stuck and frustrated

I work out daily (treadmill, zumba, weights).... and eat approx. 1200 calories per day (most days I'm under that 1200 range) and am stuck.... (actually put on 2 pounds from my lowest recorded weight).... I am scared to eat more as is recommended, but will give it a try.......I've lost 13 pounds since the beginning of August and have a goal for another 5 pounds in the next 3 weeks (before we leave on a vacation)....... any other suggestions? brynniebo


  • angiek2322
    angiek2322 Posts: 68 Member
    up your calories.....i did. at first I gained 5 lbs (TOM working in there too) But then the weight that I had gained dropped off (fast) and I've lost an additional .5 pound. It comes off slower when you don't have as much to lose. It's hard to up those calories....but it will work. Good Luck:)
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Get those cals up!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    sounds like too little with that amount of exercise.. possibly the deficit is TOO HIGH.

    Try zig zagging calories so eat highest on days you do the most then lower on rest day.. I'm trying that at the minute in hope I can get a bit more off. They say to not have a deficit of more than 800 cals I think... 500 is often the most recommended cos of 500 a day for 7 days = 3,500 that you need to lose a pound a week.. (i think.. maths never was my strong point)
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    Are you drinking plenty of water? Also, I know it sounds strange, but you need to increase your calories. If you are only consuming 1200 or less and then burning more during workouts, then your body is going into starvation mode and will not burn fat b/c it is scared to let go. Research shows that you are supppose to consume the calories you burn. So, if you burn 350 calories you should be eating 1550 calories per day and this will net your calorie bank with 1200.
  • brynniebo
    brynniebo Posts: 20 Member
    thanks for the advice..... I have another 40 pounds to lose, but am setting mini goals for myself (ie, the 5 pound goal) in the next 3 weeks...... I will start today by upping my calories and see how that goes....... I know they say that muscle weighs more than fat (hard to wrap my brain around that) and my clothes are fitting so much better ......... thanks again for the advice.:wink:
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    bump up your calories and make sure you eat them after you burn them
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Don't be scared, I've done that for you! Please see my blog (link below)