Im just being whiney

I apologize in advance for my extreme whineyness.

I weigh about 240lbs right now, my highest weight ever. But less than 3 years ago, I hovered around 160 (and was that weight as long as I can remember before getting married). Its so frustrating, because I felt so big then, and now I have so far to go to just get to the weight where I felt large already. What I wouldnt give to be 160 again. Haha....Just, blah.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so, how do you handle it?

Ok, whineyness done. :) I shall return to my regularly scheduled program of dorkiness and optimism. It suits me better. Lol


  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Ok, whineyness done. :) I shall return to my regularly scheduled program of dorkiness and optimism. It suits me better. Lol

    You know what? :laugh: That was the most polite 'whiney' thread ever. You are obviously a nice person w/ a good sense of humor.
    Don't overwhelm yourself w/ have a good attitude - we know you can do this!! :flowerforyou: :glasses:
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    lol must agree with the above're allowed to feel that way. those feelings are what help keep us motivated to better ourselves. You got up to your current weight by eating now its time to get back down to your old weigh by eating...just completely different stuff! You can get down there! I'm in the same boat...seriously, same start weight and pretty close end goal...YOU CAN AND WILL DO THIS! Feel free to add me if u want! We can work on this together
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    I can kind of relate. Different scale, but a few years ago, I was 220. I knew I was still overweight and out of shape then...and when I started MFP I was up at 260.

    The way I'm dealing with it is using that as a "first goal" - get back to where I was. Then I will re-evaluate how I feel, my fitness level, and set a new goal! Whatever your goal weight, you'll first have to get back to use that as an achievement in its own right. Of course, set other small goals along the way to that one.

    If you are like me, you've probably got some clothes hanging around from your 160 days...maybe use fitting into those "free" clothes as another incentive (I've got a box of jeans that fit me back then I can't wait to use!)

    Good luck!


    PS - from your handle of medievalfreak - might interest you to know that I'm a chainmailler :) Feel free to friend me!
  • Deepthinker05
    I have the same problem!!!! So I gained these last 40 pounds of mine in about 4 months....which happened just a month after I had just lost a lot of weight to go on vacation to Las Vegas!!! I have never gained weight so quickly and now I am at my biggest ever...I have bad days too....But I just remember I have so much time to take care of myself and I need to do it because if I wait to care until I am older it will only be harder and by then I could be sick from being so unhealthy....But I am barely starting to get on track today....I hope I really keep up with it....I also have my sister as my support system. She really understand me :)
  • RoboTrish
    RoboTrish Posts: 20 Member
    I know what you mean! my lightest weight in my adult life was around 185-190 and now that I'm all the way back up into my 240's, I wish I was still 185 :( oh well, it just gives us that much more to focus on.

    and that's right Sarah, you have me and all of these other people sharing their stories.
    love you shrub!