your input please gentlemen...



  • swatson52
    swatson52 Posts: 1
    I think curves are good. But Fit, healthy and toned curves are better. I'd much prefer slightly over ideal weight than skinny.
  • CDRhom
    CDRhom Posts: 9
    Give me some beautiful Rubensesque curves any day.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member

    I showed my husband and told him "Pick the hottest bodies (faces, hair and clothing not counted) - If you had to be a woman, which would you want to be and if you had to stare at one of these naked for 12 hours straight, which would it be?"

    #11 is the unanimous winner in this household, although he said #12 is a close runner up for him. Too bad for both of us I'm a #13 on a good day :laugh:
  • newfielover
    newfielover Posts: 104 Member
    Actually, if I can ransack this thread a bit. I was curious myself after coming across this picture.

    Not sure if it's offensive - at least I don't think it is, but what I found interesting was to find what I see myself as, and what my goal would look like.

    My boyfriend said that he thinks 2 and 3 are what the media deems 'beautiful' - and he wishes that women like 8,9, and 11 would replace that. I see myself as a 9, and I want to be a 3 or 5 ;)
    WOW!!! That is a great website! THanks for contributing! I see myself as a 14 or 15 and would love to be a 2....but I think what your bf said is also really important and that maybe societys views are changing! I once read in a bible study about accepting yourself that Marylnn Monroe would not have been thought of as beautiful in todays world because she would not have been thin enough! Interesting things to think about!
    Hugs and encouragement!
  • newfielover
    newfielover Posts: 104 Member
    I enjoy having a bit of insight into what men really like because I think, as women, we think they all want Barbie dolls. Perhaps if we knew what REAL men want in a woman we wouldn't be so hard on ourselves?

    You are probably 100 percent right!
  • Ajontheguitar

    I showed my husband and told him "Pick the hottest bodies (faces, hair and clothing not counted) - If you had to be a woman, which would you want to be and if you had to stare at one of these naked for 12 hours straight, which would it be?"

    #11 is the unanimous winner in this household, although he said #12 is a close runner up for him. Too bad for both of us I'm a #13 on a good day :laugh:

    #12 and #13 made my body shake with hormones. Absolutely beautiful body shapes.
  • newfielover
    newfielover Posts: 104 Member

    Elaborate lol!!

    Seriously...I as a male who 'voted'...would like you guys input as well. Tell us what you're thinking! =p

    And don't get me wrong...a smokin hot body is a big plus...but it's not a deal breaker is my point.

    I think that girls generally are the what was being discussed earlier as far as the body not holding attention for more than a few seconds...personally if I see a guy that is super gorgeous and then meet him and hes a total jerk it's repulsive. So if a guy is a little chubby but has the best personality and smile ever-than those are the people we are going to want to hang out with! I dont know if that is true for all girls but it certainly is for me! :)
    Hugs and encouragement!
  • Ajontheguitar

    Elaborate lol!!

    Seriously...I as a male who 'voted'...would like you guys input as well. Tell us what you're thinking! =p

    And don't get me wrong...a smokin hot body is a big plus...but it's not a deal breaker is my point.

    I think that girls generally are the what was being discussed earlier as far as the body not holding attention for more than a few seconds...personally if I see a guy that is super gorgeous and then meet him and hes a total jerk it's repulsive. So if a guy is a little chubby but has the best personality and smile ever-than those are the people we are going to want to hang out with! I dont know if that is true for all girls but it certainly is for me! :)
    Hugs and encouragement!

    God bless you. Women/girls like you made me young adult life happy, and romantically successful. :P
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    As far as ideal men types, I like built chest and arms. Beer belly and nice pecs and arms? Great. Six pack and a nice pecs and arms? Great (although in my chubbier times it makes me feel self conscious). And in general I liked tall, and big, however my husband is my height (5'9") and relatively thin, so personality obviously wins out every time (and a nice face doesn't hurt).
  • newfielover
    newfielover Posts: 104 Member
    So I showed my husband that scale posted earlier. He said "It's a trap!" and would have no more of it.

