

  • You need to calculate your macros first and see if you need it. I would also get a body fat reading. Most gyms have a body fat calculator. You should be getting 1g of protein for every pound of LEAN BODY MASS (this is the current weight minus the body fat %). Watch the carbs in it too. Some have very high carbs. I take…
  • Fruits, protein shakes (watch the carbs in it!) and olive oil are nice filler to reach your cal goal. I think you need to go easy on the workouts. lift weights twice a week and MT twice a week until you feel better. Give your body the rest. It is OK to rest more and get more out of your workout. It is not normal to be that…
  • Most weight you lose at the start of a diet is water weight so it is possible. I lost 10lbs the first 2 weeks of my diet. You will master the scale don't worry. Good luck.
  • Start slow. Do what you can and listen to your body. I started by walking then lifting weights. Now I am again riding my bike and can do 30 miles in about 2 hours.
  • Gotta figure out your daily intake needs. going lower than your body needs could hurt more than help. Cut maybe %20 of your max daily intake. i would not go lower.
  • Hey, The first thing Iearned in my weightloss is that you don't have to be sad and hungry. Second you need to figure out your calories and your macros(protein, fats and carbs needs). To lose weight you need to burn more calorie than you take in. Let's say you need 2500 calories a day by cutting to 2000 cal you could lose 1…