Ravenclaw Common Room



  • Kellllog
    Kellllog Posts: 81 Member
    Sorry for not posting - I got stuck in the library!

    This morning I weighed in at 138.3kg - a loss of 1.9kg since my last weigh in. My goal for September is 135.0kg.
    I've got 470 House Points for exercise this week, and 5 OWLS for exercise and just 1 for water.
  • Kellllog
    Kellllog Posts: 81 Member
    Morning all! (It's Saturday morning here in BKK) I have a question about the house challenge... Let me explain... Yesterday (the first day of the challenge for me) I swam for 30 minutes and boxed for 30 minutes. I log both of these as cardio. I also did 30 minutes of weight training with my trainer. I don't log these because it's pure strength training and, according to mfp, doesn't count (which makes me mad because it's waaaay harder than 30 mins swimming!!) So, when I record exercise minutes for the challenge, do I count cardio minutes logged here, or total minutes? Total minutes is better for Ravenclaws obviously, but I don't want to cheat!!

    Day two of challenge for me, but yesterday I was OWLs: 2, Housepoints: 60 (or maybe 90)!!

    You can log strength training by minutes under cardio and then it will count on MFP :)
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    Checking in for the new term!

    Here are my numbers for this last week

    Weight: 259.0 lbs
    OWLs: 14 (1 for posting, 6 for exercise, 7 for food)

    I'll have my exercise minutes to add in next time!

    Do they start from September 1st or the weigh-in day (the 2nd)?
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    Good morning fellow Ravenclaws!! SO sorry I've been MIA for the past few weeks. WIth the hubby gone restoring power to hurricane victims and me battoning down the hatches and then clean up from the hurricane, getting the boy ready for the first day of school and getting back into the swing on things...it's been out of control BUSY around here. So, this is the first oopotunity I've had to get into the common room to see what's been going on lately.

    I guess I should start by weighing in....last time I reported, I believe I was 175...today I'm 174. And I'm setting my September goal for 4 pounds again. I'd love to see the one 160's by the end of the month, but I'll settle for a "170" on the scale.

    As for the Inter-house challenge that started, I haven't had a chance to really read all the rules, not to mention I haven't been keeping up with the challenges...and probably won't until after this holiday weekend. So...on Tuesday I will officially start participating!

    Until then...cheers to you all and hope you have a fabulous weekend!! Stay safe to all who are in the gulf region and experiencing TS Lee! May the wind and rain damage be minimal.

    :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws!

    Checking in for the day- last Saturday before school starts :( Trying to get outside and enjoy the weather and my kids before the craziness starts.

    1 Owl for exercise (walk with the kids)
    1 exercise for water
    1 Owl for checking in
    45 house points for my walk

    (Week so far: 6 Owls, 115 house points)

    Good question about strength training. If I do a Jillian Michaels video (ripped in 30 for now) does that count towards house points? If so I need to change my numbers!!!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Happy Labor Day Weekend Ravenclaws! :glasses:

    Sorry I've been so quiet. I had a work deadline yesterday, and I've been spending my evenings going through discovery documents for my civil case. (I'm suing a construction company for installing a failing storm water system that floods my house.) I'm attending a Records Custodian Deposition next Friday because the construction company isn't producing all of their documents. Naughty, naughty. I also know that I am glad I never wanted to be an attorney. What a slow process with dreary procedures and paperwork. :ohwell:

    If you wonder where I am, that's what's going on at the moment.

    Meanwhile, I attended an informative lecture on Thursday that gave me some suggestions on what to tweak in my fitness plan. I literally drug my boyfriend to go with me (he wants to lose weight too, but...) I was hoping he would get some benefit from the lecture, but I sold it as support for me while I'm losing weight. So he went, grumbling all the way. By the end of the lecture he was very enthusiastic and wanted to make some changes to his diet. Double win.

    I installed a break timer on my work computer this week. I've set it to go off every hour, give me three desk exercises and then a reminder to get up from my desk and move. I use that time to drink my water, walk down the hall, and get a refill. It seems pretty effective. It's a free, open source application called WorkRave. http://www.workrave.org/download/

    Weigh in day tomorrow, and the first Sunday of the month. Time for photos and measurements. I'll report my weekly numbers tomorrow.

    Oh, and another new scale, but I think my progress will look much better this week.:happy:

    *week of 8/28 OWLS*
    House Spirit/Posts - +7
    Rainbow meals - +6 (today's not over yet)
    Targeted Exercise - +5 (WorkRave-Take regular desk breaks, today's not over yet)

    *September exercise minutes*
    Month to date total = 60
    9/3 stats - Walking - 30, weight training 30
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    EXERCISE: 3 (swimming, Karate, skating)

    FOOD: 3

    Water - yes?


    House Points: 2768 (since Monday)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    happy saturday to all. getting a bit humid here for me for biking...also having trouble with my bike chain. it keeps coming off and once it jammed causing me to fall-minor injury to my wrist and major injury to my pride!! might have to do an inside workout today. i actually slept in until 9:15 and didn't get my usual early morning workout in.
    EXERCISE: 3 (swimming, Karate, skating)

    FOOD: 3

    Water - yes?


