Ravenclaw Common Room



  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    I cannot BELIEVE I lost again this week! It was killing me to not have a scale to check myself, but I made it through! 160.2 lbs today!
    OWLs: 9
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    I am TIRED! (I did a parade! IT was FUN!)

    Weight 203.2
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    7 OWL Exercise
    OWL Food/Water - No

    House Points - 60
    Exercise- 77

    I was gong most of last week (getting ready for the parade.) Hopefully the coming week will be better
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Saturday 17/9/11 Weigh in at 102 Ibs no change OWL Exercise -no OWL Food/Water - no 1OWLPost House Points – 170

    Update on house points for Saturday 200 House Points :)

    Can someone please look at food diary and tell me if I have the fiber thing right lol am having a blonde moment and still don't understand that challenge.
    @TwiFan5 - you've got your diary set up right. Now you need to get some fiber in your diet. It looks like you're way under every day. Add fresh fruits and veggies. Or whole grain bread, oatmeal, beans...

    And I'm confused with your weekly weigh-in stats. What were your total OWLS (not weighing every day and staying under on sugar) and House Points for the entire week last week? I had you down for 2 OLWs and 60 House Points - is that right?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    7 OWL Exercise
    OWL Food/Water - No

    House Points - 60
    Exercise- 77

    I was gong most of last week (getting ready for the parade.) Hopefully the coming week will be better
    @tigersmoondiva: so, how many total house points do you have? 60, 77 or 137? Exercise minutes are house points so I don't understand your breakdown. ~Thanks!

    Parades are fun, aren't they? I've been in several through the years and always have a blast! :)
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaws!

    I'm so sorry I've been MIA this week in the common room. I'm getting used to a new routine around the house now that my hubby is home working in the area and not traveling for the first time since March. Though I haven't been very diligent in following the challenges or logging into the common room, I have been logging in my calories and exercise. So, I can contribute 1260 exercise points (that is if 1260 minutes of exercise = 1260 pojnts?). I'm still not certain how the whole point thing works. I can also report that I weigh 173 this morning. A 1 pound loss from last week!

    I will do my best to log in daily and follow the challenges this week. Today my son and I will start to train for the next 5k in December. He told me last Sunday when I ran my first 5k that I inspired him to want to run the next race. He'll be 8 this coming Friday and he plays soccer. I'm so proud of him and I know this training will help with his stamina on the playing field.

    Have a great week everyone!!
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws!! Happy Sunday (AND GO RAVENS!!)

    Here are my House (exercise) points for this week Sun through Sat: 413

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I walked yesterday, and ran some errands, but I was a complete slug yesterday. Mostly lounged around the house napping and reading.

    Totals for week of 9/11
    House Spirit (post ) - +7
    Food (sugar) - +7
    Exercise (scale avoidance) - +7
    21 OWLs
    exercise minutes = 200
    Weight loss = 1.2 lbs, weighed in at 190.4 (oooh, so close to the 180's!)

    *Progress towards week of 9/18 OWLS -9/18 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +0
    Food (fiber) - +0
    Exercise (calisthenics) - +0 - <--not expecting much here.

    *September exercise minutes*
    Month to date total = 415
    Week 9/18 to date total = 45
    9/18 exercise minutes - 30 min walking, 15 min weight training
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning to all!! i am checking in with my stats for week 2:

    -weight 179.2 for a 1.2lb loss

    -OWLS: staying off the scales =7
    check ins =7
    staying under on sugar =1 (major fail!!)
    total =15

    -House Points=257 exercise minutes

    I obviously had trouble with the sugar and it was a struggle to stay off the scales. hopefully i will do better with this weeks challenges, though they sound like they will also be a stretch for me. best of luck to us all!! GO RAVENCLAW!!
  • NikkiMustang77
    House Spirit - +1?
    Food - +0 - poptarts will be the death of me.
    Avoiding the Scale - +4
    So i'm gonna go with 5 OWLs.
    exercise minutes = 185

    Weight Loss:
    157 - 154.8 = 2.2lbs, somehow.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Sunday already? Weekends almost gone :(

    Today's Totals:
    Exercise: +1
    Food: 0
    Spirit: +1

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS: 4 House Points: 70
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    BTW Sue- take your time with this week's results- I really like my prefect badge!!!
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    Hey guys, I created a chatroom on my IRC network. If you wanna come and hang out and talk in real time just type http://mfp.starfleetirc.net in your web browser and input a username and it will bring you right to the network. I created this chat room so that we have a place where we can chat in real time with people going through the samething we are, without having to wait for someone to respond to our posts. Hope to see you all there :D
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Love the idea, I'm going to check in the chat room all the time! my boyfriend is sick of hearing about it
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Ok, time for my daily check-in/weekly weigh-in. Last week I was at 150. I weighed in at 148 when I got up today. *HAPPY DANCE*!!!!!!! I finally for the first time in ten years, have met my personal goal and made it down under 150! AND this brought my bmi down into the normal range from overweight!!!

    Total OWLs for this week-12

    House points for the week-190
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    Way to go! Keep up the great work!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thanks guys! You're doing a really good job checking in this week. I appreciate the effort!!

    We still need weigh-ins for:


    Good night everyone!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Saturday 17/9/11 Weigh in at 102 Ibs no change OWL Exercise -no OWL Food/Water - no 1OWLPost House Points – 170

    Update on house points for Saturday 200 House Points :)

    Can someone please look at food diary and tell me if I have the fiber thing right lol am having a blonde moment and still don't understand that challenge.
    @TwiFan5 - you've got your diary set up right. Now you need to get some fiber in your diet. It looks like you're way under every day. Add fresh fruits and veggies. Or whole grain bread, oatmeal, beans...

    And I'm confused with your weekly weigh-in stats. What were your total OWLS (not weighing every day and staying under on sugar) and House Points for the entire week last week? I had you down for 2 OLWs and 60 House Points - is that right?

    Ok then thank you for that clarification.

    My total OWLS for last week 10th - 16th were Exercise - 6, Food/Water - 0, House Spirit - 7,so that brings me to a total of 13 OWLS.
    My house points total for last week was 470 points :)
    Hope that helped.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Woohooo!! Congrats to Scarlettdawn764! :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Saturday 17/9/11 Weigh in at 102 Ibs no change OWL Exercise -no OWL Food/Water - no 1OWLPost House Points – 170

    Update on house points for Saturday 200 House Points :)

    Can someone please look at food diary and tell me if I have the fiber thing right lol am having a blonde moment and still don't understand that challenge.
    @TwiFan5 - you've got your diary set up right. Now you need to get some fiber in your diet. It looks like you're way under every day. Add fresh fruits and veggies. Or whole grain bread, oatmeal, beans...

    And I'm confused with your weekly weigh-in stats. What were your total OWLS (not weighing every day and staying under on sugar) and House Points for the entire week last week? I had you down for 2 OLWs and 60 House Points - is that right?

    Ok then thank you for that clarification.

    My total OWLS for last week 10th - 16th were Exercise - 6, Food/Water - 0, House Spirit - 7,so that brings me to a total of 13 OWLS.
    My house points total for last week was 470 points :)
    Hope that helped.
    Yep - that's exactly what I needed. Thanks!