26 years we have been married we have worked together all but maybe 3. That has been the hardest thing in our marriage.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Dutch oven at least once a month.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    6. Don't tell your family and friends everything wrong with your relationship.

    Oh, yes this is a good one! I have never, ever been one to ring up my mother or MIL to dish about my husband. They were very resentful of it for years, because apparently that's how it should be done? (I don't get it but it was brought up to me by both of them.) Anyway, later, when my brother got married, his wife DID do that and my mother really came to appreciate not getting those calls from me. And I have never had to worry about anyone butting into my relationship (married 18 years!)
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    Men: Memorize the following for all situations, whether you are right or not -

    "yes, dear, I know, its my fault, you're right, I'm sorry, it will never happen again."

    Say this phrase over and over until it is committed to memory.