your input please gentlemen...



  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member

    i want to be more like type #1 and #2...because it makes me happy.

    me too. I think number 1 is beautiful, but i couldnt get away with it at my age. She looks very young.
  • DallasEl
    DallasEl Posts: 54
    12 would be my ideal female body. Also a fan of body styles 11, 13 and 15. I would not rule out a woman based on her body type but using first visual impression these girls would certainly peak my interest first.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    my fiance and our room mate both say they like thick girls i'm chubby but i'm nicely shaped, just a little pouch and a little extra around my ribs; they say they need something to hold on to :wink: when i m happy with my body i will still be a thicker girl. i don't want to be too thin i like my curves, i'm a woman after all.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    if you say a woman is thick, i take it it doesnt mean shes stupid in America?
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    I'm a chick, but if Reddit posts are an indication, men like slender waists (squishy vs toned is a matter of individual taste) and full perky breasts (C-D cup maybe?).
    Kind of a bummer if you are naturally small busted at any weight.

    not always true... some men are all about the boobs and some men are all about the booty. my fiance could careless if i had an A or a DD, but he loves my back side.
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    if you say a woman is thick, i take it it doesnt mean shes stupid in America?

    I don't think 'thick' is used to mean 'stupid' in America as commonly as it might be in other English-speaking places, although most people would understand it in that context. In any case, we can always tell by the situation, tone of voice, eyes rolling, etc

  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member

    In the other photo my ideal is #12 or #13. #12 is the body type I had and that's the one I want back! At this point I would be thrilled with #13.

    But speaking from personal experience confidence and intelligence can trump a smokin' hot bod. I have never lacked for male attention even at my heaviest.

    I think all of the above are HOT! If Caroline is the average, then I'm into average chicks. I'll take a size 14 over a size 4 anyday.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Not long been up but came across this thread and felt I had to comment to give you an insight into how women feel about their bodies.

    Very interesting read and comments from SeanC86 and Cris are very much appreciated with my state of mind at the moment. :-)

    To give you an idea I'm 4ft 11in - obviously peitite. I've been told at numerous times that I am attractive. I certainly don't feel it at the mo.

    At the moment I would rate myself inbetween 2 & 1. After the birth of my son I used to be probably more like number 14 possibly leaning towards to the 2 slightly. That may be hard to imagine.

    In an ideal world I would like to be tied with 5 and probably 2 (maybe even 4 but without the large boobs (i look more like 5 in the cupsize stakes as without my weight problem I'm always a B cup) -

    Now bearing in mind I'm trying to rate myself from pictures of women that are taller in stature compared to my 4ft 11in frame. At the end of the day I'd love a slender frame like 5 but know i would no doubt end up on the much higher side of 2 with my frame.

    Now some of you on here that know me - have permission to comment differently on my thoughts if you think otherwise. This will only help my state of mind at the moment given that I'm trying to put the weight on.

    I look healthier and more vibrant when I have an extra 10-15kg on my frame. That's my goal along with getting my bubbly personality back that I seem to have lost of late.

    It's nice to hear that men don't always look at the physical only....personality does count.
    Now getting back to the comment about a thread similar to rate men....if there's one out there I'd gladly comment on my preference. :-) my ex was 14-15 stone. Looks are important just the same as personality. Now you'd think I'd go for slim guys given my stature - no. I like a strong arms to make me feel safe when I snuggle up to a guy.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    in ref to the above pics, I would almost say thats too skinny. A guy doesn't want a girl with a 6 pack if he is carrying around a case of his own.

    I like a little junk in the trunk. besides, its whats between the ears that does it, not what is skin deep.

    I get what you're saying and I think you've brought up an interesting point. I guess it all depends on what you are trying to attract. I've got a super-fit husband. Before I loss the weight I was self-conscious because I felt like the chunky wife of hunky man. I now feel like we look more like we belong together... if that makes any sense...

