corpseskank1 Member


  • I weigh every morning when I get up, before I've eaten breakfast. I don't focus on the number it shows, though - I add it to MFP's graph and look at the trend line, taking into account the past week or two. Draw an imaginary straight line through all the points - if it's going down or holding steady, great! Your weight…
  • Yes, I measure, weigh, and log everything. I do it compulsively. It bothers me more to not know how much I've had (I tend to overestimate) than it does to spend five seconds logging an amount or ingredient. On some frequent, customized foods, I enter a recipe and then make it the same way in the future so it is quicker. I…
  • I'd love some more active folks to help keep me motivated! I'm endeavoring to lose a lot of baby (and post-baby!) weight, and I log in every day. I also love seeing other people's workouts - it really encourages me to keep going!
  • I'm restarting as well. I did okay last time - but then I had a baby! Now is the first time I feel like I can start over, and I need some folks to inspire me to keep up with it.
  • Obesity is also genetic. For instance in mice (also mammals...), mice with dominant yellow genes are more prone to obesity, regulation or no. I'm just sayin' being a mammal isn't to blame, is all. I'm also not trying to compete with I'm not going to go there...I was just throwing in my 2 cents! :)
  • I disagree with being wired to stuff our faces because we are mammals. I work with foster cats, and in more cases than not, a cat that has regular access to food as a kitten is less prone to over-eating. A cat fed in meals as a kitten eats when food is there and DOES stuff its face. I think it goes right back to the foods…
  • It's part that "junk food" is very purposefully thought out to SELL. The texture, flavor, everything is made with the specific commercial purpose of moving it off the shelves. In's made to be tasty over healthy, and it works! The second part I believe relates to the term "comfort food." It's been "proven," (I'm…
  • Muscles!! :D
  • 1200 is arbitrary. MFP takes into account your activity level, which is also subjective. You burn more calories than what you spend actually "working out," because it takes calories to make your body run. Your gross count is therefore inconsequential (except for of course the TYPE of calories you take in) because…
  • Sugars are an essential part of your diet - you might need to regulate them, but simple sugars are your body's most easily utilized source of energy. Not to mention, your body's metabolism responds to how much sugar you take in - if you cut it out completely I was under the impression you could lose your body's knowledge…
  • We have pretty terrible drought, and pretty terrible county water, but for every nasty water situation there is a hoss enough filter to help. If that fails - try crystal light like the above poster mentioned! Also refrigerate your water - I find when it's colder I taste it less!
  • I don't remember much after mine...but I remember Cream of Wheat...and trying to watch the Andromeda Strain...
  • I've been trying to figure this stuff out, never having used weights before (I danced for fifteen years, and was used to using just my body to work out depending on the class schedules!), and this is a godsend. Bookmarked! Thank you for the example, as well!
  • I feel in the face of all those "no's" that I probably ought to clarify that I never put tremendous stock in the idea. Here's an article addressing it:
  • I have heard of broccoli being one such food - my mum used to have a list on her fridge of them. In the end, though, digesting anything burns calories, I don't know that shaving six calories or the like off your total for the day is worth it. They have nutritional benefits, too. :)
  • Music is a HUGE motivator for me. I wake up in the evening and think "there's no way I'm working out today, I'm way too tired," but you start listening to music and just feel like moving suddenly! I also have longterm goals I'm working toward. I'm sure I'll lose a few habits I shouldn't after my wedding and once I've had…
  • You're at the right place for it! Good luck!! :)
  • Great job!!!
  • I tried knitting and failed miserably, but I do crochet and spin yarn! :)
  • Augh! I did 25...that's all I've got! I had surgery on my wrist a couple of months ago and since then it's been a little tough to maintain a pushup-y position (I have to use my fingers on one side). Throw in wiggly motions and yowzers! But now I want to do more, because I couldn't, haha. If I try again I'll report back!