    House Points: 2768 (since Monday)

    that's 46 hours of exercise if you mean 2768 minutes!!! if isn't a typo, that quite impressive!!
  • Sarac715
    Sarac715 Posts: 55 Member
    My weigh in is at 140 and my september goal is 138. I am a little confused about the challenges, so I am not sure what to say for the owls and all that...
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws! It is a blisteringly hot day at Mizzou today. But,

    I walked to the football game, so 1 OWL
    I have drnak my weight in water today due to the heat, so 1 OWL
    and I'm writing in here, so 1 OWL.

    I need to work out today (maybe?) so I'll try to get some house points for us.
    Also, the rec is closed today, and I have church tomorrow, so I will weigh myself Monday morning.

    Have a good day y'all!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I wish there was an easier way to make things stand out! :laugh:

    Please read this blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/azsuzi/view/hogwarts-september-inter-house-challenge-ravenclaw-house-144095

    This is the information you will need for this week's challenges. If you're already counting house points, OWLs, etc, make sure you're doing it right. IF YOU HAVE NOT WEIGHED IN YET THIS WEEK, DO NOT START COUNTING POINTS YET!! Your weigh-in day will determine what day you start counting points in the new week.

    I need to apologize - in trying to juggle everything for this new challenge and new set of rules, I have totally lost track of where we were last week for the in-house competition. Sorry guys - no prefect this week. :ohwell:

    If you have not already - remember to give me your goal weight for September!

    Here are the challenges for Week 1 September:
    Ravenclaw house challenges for Week 1 September - start on these the day you weigh in.

    EXERCISE: earn 1 OWL for each day you meet this challenge
    Just Move! - take the stairs instead of the elevator; park on the fringes and walk across the parking lot to the store or office; walk or ride your bike for short errands instead of using the car - you get the idea!

    FOOD: earn 1 OWL for each day you meet this challenge
    Drink Water! - drink at least 64 ounces (8 cups) of water each day or if you already do, add a couple more cups for good measure! I'm going back to this because so many of us don't drink enough water. Did you know that water actually helps flush the fat out of your body, keeps your brain more alert and helps you to not feel so hungry? Your urine should be almost clear - if it is thick yellow, you need more water!!

    HOUSE SPIRIT: earn 1 OWL for each day you drop by the common room and post something to let us all know how your day is going.

    House Points: This is for the inter-house challenge. Keep track of how many minutes you exercise each day - you earn 1 House Point for each exercise minute. Report these each weekend when you weigh in.

    Good luck everyone!! Let the games begin! :bigsmile:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw! Busy, busy morning organizing our new charts and information!!

    Weighing in today at 158.5 - FINALLY made it into the 150's - WOOHOOO!!! That is a 2 pound drop for me this week! My goal for September is 150!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    ooh! Thanks for the clarification Sue!
    I wish there was an easier way to make things stand out! :laugh:

    Please read this blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/azsuzi/view/hogwarts-september-inter-house-challenge-ravenclaw-house-144095

    This is the information you will need for this week's challenges. If you're already counting house points, OWLs, etc, make sure you're doing it right. IF YOU HAVE NOT WEIGHED IN YET THIS WEEK, DO NOT START COUNTING POINTS YET!! Your weigh-in day will determine what day you start counting points in the new week.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I just went to http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/azsuzi/view/hogwarts-september-inter-house-challenge-ravenclaw-house-144095 and gave it a vote so it shows up in the Popular Blog Posts section.

    Woo Hoo! Go Ravenclaw!
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member

    House Points: 2768 (since Monday)

    THIS was wrong - I was looking at the wrong numbers

    After roller skating this evening this is 1429.

    :) I don't think I can imagine nearly 3000 minutes in exercise....
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    September goal weight : 195
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    today i went to the city with my sister, and instead of taking the subway or a cab, we figured we would get in a nice cardio work out and walked all the way from grand central to ground zero, and back again! and for those of you who don't know new york city that well, that's probably about 7 miles, BUT....we made a couple detours and it came out to about 4 solid hours of walking and i'm guessing about 10 miles :noway: , so that's 240 points? :bigsmile:
  • It's been raining nonstop today and my gym is closed for the whole weekend! Such a bummer, but I'm hoping to get back in there on Monday when they open to get some house points.

    Does our original post saying our goal count as an OWL for that day for posting?
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    Tomorrow will be my first day back golly I am very excited........although this week has not been the best so we shall see if my weight went up.... eeek wish me luck ravenclaws.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw!! happy sunday to all. sorry to say that my beloved bicycle is in the hospital. :cry: having trouble with the chain. my schedule this week won't allow much riding and it's supposed to be a rainy week here so i figured this was a good week to have her checked out. i'll have to find something else to hold my interest while i earn House points. :ohwell:
    hope everyone is having a great weekend. to all of my friends in the US-have a wonderful Labor Day weekend...watch those points at your picnics!! GO RAVENCLAW!!!

    House Points: 2768 (since Monday)

    THIS was wrong - I was looking at the wrong numbers

    After roller skating this evening this is 1429.

    :) I don't think I can imagine nearly 3000 minutes in exercise....

    is this minutes or calories burned? to earn House Points we need to track our exercise minutes-not calories burned.