

  • How the heck did you stop at 2 Oreos?! :noway:
  • Lol, c'mon, it's been three days. The jeans aren't gonna feel looser after three days. :tongue: When I first started out on MFP, it took two entire weeks of drastically changing what I ate and exercising before I saw the first drop on the scale, and I was so frustrated, but then it just seemed to pour off steadily after…
  • :drinker: Lol, they should really have a normal waving one. Hi!
  • Um... do you mean that you eat 1200 a day and burn 963? Because that's unbelievably dangerous. That leaves you with 237 calories for your body to somehow try to run itself on. :noway:
  • Try to add some protein to each mini meal, too. It will really help keep the hunger away.
  • Lol, I tried to measure myself using that strategy a hundred times and kept getting, like, B cups. Somehow, not right. :laugh:
  • Lol, you're boobs aren't too heavy, I'm pretty sure that's impossible. You should professionally measured, there WILL be a band size that will fit you properly. I was wearing like, a 34 DD, and it was uncomfortable in like every way possible, but nothing I tried would fit. When I went to get measured, it turns out I'm a 32…
  • Hahahaha. Glad to make someone's day. Um, for the band, I think it should at least be down as low at the back as at the front. A lot of people will assume a band is too small because it digs in and gives back flab through the shirt, but it can actually too big, and is riding up to a place where it's not supposed to be, and…
  • Yeah, I feel your pain. Just remember that 80% of the support should come from the band, and only 20% from the straps. So the band should be snug, but not tight, and the front of the bra should be right against your rib cage; if it's lifted off your ribs at all then it's not the right fit. All the tissue should also fit…
  • Lol, yeah, they're heaven. I have to save them for after a workout.
  • Well, I don't HAVE $100, 000/year, or like in ten years. Lol. But if I diiiid, then hellz yeah. I'm sorry, but I love food. I just love food. :tongue:
  • Try tracking your sodium if you don't already to prevent water retention. Also, a good workout can actually make you retain water, too, so keep that in mind, and keep drinking extra to flush it all out. And your body doesn't react to changes instantly, it has to have time to balance itself out. If you've been living a…
  • I'm not in Ottawa, but we do have them up here in Canada. Just check out your local health food stores.
  • Yeah, I should have worded it better, I didn't mean ALL saturated fats, because they can be really healthy too, but in a lot of unhealthy/processed foods you get like, a package deal of trans and saturated fats, I just meant to obviously avoid those but try to still get natural beneficial fats.
  • Lol, don't even complain. Try finding a bra in size 32 F. I have to go to specialty stores and pay like $200/bra! :explode: I would GLADLY give you two cup sizes or more. Lol.
  • Oh. My. God. Lol. Tell me about it. My fiance, who can eat any damn thing he pleases, insists on buying like, two loaves of French bread and a box of donuts and some hot chocolate and mozzarella sticks. And then leaves them all in plain sight, and goes, "Oh, can you bring me a donut?" :explode: It's horrible. The only…
  • :laugh:
  • Haha, I had about 0.8 of a cup of Kashi cereal (beause I ran out) in unsweetened almond milk and one cup of apple/kiwi/greens smoothie with a small scoop of protein powder.
  • Yeah, try adding to your breakfast, or have a smoothie for a snack mid-morning or afternoon, those can have a lot of calories depending on how you make them. Keep in mind, though, that you don't want to avoid ALL fat, your body needs fat, just the right kinds of fat. Avoid saturated and trans fats, but the monounsaturated…
  • I totally know how you feel. I lost like 30 lbs last year using mfp and then put 20 back on over the summer when I moved, and ever since like, October, I've been just losing and gaining and losing and gaining and losing and gaining the same 4 lbs. And of course, with the holidays, I gained them, plus a random extra one, so…
  • Lol, yeah, you probably were and that's why it took until today to all start coming out. Bet you'll see a nice drop on the scale, though! :tongue: I'm the same way, even when I drink it consistently and am used to it, I go every ten minutes. Lol, it's really inconvenient because I work in a store and I work alone 90% of…
  • Lol, whaaaaaaaaaat? :noway: What a morbid saying for happy news...
  • My only question is, what is your "zone?" If you're working out in the fat burning zone, you'll be burning more calories from fat, but you'll be burning a lot less calories in total than if you work out in a higher range. As you condition your heart, you burn less calories, so if you're still staying in your lower fat…
  • Chocolate Vitamuffins, too. Yummmmm, 100 calories and 7 grams of fiber!
  • Lol, my max heart rate is supposed to be 202, and I've actually reached that while running on the treadmill. Don't let being above your "zone" scare you; if you feel fine when you're doing it, it's usually okay, you just don't want to be pushing that hard for like an hour or something... not that you'd probably be…
  • Lol, yeah, 3 times a day is actually best; think about it, three meals a day SHOULD mean know. It just means your digestive system is working at its peak. The fibre definitely helps with that. :tongue:
  • I know, I've never been happier in my entire life. Lol. Ten minutes and then I can start counting and GO HOME! Yipee!
  • YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Company! Lol, I'm losing my mind. I've been here by myself since 9:20, it's 3:40 now... and I still have an hour and twenty minutes to go. ><
  • *sigh* The weather network can only be entertaining for so long. :tongue:
  • Hehehehehehehehehehhehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. Nirthday. :happy: