RoboTrish Member


  • thanks for this inspiring post :) I also love the Leslie DVD's :D
  • This is awesome!! I can completely relate to you. Literally everything you said about not craving bad food anymore and being fine with eating a healthy breakfast. I think the most magical part of losing weight when you are a food addict (I know I am) is when you realize that you now care more about the nutrition of what…
  • sounds ( and looks :) ! ) like 28 pounds really made a difference, nice work!! seeing this has really encouraged me, because your stats are very similar to mine: SW 262 current: 246 height: 5"5' thanks for sharing and keep it up!! :D
  • @juliette28- I appreciate you sharing with us ! look forward to hearing more from you and your shy self :)
  • @chanixxx- :D @bkennedy1981- these boards are really something else, it's like everyone is looking into my soul :P but seriously, lots of people I can relate to on here. Better late than never I s'pose :) @rmf626- me too, I better keep it up ! @nikic50- absolutely ! @letsgethealth sounds great! I'm a click away from adding…
  • @ldrosophila- yes... I've been lurking around the boards and have seen some posts that rub me the wrong way lol. thanks for the heads up ! @nlwilliamson- I got this ! :P your encouraging words are working already, thanks !
  • @jparks341- Thank you, I'm so glad I posted this, I'm feeling more and more like this is actually gonna happen :) @beejelblor- looks like you were in the same boat as me. I see you have made progress already and that is very motivating for me, I'm so glad you responded :D
  • @babsntony1- Welcome!!!!!!!! don't let this be your last post :D @roachimumpty- I'm going to add you RIGHT THIS SECOND :P thank you ! !
  • Thank you ! gosh it's really been a while, I almost accidentally reported your post a second a go instead of replying to it... good thing I can still read ;)
  • THIS ! My sister and I were just discussing how we know that anyone who looks at us when we wear an actual "style" of clothing, is probably thinking "aww, those fat girls are trying to be cool" :/
  • It's really rough :( It has taken me months to actually commit to MFP once again, and even now I know I can slip up at any time. it's kind of like I've been scared straight, so at this point I need to be consistent on MFP or I will get myself into more trouble :/ I would say that maybe you should designate a "first day"…
  • I definitely do not trust the money driven drug companies that are pushing this vaccine. We do not yet know the long term effects and the horror stories associated with this vaccine are hardly even represented through the media, which is no surprise as most TV stations are paid to advertise this vaccine anyway.Their job is…
  • I know what you mean! my lightest weight in my adult life was around 185-190 and now that I'm all the way back up into my 240's, I wish I was still 185 :( oh well, it just gives us that much more to focus on. and that's right Sarah, you have me and all of these other people sharing their stories. love you shrub!
  • There are actually two pools here at my apartment complex and I'm DYING to use them, but apparently maintenance doesn't want to clean them up :( you're right though, swimming is a wonderful workout
  • that's amazing!! I hope I make that much progress ^_^
  • Hey ^_^ I'm Trish and I'm 19, just joined a second ago hahah, I'm just getting started and have quite a ways to go. Would appreciate some weight loss buddies as well. Feel free to add me