    Don't get me wrong, you look amazing. It's just not MY perfect type. I want someone that is fit and toned, with a little bit of padding over those rock hard abs ;)

    Hey if I could gain some weight in my bum and and boobs ONLY I'd be all for that... it just doesn't work that way. Just like you can't spot reduce fat stores... ya can't gain them in the desirable spots either... unfortunately... LOL
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i think you look awesome Stephanie. I love your muscle definition. You look slim, fit, healthy, toned and strong, and i know its taken a lot of dedication and hard work.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    i think you look awesome Stephanie. I love your muscle definition. You look slim, fit, healthy, toned and strong, and i know its taken a lot of dedication and hard work.

    Awwwwww.... :smile: :flowerforyou: you sweet thing you!!! Well, like I said.... would love more bum (not the saggy flat kind... the bubble kind lol) and more boob. I have asked my husband about letting me get a boob job on several occasions. He says "no." He is actually a butt man. I think if bum implants were is easy and common as breast implants he'd go for it... LOL

    ETA: ... you are so tiny and adorable btw... :wink:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    as long as you and your husband are happy, then thats all that matters.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think what men want is as varied as what women want. I pretty much never get chatted up by men these days, despite having (with clothes on) the kind of figure that most people see as good. I know morbidly obese people who get chatted up every time they go out, so I think it depends on the type of man, what they are looking for, and how approachable a woman looks. I give off f-off vibes!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    if you say a woman is thick, i take it it doesnt mean shes stupid in America?

    Looking at that chart, I would guess thick meals big in the *kitten* and thighs, small waist.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    if you say a woman is thick, i take it it doesnt mean shes stupid in America?

    Looking at that chart, I would guess thick meals big in the *kitten* and thighs, small waist.

    It can mean both.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I give off f-off vibes!

    :laugh: i think i do too.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    if you say a woman is thick, i take it it doesnt mean shes stupid in America?

    Looking at that chart, I would guess thick meals big in the *kitten* and thighs, small waist.

    It can mean both.

    in england it would only ever mean stupid if you were talking about a person
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    if you say a woman is thick, i take it it doesnt mean shes stupid in America?

    Looking at that chart, I would guess thick meals big in the *kitten* and thighs, small waist.

    It can mean both.

    in england it would only ever mean stupid if you were talking about a person

    I've lived all my 57 years here in the US, and I'm pretty sure I had never heard the term "thick" used colloquially to describe a woman's build until I read this thread. At the same time, it wouldn't be the usual Americanism for "stupid," either. Here, the equivalent would probably be to describe someone as being "dense." I think most of us would understand "thick" as "stupid, especially if the speaker's accent reminded us of the guys on "Top Gear."
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member

    In the other photo my ideal is #12 or #13. #12 is the body type I had and that's the one I want back! At this point I would be thrilled with #13.

    But speaking from personal experience confidence and intelligence can trump a smokin' hot bod. I have never lacked for male attention even at my heaviest.

    All right, this is the second post in this thread so far to feature a picture of naked and semi-naked women. I'm deeply hurt and offended. Deeply, deeply, offended. Ohhh, the pain! Whatever you do, don't ANYBODY do any more of those. Hear me? Absolutely no more gorgeous, naked women's pictures! Absolutely none! Not permitted! Streng verboten!


    Oh, all right, hurt me some more. I can take it. I guess.

    And, among Anna, Tillie, and Caroline, they all look absolutely charming. Apart from the fact that they all appear to be about my daughter's age, that is. Other than that, I'd be enchanted to make the acquaintance of any or all.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    if you say a woman is thick, i take it it doesnt mean shes stupid in America?

    Looking at that chart, I would guess thick meals big in the *kitten* and thighs, small waist.

    It can mean both.

    in england it would only ever mean stupid if you were talking about a person

    I've lived all my 57 years here in the US, and I'm pretty sure I had never heard the term "thick" used colloquially to describe a woman's build until I read this thread. At the same time, it wouldn't be the usual Americanism for "stupid," either. Here, the equivalent would probably be to describe someone as being "dense." I think most of us would understand "thick" as "stupid, especially if the speaker's accent reminded us of the guys on "Top Gear."

    I am from the U.S. and I have heard "thick" to describe a woman before... I would associate it with a woman who is a little bit bigger boned. She looks good with a little more meat on her bones. If she was stick thin she would look gaunt and sickly. That is just what comes to mind when I think about it.