pintobean Member


  • Nice!! and best price ever. I wish I was creative and new stuff like that. I bought a mini deadlift jack for myself cuz it was easier to load/unload the bar with it. They were not that cheap.
  • Day 3 of SL... Squats - 5x55x5 Bench - 5x47.5x5 Row - 5x70x5 Assisted Pistol Squat - 2x10 Elevated Planks - 2x30s Still suffering from lot of DOMS. I was groaning loudly again while foam rolling. Thankfully, I workout from home. Glad that week 1 is over. This morning workout is tough in the sense if I could wake up and go…
  • As long as you know what you're doing and have no medical conditions that will cause more harm than good then, it is ok. I lifted all through my first trimester almost to the middle of 2nd trimester and did treadmill. I was carrying twins. But, I stopped after a slight medical issue that came up (unrelated to…
  • Here's some mobility videos on ankle flexibility. It might any case, it won't hurt Also, did you take plain glucosamine? (that caused nausea) I used to take glucosamine chronditin mix pill and it helped a lot. It had to build in my system too.
  • I'm having some major DOMS. Foam rolled this morning. Last night tried to do it on rumble roller and I was groaning so loudly. My quads are hurting. These are days when I wish I could pee while standing without any aids :frown: Workout today - Warm up = mobility work & dynamic stuff Squats = 5x50x5 OHP = 5x45x5 Deadlift =…
  • "Oh pinto! How I like to mash you with bacon fat, garlic, cumin, and some other things" :laugh: I think it was a combination of things. Prior to this I have always worked out in the evening (after work). We recently moved so mornings will be better if I need any time for myself. So, I just have to suck it up. Coffee and…
  • Yup it was the Body weight I could not add/change. I do prefer pen/paper/my own excel log that I create. I use the phone app just for fun.
  • Do you guys use SL app as well? I am having some issue with it
  • I finally started SL today! My quads were quivering after I was done. It is pathetic how after a 2 month break from any training my legs were shaky just from using the bar :grumble: Workout A: Squats = 5x45x5 Bench Press = 5x45x5 Pendlay Row = 5x65x5 Assisted Pistol Squat = 2x6 Elevated Plank = 2x30s I am NOT a morning…
  • Hello ladies...just chiming in. Back on track for food as of this week. Goal is back to training next week. Looking forward to it after a huge break. Keeping fingers crossed.
  • How much do they weigh?
  • Yes, I like Rogue fitness. I ordered other torture stuff from them :tongue: today (rad roller and rumble roller) and they already shipped it. Over the years I have spent so much on fitness related stuff. Not counting the wasted money to various gym memberships. I see this as investment. Hoping that some day my kids will…
  • Thank you, ladies. I am excited to start again. Good thing I am starting with SL as not having lifted in couple months...starting with just the bar will be good.
  • :bigsmile: Nice!! My gym is set up in the basement in a room with no windows. Well, there is a very, very small window but, outside it is covered with, no light coming through. I painted my room bright yellow just so it looks less dungeon. And, I will be starting my WO in the morning so that will help.
  • I lift from home as well. I haven't been for couple months due to various reasons but I will be starting soon. I'll check out the pictures at home. Work blocks most of it :( Happy Lifting!!
  • This is the chalk I had - Magnesium Carbonate - I lift at home so it is not a problem for me if it is messy. Then, I discovered - Liquid Chalk - and this stuff is awesome. It is…
    in Chalk? Comment by pintobean August 2013
  • I am no expert but, I came across this article today and it helps reinforce what these ladies are trying to say... Lifting heavy is good :smile:
  • Thanks for sharing your progress pictures. It took me a while to respond to this post cuz I can't see pictures at work (99%) cuz they have blocked it. And, I rarely check MFP from home. Well, I've been meaning to check your pictures since you posted. I definitely see lot of progress in such a short time. You look great…
  • Thank you for the list! This is good. I also believe that having a strong core is very, very important. Maybe, we can make it a sticky :) And, I'm glad that I've done them all in the past 4 years at some point or another in my lifting routine :). I'll be adding some from here to my routine.
  • I haven't started SL yet. I took a month off cuz of injury and will be starting SL next week. Before June, I was doing strength training 3x and cardio 2x per week. I was doing treadmill LISS or HIIT depending on my mood on my non-lifting days. I hate HIIT to be honest. But, right now, I understand that without some cardio…
  • My main concern with BW vs. KB/DB/BB circuits was how it would affect the main lifts and whether I would be taxing myself or not. But, I understand what you said. And, I value your humble opinion :smile: thanks! for responding. I'll play it by ear and see if Off days work for me or same day as lifting days. My problem is…
  • What about lifting shoes? That Oly Lifters might help you squat deeper (with less pain?) as it does have a slight heel in the back. You could use plates as well but, with the shoes you might get better balance. Don't know if that's a good idea or not maybe, more experienced women can chime in :smile:
  • Thank you, ladies for responding and helping me ease my mind. I love lifting and I actually enjoy doing it. I did starting strength for about 3 months a while back and while I gained strength on it I didn't lose much fat. Diet, I know, is 80% of the equation but, I believe just doing strength training with no cardio did…
  • Yes, I am definitely obese and love lifting. It is Zen for me :happy: I've been lifting on/off for the past few years and thank every minute the day I learned how to lift. So welcome :smile:
  • I don't have much to say as I'm always learning. But, here's another article on squat form, hand placement etc. by Joy Victoria that might help as well. She's a strength coach and goes in detail - Check out her YouTube channel too.…
  • Hello Ladies :) I'm here and have been lurking. I'm an Aries, 37 and 5'1.25" and yes, .25 matters :tongue: Born and Raised in India but, moved to USA @ 22. I live in Maryland. I work full time (IT Specialist), am married (8 years) and have 2 year old B/G Twins. Yes, I'm guilty of being a hermit as well. Plus,…
  • I just created my dynamic warm up sheet for SL. It is all bodyweight and to make sure certain body parts are activated especially, glutes. I also added couple of mobility work in the mix. For example, fire hydrants, glute bridges, prisoner squats, single leg bridges, x band walk, wall slides etc. to name a few. No more…
  • Totally agree! You still get to learn stuff. Knowledge is powerful :)
  • Depends on your goals, time and other individual stuff :) I finished NROL4W back in 2009-2010. It was the first program I did when I started lifting hence, was sort of my intro to lifting. I LOVED it. I found a new love with working out. For me it was a new thing as I didn't have to be on my dreadmill day in and day out.…
  • Yes, food gets you every time!! *sigh* I've done bodpod before. Wear compression shorts and a sports bra. Less loose clothes on you less margin of error. I got lucky with Dexa. They do it at my PC doctor's office and in Maryland you need a script to get one done. I spoke with her and she was ok with me getting one…