Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning fellow Ravenclaws,

    I had a question kinda silly I know but four colors what does that mean?

    4 foods of different colors. Example: carrots, green bean, blueberries, strawberries. orange, green, blue, red.

    And keep it healthy - ice cream with multi-colored sprinkles does not count!! :laugh:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    And keep it healthy - ice cream with multi-colored sprinkles does not count!! :laugh:

    bummer, i was totally going for the sprinkles tonight!!
    i that case, i guess i'll have to use my multicolored lunch instead!! :laugh:
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    I am weighing in at 159. no weight lost this week but that is because i was a bit of a slacker. Goal for sept is to be 150lbs and points hmm 2 points for salads with different colors and abs one day.

    um owls and house points are there going to be two different challenges??
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Can't weigh in today so will weigh in tomorrow and will also tell you my September goal depending on what I weigh.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    um owls and house points are there going to be two different challenges??

    Yup - two challenges, or rather, types of challenges.

    1) House points will be the minutes of exercise you do each day. These will be totaled and used in the inter-house competition to determine the House Cup winner at the end of the month. So the more you exercise, the better chance we have of winning!

    2) OWLs will be our in-house points earned for meeting the Ravenclaw weekly challenges and posting. You will earn 1 OWL each day you meet the Ravenclaw challenge and 1 OWL each day you drop in the common room and post something. These will be used to determine each week's Prefect.

    Weekly weight loss percentages will be used to determine the inter-house Quidditch winner each week.

    Soooo - lots going on starting next week!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    I can't believe the Hogwarts Express is leaving so soon! Had to go to Diagon Alley this past weekend to get new robes--my old ones were too big! :laugh:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Since we have two Ravenclaws who are going to weigh in tomorrow, I'll wait to post our weekly chart.

    Have a good night everyone!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    I can't believe the Hogwarts Express is leaving so soon! Had to go to Diagon Alley this past weekend to get new robes--my old ones were too big! :laugh:

    this is why i LOVE this group!!! you guys are awesome!! :laugh:
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    Sorry guys! Stupid hurricane! I've had no power since Saturday night, so I'm trying to catch up with everything on my phone. I couldn't miss my ravenclaw weigh in!! :)

    Last week - 209.8
    This week - 208.2

    Week's loss - 1.6 lbs.
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Well... it's official. I hate scales. When I left for school, my scale at home said I was 226.5. This morning I weighed myself at the rec here at school and it said I was 233. There is no way I could have gained almost 7 pounds in a week, when I have been under calories almost every day, worked out consistently and scrutinized over the dining hall menus over what I could eat. So I guess there's only three options:

    1) My scale at home is off.
    2) The scale at the rec is off
    3) I really am a fat *kitten* who can't lose weight and instead gains seven pounds in a week.

    I think it's most likely option one, because the scale at the rec is the kind you see at the doctor's offices. It could be option three though.

    This is just so frustrating, I just want to curl back up into bed and forget about everything else today. Screw classes.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Bethany I'm sure its not option three! And if it is, then fingers crossed for next week, i'm sure you'll see results soon!
    Am just posting to show off really-in two days i have done both challenges, and... 135 minutes of exercise! I know the exercise minutes challenge doesn't start yet but if i keep this up i'm getting us a lot of house points!!

    My target for September is 178lb, this will put me into the 'overweight' category instead of obese!! Enjoy your week ravenclaws
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Well... it's official. I hate scales.

    1) My scale at home is off.
    2) The scale at the rec is off
    3) I really am a fat *kitten* who can't lose weight and instead gains seven pounds in a week.

    What about just plain old water retention? I changed scales this week too, and I'm up 3.8. Fortunately we haven't started the inter-house challenge. If you think about it, it gives us a leg up. Your showing a gain before the Quidditch cup challenge, not during.

    My boyfriend decided that the new scale was a piece of junk (it was originally his), so he did some research and bought another one. At least he thinks it's wrong, and that I'm definitely losing weight. LOL
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    My target for September is 178lb, this will put me into the 'overweight' category instead of obese!! Enjoy your week ravenclaws

    Great goal Lottee! I recently moved from obese to overweight, and it feels great to drop that label.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Well... it's official. I hate scales. When I left for school, my scale at home said I was 226.5. This morning I weighed myself at the rec here at school and it said I was 233. There is no way I could have gained almost 7 pounds in a week, when I have been under calories almost every day, worked out consistently and scrutinized over the dining hall menus over what I could eat. So I guess there's only three options:

    1) My scale at home is off.
    2) The scale at the rec is off
    3) I really am a fat *kitten* who can't lose weight and instead gains seven pounds in a week.

    I think it's most likely option one, because the scale at the rec is the kind you see at the doctor's offices. It could be option three though.

    This is just so frustrating, I just want to curl back up into bed and forget about everything else today. Screw classes.

    Hey Bethany - this is what I posted on your thread...
    Scales are indeed infuriating. And you will probably see another weight shift when you finally get your own. From my experience, even weighing with light-weight pjs on makes about a 5 pound difference. So if you were weighing with nothing on, first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything and now you're weighing fully clothed after breakfast - yes, you will see an increase.

    Also, if you're working out more now that you're back at school, your muscles are going to hold on to water to help them heal - which will show as a weight gain temporarily. Make sure you're drinking lots of water to help flush the toxins from your system. It seems backwards, but drinking water really is necessary to help you lose weight.

    Try to stay positive - what truly matters is how your clothes are fitting and how your body feels. The scales are just a tool to help you guage your progress. I'm so proud of you for sticking with it! :flowerforyou:

    We're all here for you!!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    1) My scale at home is off.
    2) The scale at the rec is off
    3) I really am a fat *kitten* who can't lose weight and instead gains seven pounds in a week.

    i vote for #1 or what gwen and azsuzi said about water retention. you are not a fat *kitten*. you have just shifted to a new scales. you need to start your trend all over again and go by the numbers this scale says, but don't try to compare weights from 2 different scales...apples and oranges!! you can do this and we are definitely here for you!! :flowerforyou:
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    so if were not starting till next week what is happening this week are we still keeping track??
  • missbeccaanne
    I was just wondering to we put our points in everyday, or just at the end of the week when we weigh in?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    @samiwhereareyou: we are keeping track of rainbow meals, exercising our neglected body parts and daily posting for our OWLs to determine the week's prefect. We'll start counting our exercise minutes next week for House Points.

    @missbeccaanne: post your points on Sunday when you weigh in. I count my points Sunday thru Saturday for each week's totals.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Am weighing in at 100 Ibs and my September goal is 98 Ibs am trying to take it easy and slow. I will start keeping track of my points next week. :)
  • NikkiMustang77
    oh wow, school starting kicked my *kitten* as far as posting >.<
    weigh in: 151.0 (weird, round weight)
    can guarantee i didn't get any of the challenges, if there were any, so yeah.
    see you all on Platform 9 3/4!!