brynniebo Member


  • I'm in! Have lost 15 pounds with MFP and joining the gym.....another 20 for me would be awesome....
  • luv, luv zumba! I do zumba three times a week and believe me it does get easier.... I too have bad knees so I substitute some of the moves that bother my knees. As our instructor says the most important part is to just keep moving...... make sure your shoes allow you to slide...... this will help reduce stress on the…
  • thanks for the advice..... I have another 40 pounds to lose, but am setting mini goals for myself (ie, the 5 pound goal) in the next 3 weeks...... I will start today by upping my calories and see how that goes....... I know they say that muscle weighs more than fat (hard to wrap my brain around that) and my clothes are…
  • I'm in the same boat! I work out daily (treadmill, zumba, weights).... and eat approx. 1200 calories per day (most days I'm under that 1200 range) and am stuck.... (actually put on 2 pounds from my lowest recorded weight).... I am scared to eat more as is recommended, but will give it a try.......I've lost 13 pounds since…
  • thanks for asking this question.... I've been wondering the same. All the advice is good....... I too am working on losing the belly..... I do cardio 5 days a week coupled with some strength training.... I try to do tummy crunches 5 days as well. I am determined to lose the belly.......
  • Great job! I too am close to being in Onederland...... and it is a huge goal for me! To coin a saying from another weightloss program....."nothings tastes as good as slim feels"! I keep telling myself that everyday.... and I love love the feeling of baggy clothes! Went shopping yesterday and bought a size smaller pantsI'm…
  • thanks everyone..... the good news is that my clothes are definately fitting so much better and I'm actually in some things that I haven't worn for a looooong time..... so my body is shrinking..... I'm determined.........
  • thanks everyone.... I went to the site and got a good idea on the number of calories.... I will use that number as my guide........
  • Thanks everyone....I clearly need to eat more to take in my net 1200......the good news is the pounds are.coming off and I feel great!