

  • If you choose to eliminate fruits and veggies from your diet, you are going to have to ensure you find another source of the all important fiber. Fiber keeps the system running smoothly and helps move waste.
  • There are several factors involved. Water is a big one. You probably already know that sometimes you retain more water than other times. The component weight of what you have been eating can make a difference. A pound of beef and a pound of carrots weigh the same, but both have a much different net calorie content. That's…
  • I have two masters; one in artificial intelligence and the other in computational neuroscience. I'm a mathochist.
  • The good thing about yoga is that the focus is on doing what you can not trying to do what a whole class is doing. So if you can only balance on one foot for 2 seconds before you put your up foot down, or you can only bend down and reach your knees, no one is going to care about it. As you develop core strength through…
    in Yoga... Comment by CDRhom March 2012
  • Espcially with an intense exercise program like Insanity it is important to look at inches lost instead of pounds lost because muscle is denser and heavier than fat. TIme to get out the tape measure.
  • Explore the wonderful world of herbs, espcially fresh herbs. Even the same tired old potatoes, carrots, or stringbeans can taste like a whole new food with the addition of oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, cumin, caraway or any of the other herbs out there without adding significant calories.
  • Are you sure you are actually using tablespoons of olive oil? An eating spoon is not a reliable measurement, nor is eyeballing it. Get out the measuting cups and spoons and actually measure your portions and then make sure you are recording the correct amount.
  • Give me some beautiful Rubensesque curves any day.