

  • Sorry for being a little awol, I had a convention this past weekend and wound up having to take my boyfriend to the hospital for dehydration/his heart feeling funny. He gave himself an arrhythmia. -.-' Gained a little from my pre-convention status, but I figured not passing out was probably more necessary. Hope everyone's…
  • Hey guys! I'm back! [Presuming you don't mind my being back... ^^;] I've been gaining like crazy and it's not putting me in a good mood (21st birthday two days ago, all the liquid calories), especially since my foot is injured and I can't DDR, so maybe my Ravenclaws can help me out? House challenges look a bit interesting…
  • Checking in for the week - things are still so crazy here that I don't think I'll be able to do much more than a weekly check-in, sorry guys. =[ Weight: 153.6 OWLS - negligible, I barely keep track anymore. Exercise minutes: 215
  • Gwen, that sounds slightly nightmareish, especially if it's just for a potential employer... I hope you find something that works out better. I got righteously sick off of something earlier today - probably McDonalds. Yeah, I know that's a bad idea in general, but I wanted my darn Monopoly tab things [which weren't even on…
  • oh geez. no fast food is gonna be tough. been trying to park farther away - then again, EVERYTHING is far away with the campus i'm at >.<
  • Weight: 155.2. oof. need to drink water. Today's been a sleepy day. Three hours of sleep makes a not happy Nikki.
  • Sorry to be a bit absent - had a kinda crazy week of going to Wisconsin, then Chicago, then back and doing family stuff. However, my first attempt at highway driving went well! :D Weight will be posted tomorrow... Exercise Minutes: 330, if dancing can be included... otherwise it's about 175. OWLs were pathetic and I didn't…
  • Ravenclaws, I got my gym membership today :D
  • The only problem is that I work four hours without any breaks, and have a small one before my shift too. So by the time I got out and went grocery shopping I hadn't eaten in seven hours and that just failed. Bright side, I got a gigantic burrito for a dollar today. :D But now my eyes burn and I have to go learn…
  • Slipped up and drank pop. Been working for hours without eating. I'm hungryyyyy. [/whines]
  • Checking in. Donated blood yesterday, so I ate a rather small mountain of food in order to get my blood sugar back up. Soooo weigh in isn't as good as I'd hope today. =[ [i put on 2lbs in one day, eep.] Weight: 154.2 Exercise: 0 Food: 1 Spirit: 5 Exercise: 185
  • Congrats to everyone who got something awesome, and those who have broken into a lesser 10 than they were formerly :D Today's been a taxing day. Every other Friday I'm with preschoolers for 2 1/2 hours straight, and today they weren't listening to anything I was saying. =/ Taking some de-stressing time, then maybe cleaning…
  • For some reason I'm obnoxiously hungry today... AND it's an anniversary with the boyfriend, so we're getting ice cream, so I KNOW I'm gonna go over, but hopefully not by too much. Also have a job application to fill out... *fingers crossed* ps, that indian food was awesome.
  • Congrats to the Prefects! Went shopping for some new Asian/Indian food today. We'll see how that tastes tomorrow. I'm not doing so hot on this fat thing.
  • Checking in. Got my reading for psychology done, still have a total of five chapters left between my three other courses ;~; My grandmother also took me out for dinner, so I went over on fat... I was doing good today, too =/ Oh well.
  • CW: 152.4 Protein: +5 Check In: +7 Exercise: +0 (I suck at squats.) October Goal: 150.
  • hey, you lot. checking in =p Lion King was awesome. Though I annoyed the boyfriend by singing every song. XD I'll weigh in on Sunday~
  • Checking in. I don't feel too hot tonight. But I'm going to see the Lion King. IN 3-D! *makes that epic deep voice* Been doing good on protein, but I don't think I'm gonna make it tonight =/ We'll see if I can mix something up to make it.
  • Hello ladies! Excellent that all of you are getting compliments :D Everyone is working pretty hard. Today, if I have time, I am going to check the hours on the gym here at college so I can maybe join and work out between classes and work. We'll see how that goes, I've got a few errands too (applying for a new job - my old…
  • Hey Ravenclaw - it's awfully dreary here today. Horrible for going to school and work in. Got some good homework time in though... Hope the weather is better for all of you.
  • Happy Sunday, Ravenclaw! Exercise: Still 0 =/ Food: 1 (finally did so today, I believe) Spirit: 5, with today. Exercise minutes: roughly 315 (don't know how long I got dragged around WWII Days taking pictures of tanks/soldiers, but that's probably close) Also forgot to weigh in this morning =/ Gonna go with yesterday's…
  • I agree with everyone on the chocolate bit. I've been eating some, and I usually NEVER like chocolate ;~; Will weigh in tomorrow morning once I get to a scale - I'm not home tonight - but for now: Exercise: 0 Food: 0 Spirit: 4, I believe, with today.
  • Hey Ravenclaw - got all the bones inventoried for my new primary job, although the department won't get back to me to tell me whether or not they want it specific down to which side of the body they're from :grumble: Might just send it off and tell them to stuff it. We'll see what happens by the time my shift rolls around…
  • Trying to be consistant with my eating habits so I don't wind up with a stomachache - probably gonna wind up going over my goal with that, though. Why must Pumpkin Spice Bagels be so tempting >.<
  • This lasagna my mom and I are having for dinner tonight baffles me. One serving is only 170 calories. What with all the pasta and cheese, you'd think differently... or I would, anyways. Hmmm. Gonna have to drink more water than usual to counteract all the sodium though ^^;
  • House Spirit - +1? Food - +0 - poptarts will be the death of me. Avoiding the Scale - +4 So i'm gonna go with 5 OWLs. exercise minutes = 185 Weight Loss: 157 - 154.8 = 2.2lbs, somehow.
  • Hey Ravenclaw. I really DO feel bad about not reporting in, but full-time student status plus two jobs are kinda kicking me all over the place. I hardly go on the computer for anything anymore >.< I'm trying to keep track of my exercise points: This week I have 125 so far (starting on Sunday). Weight's gone up: I hover…
  • oh wow, school starting kicked my *kitten* as far as posting >.< weigh in: 151.0 (weird, round weight) can guarantee i didn't get any of the challenges, if there were any, so yeah. see you all on Platform 9 3/4!!
  • hey guys :D had a slip-up day yesterday for no apparent reason - cravings... *shakes fist* not doing too well today either, but i WILL stay around my calorie goals. no money to buy new fruits/veggies, fail on that challenge :[ have 20 bucks to last me til financial aid gets in [mid-september, eek] so we'll see what i can…
  • checking in for the day - actually managed to stay around my general calorie goal. oh yeah. [after a couple no-count days, or unable to count days, i'm happy to finally have some sort of guide to what i'm doing] how are you guys doing?