Workout for beginners

Clinno Posts: 123 Member
Hi all,

I am fairly new to this whole dieting/exercise regime and It's really hard to know where to start as far as working out goes.
I have been doing lots of walking and some light weights and I'm starting to feel great but all of the workouts I could find online I diddn't feel I was quite prepared for until I found this one:

It seems very lame at first but it really does work, at the very least a good foundation for more exercise :)

P.S if anybody has any more links for the novice exerciser Please do share!

Cheers, Clint


  • 6packngunz
    Start slow. Do what you can and listen to your body.
    I started by walking then lifting weights. Now I am again riding my bike and can do 30 miles in about 2 hours.