    LOL!!! Thats hilarious!!!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    personally if I see a guy that is super gorgeous and then meet him and hes a total jerk it's repulsive. So if a guy is a little chubby but has the best personality and smile ever-than those are the people we are going to want to hang out with! I dont know if that is true for all girls but it certainly is for me! :)

    This is true for me too. I've dated super deathly thin guys, super heavy guys, and lots of in-between guys... and their body was really never at the top of my list of why I found them attractive. A face I like, a 'style' I appreciate, and most importantly an awesome personality is all it ever took to woo me.
  • newfielover
    newfielover Posts: 104 Member
    Very interesting read and comments from SeanC86 and Cris are very much appreciated with my state of mind at the moment. :-)

    Yes agreed!! Thanks so much you guys!!!!
    And also thanks to everyone who has pitched in!! These are really fun to read!!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    ugh, gross, I HATE the word "thick". Someone referred to me as "kinda thick" before, and I was so offended. It makes me think of something wide, and I don't think anyone wants to be described as Plus it sounds so ghetto and unintelligent. Voluptuous is a much nicer sounding word, I can deal with that ;)

    U dun think havin dat thickness is gud?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Very interesting read and comments from SeanC86 and Cris are very much appreciated with my state of mind at the moment. :-)

    Yes agreed!! Thanks so much you guys!!!!
    And also thanks to everyone who has pitched in!! These are really fun to read!!

    Glad to participate!

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I had the privilege to participate in a wonderful piece of theatre last year - Nic Green's "Trilogy" (feel free to Google)

    Whilst it was an unashamedly feminist piece, it required a troupe of local dancers to appear naked on stage. We spent a lot of rehearsal time getting to know each other's issue with body image, and the reasons why we were volunteering to do this.

    Being comfortable with my naked self, in the company of other naked women, in a totally non-sexual setting, really changed my attitude , and hopefully did for some of the audience as well.

    Real women don't look like they do in magazines. (ANY magazines!)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    in ref to the above pics, I would almost say thats too skinny. A guy doesn't want a girl with a 6 pack if he is carrying around a case of his own.

    I like a little junk in the trunk. besides, its whats between the ears that does it, not what is skin deep.

    I get what you're saying and I think you've brought up an interesting point. I guess it all depends on what you are trying to attract. I've got a super-fit husband. Before I loss the weight I was self-conscious because I felt like the chunky wife of hunky man. I now feel like we look more like we belong together... if that makes any sense...

    I think you look great. And I totally get when you say you felt like the chunky wife to a super hunky spouse. I felt this way about my boyfriend when we first met - he is naturally thin and in awesome shape (weighs around 140). I was almost 40lbs heavier than he was when we met. He loved me just the way I was (obviously - or we wouldn't be together, right?). But, *I* felt out of place with him. Now that I'm down around 145lbs and in much better shape - I feel like we fit together better. Like people don't look at him and think "Why is HE with HER?"
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    personally if I see a guy that is super gorgeous and then meet him and hes a total jerk it's repulsive. So if a guy is a little chubby but has the best personality and smile ever-than those are the people we are going to want to hang out with! I dont know if that is true for all girls but it certainly is for me! :)

    This is true for me too. I've dated super deathly thin guys, super heavy guys, and lots of in-between guys... and their body was really never at the top of my list of why I found them attractive. A face I like, a 'style' I appreciate, and most importantly an awesome personality is all it ever took to woo me.

    Agreed. I've dated many different types of men and honestly? How you treat a woman, your personality and honesty goes way further than what you look like under your clothes. Plain and simple. Some of the best looking guys have crappy personalities or think they are all that. I'd rather have average and nice than gorgeous and jerky. Now, I've gotten lucky with my boyfriend -- he's nice to look at and treats me well. BONUS! lol.
  • Ajontheguitar
    My girlfriend is thinner than I am and has a beautiful body. She's joining me on the "getting healthy train" and is sweet enough to put up with my weight. Never intimidated by it, and she's pretty amazing about it too.
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    I guys weight is not a deal breaker w/ me I have dated guys way heavier and me but my hubby was @ times thinner than I was. But the reason we split was he didn't find me attractive anymore. (I was 20lbs heavier) I would like to be a 5 or 2 but I am probably more like a 16. Funny no one has commented on that body time :) Personality, humor & the way he treats me #1 on my list. My only physical hang up I have is bad teeth I cannot over look that.
  • iheartralphie
    iheartralphie Posts: 104 Member
    I enjoy having a bit of insight into what men really like because I think, as women, we think they all want Barbie dolls. Perhaps if we knew what REAL men want in a woman we wouldn't be so hard on ourselves?

    You are probably 100 percent right!

    but do you think the guys on here are being 100% honest or just being supportive or saying what they think we wanna hear out of fear of a bunch of angry women coming at them? LOL