

  • dates, figs and other dried fruits are really high in calories/energy without being a lot of food... they're concentrated little calorie bombs LOL So typically I try to avoid them, but they might be perfect for you! That and honey....
  • It sucks that people are so tactless and rude, you have a right to be angry! But you also have a right to be proud of yourself! Seems like you are doing an awesome job so far! Something that occurs to me, and this is a weird silver lining thing... but our society/culture tends to teach us that if someone is really…
  • I agree with sharidiane... first off, do not let this affect your marriage! You two are a team and your family is your unit. I also agree that while the grandma missing the !st bday isn't the nicest, it's not emotionally scarring stuff for your kid; she's got you and her daddy, and that is enough :) It DOES sound as though…
  • I've been on here for one week... and while everyone congratulates everyone else on being "under calorie count" I've been getting the following message from MFP when I total my day out and am under calorie count: "*Based on your total calories consumed for today, you are eating too few calories. Not only is it difficult to…
  • GREAT JOB!!!
  • The friend who got me into mfp has lost 22 lbs in 4 months... I think losing 20 by your bday in october is totally doable! She does a lot of cardio, her fave is getting on the eliptical and just going for an hour. I personally like finding a 45-50 min TV show that I like and making it a goal to just keep moving until that…
  • Hi Lani! My name is Juli... I just joined yesterday and I think the working out part is going to be my hardest problem. I'll encourage you if you encourage me! Go ahead and friend me!
  • I just started yesterday and could use some mfp friends! I like running too, but it's really hard to motivate myself... Kudos to you for going 4 miles!!! so far i can only run about 1.5 without stopping... with walking breaks I can go about 2.5.